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So I smell weed in my hood..


...Was cycling in my hood and from the bush near the road I smell it! Whoo hoo whiffff! Sweet skunky smell, you know...
I'm so curious what's growing out there... Not 100% sure, but 90% sure there's some skunk growing, I know the smells.... The other day I saw two guys looking pretty fracked up going out from that bush. :laughing: To make things clear, I'm not a thief and not a whistleblower I don't give a fugg, but man, it reeks from the bush!
As a true cannaseur this is a type of situation that attracts my attention. I was thinking about going there one morning with my dog and scout a bit and if I find anything I'd leave a message like "you've been spotted by ninja" or something....
So what would you do? irie!
boz :wave:


if u think there is herb up there , its best to leave it be,

the last thing you want to do is draw unwated attention to the grow.

prob best to let them be and stick to growing your own.

if i found a note at my place that said someone was here and id "been spotted by a ninja"..i would go ninja hunting

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
if u think there is herb up there , its best to leave it be,

the last thing you want to do is draw unwated attention to the grow.

prob best to let them be and stick to growing your own.

if i found a note at my place that said someone was here and id "been spotted by a ninja"..i would go ninja hunting



if u think there is herb up there , its best to leave it be,

the last thing you want to do is draw unwated attention to the grow.

prob best to let them be and stick to growing your own.

if i found a note at my place that said someone was here and id "been spotted by a ninja"..i would go ninja hunting

If you see a ninja, it actually was not a ninja!
The thing is that if I can smell it somebody else might smell it too, but that other person might not be tolerant as I am. :D


Active member
take samples. if i find weed i either get a cutting or sample a bud . they should consider themselves lucky i aint a cop or ripper.

soil margin

Active member
Yeah I would never think about stealing someone else's plant but if it's out in the open taking a little sampler is probably fair game. ;)


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If I find it I leave it. I have enough high end genetics. I have no need to steal a sample from someone.


New member
Next time you are by there with your dog, bring a gallon of fresh brewed aerobic compost tea and water their plants :)

It can only bring good karma


I hold El Roacho's
Bring them some freshly baked cookies and Introduce yourself, Don't touch what's not Yours!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
best to leave it alone, maybe someones already sampled it and the plants owner's gonna cut up the next fucker he finds near his garden, oooooops that'd be you.......


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
He made it sound like it was in a public area where you are just walking so if it is someones actual property they would be defending best not to go there lol. I do think the note warning is best though in other circumstances to save someone a trip to jail.
I think you are flirting with getting shot. It has nothing to do with you and you have no reason to be snooping around other peoples business. Unless its your property mind you own business. :ying:


curiosity killed the cat.

sometimes it's better to mind your own business..

sometimes it's better to know nothing at all and turn a blind eye..

but hey that's me :) and am a cautious one


Anyone who would shoot at or assault someone who smelled their plants and investigated, said plants being easily smelled from a public road, belongs in jail. For a long f**king time! Don't grow so close to a road seems like a smart idea.