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so for how much longer will individual patients be able to vend to clubs?


Well-known member
Wow they're changing the law on that?

Next they're gonna bitch about the black market expanding. What did you think would happen motherfuckers?

mister c

It went into effect January 1st. AB266, AB243, and SB643

But wont be issuing licenses for some time. Maybe by March-ish...depends on your county?

To answer your question...when they start issuing the licenses, you will not be able to vend to a club directly. You wont be able to even grow a decent sized crop without a license. Even with a license you will have to go through a licensed distributor, which then gets it lab tested through a licensed lab testing facility. Middlemen everywhere...its all fuct up.

They sure do a good job complicating a simple, honest, harmless weed exchange...fucking assholes.


It went into effect January 1st. AB266, AB243, and SB643

But wont be issuing licenses for some time. Maybe by March-ish...depends on your county?

To answer your question...when they start issuing the licenses, you will not be able to vend to a club directly. You wont be able to even grow a decent sized crop without a license. Even with a license you will have to go through a licensed distributor, which then gets it lab tested through a licensed lab testing facility. Middlemen everywhere...its all fuct up.

They sure do a good job complicating a simple, honest, harmless weed exchange...fucking assholes.

I'm pretty sure none of the rules go into effect until January 1st of 2018. You can also have a crop going at that time if you have a pending application also IIRC.


We'll see when they go into effect. Can't even pass a joint anymore in Ca. They are trying to legitimize the industry.... Just think if I were handing out Oxy to people who had prescriptions and I has a script for Oxy.....
They really don't want that, but cannabis is not Oxy nor even close to that horrid drug....

I say pass the joint and save some lives


Everyone is talking about permits this and that, they haven't even created the enforcement division/agency/bureau that is going to going to be issuing licenses let alone started accepting applications for permits. People need to calm down, take a deep breath, and pull their heads out of their asses.

More importantly is where this leaves the state in terms of recreational cannabis. From the sounds of it, since they don't plan on med laws going in effect till 2018, if we passed a rec law this year then one would think it would need to take effect by 2018 as well. I don't see med and rec going live at the same time so does that mean the state legislature is not envisioning recreational cannabis at this time? I know for one, I personally would want a recreational based business for a number of reasons.

Anyway, people need to get realistic here, it's not going to be the free for all extravaganza with every average joe getting an acre permit, that some people think its going to be. It's going to be a tough long road for anybody trying to go that route.


New member
From what I've read about the new system, you are 100% correct. All wen't into play Jan 2016, but as you state, they have not even created the divisions of issuance, regulation, enforcment etc. "supposedly" by end of the year, that will all be in place, but I highly doubt that.

There are a few "grandfather" clauses in the system, and liscense issuance priority will be given to (or reviewed) by operations operating prior to (I can't remember the date, pre 2016 obviously).

I did not read anything about rec-use, but I wasn't looking in that direction anyways.

I'm thinking that this system will eventually be a very stringent and expensive business venture, as more and more regulations are imposed. I'm willing to bet that a great deal of the "regulations" and costs are going to be imposed via "enviromental" reasons. In my opinion, it may just spur the population of "illegal" grows, and bring the corner "drug" dealer back into the picture.

On a side note. I was reviewing a few of the other counties specific regulations about cultivation, and one thing that I found completly obsurd was the many counties that have imposed laws/fines for "odor pollution".... I understand that everyone has different taste in smell, but by no means does the aroma given off by a nice grow smell worse than the JP4 and JP5 jet and equipment fuel that permiates one of the most expensive communities to live in in my county..

My rant is over :)


New member
It went into effect January 1st. AB266, AB243, and SB643

But wont be issuing licenses for some time. Maybe by March-ish...depends on your county?

To answer your question...when they start issuing the licenses, you will not be able to vend to a club directly. You wont be able to even grow a decent sized crop without a license. Even with a license you will have to go through a licensed distributor, which then gets it lab tested through a licensed lab testing facility. Middlemen everywhere...its all fuct up.

They sure do a good job complicating a simple, honest, harmless weed exchange...fucking assholes.
It is going to be quite the clustermess.. It does state that one entity (possibly even an individual) may hold up to 2 different licenses.. With exceptions to combinations of certain licenses.

