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So I thought the internet stood for international(not news related)




Can I not find one single website not based in my country.

I search out of country google, or yahoo or even supposed in country search engines.

So how do I leave my country's internet.

I thought it be simple as

but sadly no.

I hate my life.


Basicly I wanna see what stupid videos and things other countries are up to and feel like I know something about the world.


computers are not my thing SO FRUSTRATING.
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We gave your country the internet for christmas as the US's Internic was doing such a poor job of maintaining it. You should be priviledged to own the biggest collection of porn known to man!

Please be sure to get mummy to tuck it in at night as it does get very intimidated by the dirty pigeons.


bowlgrinder said:
Can I not find one single website not based in my country.

I search out of country google, or yahoo or even supposed in country search engines.

So how do I leave my country's internet.

but sadly no.

I hate my life.

Can I not find one single website not based on my planet.

I search out of planet google, or yahoo or even supposed in planet search engines.

So how do I leave my planet's internet.

but sadly no.

I think the problem is that your computers on the planet Uran-anus are not compateble with Bill Gates highly and finely tuned machine. May i suggest that you visit planet Earth to pick up a hard copy of the latest Windows Exploder. Please remember to have all your shots before you come here as we have enough disease here as it is.
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My apologies for the angry tone and quick grammer.
All very good reply's, I loved the "planet" one and the "biggest collection of porn" one those are great.
Though you missed my country of origin (Don't worry I get that a good bit)

Anyway please continue the funny comments

But back to the matter at hand.

I can't leave my countries cyberspace.
Maybe I missed a class or something point is most major countries have internet and I want to get in to them.
How do I do this?
I really can't figure it out as stupid as this sounds :laughing: .


The best way to access other countries web's is to take the red pill from Morpheus. This allows you to detatch from your local matrix and be free to potter around. You will need to live on a slop of amino acids that looks like porridge and have a big ring in the back of your head but at least you get to have fun with telephones and i'm sure your very familiar with having a ring so to speak!

Alternatively you can take the blue pill and stay within your restricted access area. Personally i'd prefer you took the blue pill as i'm having fun out here and you sound a little depressing really.

PS, please dont tell Agent Smith i wrote to you. He's a little pissed i beat him at pacman.

Joe Hawkins

Active member
The "Internet" means YOUR Country
The "Interwebs" is the Global Community

Net, like little hair net

Webs, like big spider webs
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
It is your ip address that gives you away, that is how they know where you are

You would have to spoof your ip to something from your target country to access the info you are looking for

For example. fox.com has full episodes of shows that you can watch via their website, but only if you are in the US, they know I am a Canadian the minute I log in, because of the different laws here(even though I get fox already on my cable) it does not include the commercials that a Canadian broadcaster paid for the rights to show during that program


all praises are due to the Most High
Joe Hawkins said:
The "Internet" means YOUR Country
The "Interwebs" is the Global Community

Net, like little hair net

Webs, like big spider webs

"Interweb (sometimes interwebs, intarweb(s), or rendered in leet spellings as 1n73rw3b and other variations) is an ironic term used to indicate inexperience by intentionally and incorrectly merging the terms 'Internet' and 'World Wide Web'. The joke is that many inexperienced users access content on the World Wide Web (or "Web") via the "Internet" without knowing what either is.[1]

The term interweb originated as a response to the ever-increasing influx of inexperienced users to the Internet's forums and chat rooms. Whereas the Internet had previously been the exclusive domain of the tech-savvy, it was now attracting millions of newcomers (newbies) who were now participating in it (often with poor netiquette)..."



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
sites in brazil end in .br & in finland it's .fi & in the netherlands it's .nl and .uk in britain etc.......

if you can't navigate out to sites call your ISP


Not blocked I'm just dumb.
So I guess I can't search other countries internet like I was actually there.
Damn, would have been cool.
I mean seriously the Japanese are insane imagine what there internet is like for example.


If you just want to surf websites in other languages with their content, just find out what the .com is. If that makes any sense hehe.

For example, I am taking German and i use www.google.de all the time.

Edit: Just saw Stoner4Life already pointed out what I was talking about. He also listed a lot more of em than I did.
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all praises are due to the Most High
hello Joe, you may be right about that...
you know, i did not know what ´interwebs´ were, so i looked it up and for some reason posted the results :D apologies :)



C'mon people!!!!

C'mon people!!!!

WTF folks?

It's clear that OP is painfully ignorant as to the nature of the internet, but it seems people would rather have a good laugh at their expense than offer a helping hand.

A couple of snarky comments would be one thing if the nessessary information was offered, but it was precious few bothering to disabuse this poor soul of the misapprehentions held regarding the internet.

