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So does anyone want to talk about anything Irish?

Delta Nine

How About....

How About....

....... Leprechauns




mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I thought they drank, didn't know they smoked too :D I guess I have seen a few with a pipe... so did you catch the bugger? Looks like you handicapped him first :biglaugh:

Delta Nine

Unfortunately I wasn't there for this 'mini' smoke out..... I should imagine it could be quite trippy given the right erb... :YaRight:

so did you catch the bugger? Looks like you handicapped him first

:laughing: I cant even begin a comeback to that.....


lmao thats THE leprechaun lol
funny as hell
thanks for posting it i always knmew that little fuck had to be baked to play that role HAHA



Oi boys thats a bit stereotypical I happen to be Irish and I fucking live there ( well im a plastic paddy realy ) half english half irish.

What is there to say a bout Ireland we drink fuck loads of beer and like a good party. And it rains loads well on the west coast anyway.....

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
That sounded pretty stereotypical too brummy! :smile: I love me a good beer, let's talk beer! :friends: Guiness is better on the island the export isn't the same...


Do you live in Ireland mr mean ?????

Yeah guiness dont travel well at all mate my local is known for having some of the best in town. And on the plus side its cheaper then lager and dont give me a hangover... you just have to stay out the toilet after I go in lol.... :yummy:
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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I don't live in Ireland, I live in the US... I may be there soon requesting a guide to your local pub though :D I really wanted to travel back but I have a feeling there aren't too many herbs that are readily available... I guess I'll find out eventually....
I am made up of twenty percent guiness at any given point :D


You would be very surprised at what you can get here mr mean in the last month I have been smoking thunderfuck, bubblegum hash, K2 , widow bubble hash , and power plant.

We like you have to stay underground over here......... you just have to time it right and know people....

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Americans certainly understand staying underground, but networking is where it's at in terms of knowing people and timing :wink: I hope to share a joint with you someday brummy! :friends: :joint:

Delta Nine

Gotta hand it to the Irish they can handle a good drinking session, glad to hear there is hidden herb there too... can't be smoking soap bar shite full time.

Uncle Hughie

ahaey all ....
Ive Been away ;)
But i will try to come in now and then


Welcome uncle hugie..... glad to see anouther irish face on the board


I'm what you would call a plastic paddy half Irish half English lived in brum for 22 years now live in Ireland... there that settles that .....

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