I'm very curious about the cost's of these Licenses???
If you have permission currently for a collective grow and dispensary from local authorities, you're first in line for a 10a permit in 2018

10a permit allows 4 acres of greenhouse canopy, concentrate production, and 3 dispensaries

I honestly think that many people will try to circumvent the 3rd party transport and testing. I for one will be supplying my delivery service (storefronts are banned in my city) straight from my farm in 2018 just like I do now. I don't see how any regulatory authority could prevent that.


If you have permission currently for a collective grow and dispensary from local authorities, you're first in line for a 10a permit in 2018

10a permit allows 4 acres of greenhouse canopy, concentrate production, and 3 dispensaries

I honestly think that many people will try to circumvent the 3rd party transport and testing. I for one will be supplying my delivery service (storefronts are banned in my city) straight from my farm in 2018 just like I do now. I don't see how any regulatory authority could prevent that.

You certainly haven't done much reading or you would know that everything you just said is inaccurate.
You certainly haven't done much reading or you would know that everything you just said is inaccurate.

Do you have any proof that refutes what I've said? My info is coming from a reputable cannabis attorney that represents several Bay Area collectives

Any idiot can fake the seed to sale BS, what do you think is happening in Colorado? You think everyone there is following regulations to the letter? I know for a fact that people do all sorts of shady stuff to circumvent those regulations. Not to mention there is simply not enough manpower to police every grower, collective, and concentrate producer, whether in CO or CA.

I know these things because when the City of Oakland tried to close my dispensary I refused. Went toe to toe with the City Attorney and his BS cease and desists, eventually they gave up. I ended up closing the dispensary a year later on my own terms. Point is, these regulations are meaningless unless you follow them, and many people will continue to successfully operate their cannabis businesses without regulation no matter what the law says.
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if it smells like fish
the days are growing short..the winds of change are a blowin and their blowing me back to florida/somewhere else soon...yeehaw


if it smells like fish
It went into effect January 1st. AB266, AB243, and SB643

But wont be issuing licenses for some time. Maybe by March-ish...depends on your county?

To answer your question...when they start issuing the licenses, you will not be able to vend to a club directly. You wont be able to even grow a decent sized crop without a license. Even with a license you will have to go through a licensed distributor, which then gets it lab tested through a licensed lab testing facility. Middlemen everywhere...its all fuct up.

They sure do a good job complicating a simple, honest, harmless weed exchange...fucking assholes.
and THEY can kiss my fucking ass...yeehaw,,think its time to stockpile some stuff and relocate back east....


Do you have any proof that refutes what I've said? My info is coming from a reputable cannabis attorney that represents several Bay Area collectives

Any idiot can fake the seed to sale BS, what do you think is happening in Colorado? You think everyone there is following regulations to the letter? I know for a fact that people do all sorts of shady stuff to circumvent those regulations. Not to mention there is simply not enough manpower to police every grower, collective, and concentrate producer, whether in CO or CA.

I know these things because when the City of Oakland tried to close my dispensary I refused. Went toe to toe with the City Attorney and his BS cease and desists, eventually they gave up. I ended up closing the dispensary a year later on my own terms. Point is, these regulations are meaningless unless you follow them, and many people will continue to successfully operate their cannabis businesses without regulation no matter what the law says.

Your lawyer is a fucking moron. You had to already have a dispensary up and running by Mid summer 2015 IIRC to qualify for 10A. You should probably find a new attorney, random people on an internet forum should not know more about the new regulations than an attorney.
Your lawyer is a fucking moron. You had to already have a dispensary up and running by Mid summer 2015 IIRC to qualify for 10A. You should probably find a new attorney, random people on an internet forum should not know more about the new regulations than an attorney.

I have been operating a delivery service and a collective garden for a long time. Storefront dispensaries have never been allowed in the county where my delivery service operates. When it is legal, there will certainly be storefronts somewhere in the county.

You think the only people allowed to open shop there are people that already own dispensaries in neighboring counties?
Politicians really dropped the ball on this. The whole bill was deleted and then re written because it was filled with favoritism and labor union crap.... That should have been the first red flag. I dont understand why the same people got a chance to re do it. They should have made it easy to get a permit and easy to operate that way everyone is above ground and everyone pays taxes. As soon as the black market and regulated market start battling on price the BM will win every time, only pushing more people back into the BM. A simple sales tax at 8% would be tens of millions of dollars for the state but theyre already on this excise tax this and that. its a load of shit