OK here's the scoop people havn't been clueing you into:

The internet, while founded by the US, is a decidedly international phenom.
Each country doesn't have it's own internet, and it is unnessessary for a person to "leave their country's internet" in order to see what everyone else in the world sees.

While many sites like youtube and goodle have versions optimized for a particular country, one can always go to the default or US version of the site by entering the appropriate internet address.

for google it is www.google.com
for youtube it is www.youtube.com

Usually the plain .com version of the site is the generic/US version

All the internet is, is various computers that host the various sites, connected by other computers that are connected to the ISP's. You ask your ISP for a site, the ISP ask's the other sites until the information is bucket-brigaded to your home computer.

That said, the information must pass between routers and ultimatly routers in your own country which are subject to that countries laws.

China for example, programs their routers (by law) to strip access to sites the state considers "innapropriate"

Other routers on other countries are programmed to re-direct requests to that countries version of the page, so for example a router in happyland may redirect a request for www.google.com to the happyland version of google instead.

You can get around this by typing in the IP address of the site you want to see. For google it is

Enter that weird number in your address bar nad it will work unless the site is actually blocked.

You can look IP's here


As other people point out, your IP may cause re-directs anyway - this tells computers where you live, and some content providers filter their content as such. (some again, like china do it by law)

The only way around this is by "spoofing" your IP address or using a proxy. The best is a proxy, it is an intermediary that doesn't care where you are that requests the information and then sends it to you.

This won't bypass a state firewall, but will work fine for normal stuff

People are making fun because being connected to the internet at all means you are already using the internet that can show foreign pages. This is demonstrated by your finding and posting on this site.
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Weedman Herb

Al Gore posts at IC Mag ^^^^^^^^ ... The OP needs to watch Terminator 2 for a full explanation. I used to think that the Internet and the World Wide Web were 2 different "places" to surf or chat. To my juvenile Internet Fan Club this info should be worth more than Gold ... Let the bashing begin. :bashhead:
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I can set my proxy server to different countries, USA, Europe, Etc and Still have problems accessing some infomration. Even when my Ip is set to that country. It crazy cause when I travel and log onto a simple site like hotmail everythings different. I have tryed to access thru different proxy ips but to no avail


Chaghatai said:
WTF folks?

It's clear that OP is painfully ignorant as to the nature of the internet, but it seems people would rather have a good laugh at their expense than offer a helping hand.

A couple of snarky comments would be one thing if the nessessary information was offered, but it was precious few bothering to disabuse this poor soul of the misapprehentions held regarding the internet.

OK here's the scoop people havn't been clueing you into:

The internet, while founded by the US, is a decidedly international phenom.
Each country doesn't have it's own internet, and it is unnessessary for a person to "leave their country's internet" in order to see what everyone else in the world sees.

While many sites like youtube and goodle have versions optimized for a particular country, one can always go to the default or US version of the site by entering the appropriate internet address.

for google it is www.google.com
for youtube it is www.youtube.com

Usually the plain .com version of the site is the generic/US version

All the internet is, is various computers that host the various sites, connected by other computers that are connected to the ISP's. You ask your ISP for a site, the ISP ask's the other sites until the information is bucket-brigaded to your home computer.

That said, the information must pass between routers and ultimatly routers in your own country which are subject to that countries laws.

China for example, programs their routers (by law) to strip access to sites the state considers "innapropriate"

Other routers on other countries are programmed to re-direct requests to that countries version of the page, so for example a router in happyland may redirect a request for www.google.com to the happyland version of google instead.

You can get around this by typing in the IP address of the site you want to see. For google it is

Enter that weird number in your address bar nad it will work unless the site is actually blocked.

You can look IP's here


As other people point out, your IP may cause re-directs anyway - this tells computers where you live, and some content providers filter their content as such. (some again, like china do it by law)

The only way around this is by "spoofing" your IP address or using a proxy. The best is a proxy, it is an intermediary that doesn't care where you are that requests the information and then sends it to you.

This won't bypass a state firewall, but will work fine for normal stuff

People are making fun because being connected to the internet at all means you are already using the internet that can show foreign pages. This is demonstrated by your finding and posting on this site.

Okay so basicly the internet does not have separate countries.
The reason I can't find random stuff from other countries is because my country server or isp router assumes I want english results and will redirect me.

So If I use a Mexican proxy odds are I get the real mexican news.(If I type in Mexican news into the Mexican google. Not just my countries news in Mexican. (lol)

In a nutshell I don't have to do anything to leave "my countries internet" I am already on international internet and CAN see the news of mexico should I somehow find the website.

Answer was very simple, comments very funny and thread very informative.

Thanks for the reply I really was a bit sketch on the nature of the internet.

I got it now.

Hey dude was right http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/finanzas/67944.html

That's a Mexican article on tobacco.

haha this is cool.

Thanks again man. :jump:
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