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"So Called Medical Marijuana is a Con"


Here is a terrible article I found by some joker from Bakersfield. He has no compassion and is an idiot.
Let him know what you think
Here is his email address.
[email protected]


I don't have a problem with sick people having access to cannabinoid drugs; I have a problem with legalizing marijuana. Pot is not medicine and tagging it "medicinal" is a ruse to obscure a new surge toward comprehensive legalization.

First, let's stipulate what's already on the table. Basically, advocates say pot doesn't hurt you or society. Opponents say it does. No matter how many reports the advocates or opponents cite, there are plenty of contradictory findings. While the studies are inconclusive, the advantage goes to the opponents. That's why marijuana is still illegal and there is still a controversy after 40 years of study and debate.

In 1972 we put the "California Marijuana Initiative" on the ballot and it failed. The people of the state were asked, "Do you want to legalize pot?" The answer was "No."

In 1996 we approved the "Compassionate Use Act," once again through the initiative process. This time the people of the state were asked, "Do you think sick people should be able to use marijuana to feel better?" Who doesn't consider himself to be a compassionate human being? Our empathy led to an inescapable result in the vote: yes (I am caring).

We unwittingly thought "medical marijuana" was a real medicine, like something you would take for blood pressure, cholesterol or asthma. But it's still just pot, and the "Compassionate Use Act" turned out to be something quite different.

In summary, Proposition 215 said anyone with any illness or condition or even symptom for which marijuana provides relief may obtain and use marijuana without legal penalty. The only condition is that a physician provides a documented recommendation. Sounds more like the "Convenient Use Act."

Chronic pain, migraine, PMS, depression and many more issues for which getting high would make one feel better are acceptably convenient uses. Apparently there are compassionate doctors in the state who would, for their patients' well being, recommend a little weed. In fact, Jeff Clark, president of the Upper Kern County chapter of NORML (wow man, somebody was loaded when they came up with that acronym), estimated there are 30,000 "medical marijuana" users in Kern County!

Applying the term "medical" to pot is like claiming medicinal status for White Willow bark, except marijuana is an illegal Schedule I hallucinogen. A doctor's recommendation is not a prescription because marijuana is not medicine. It is nothing like picking up your lovastatin at the pharmacy. It is merely a note qualifying you for exemption from prosecution for possessing and/or using an illegal folk remedy ... because we are compassionate, of course.

According to the Food and Drug Administration smoking or ingesting pot "has no currently accepted or proven medical use in the United States and is not an approved medical treatment." And no one is running trials to get the FDA's imprimatur.

An Institute of Medicine report states that smoked marijuana is a crude drug delivery system that exposes patients to a significant number of harmful substances and "if there is any future of marijuana as a medicine, it lies in its isolated components ...."

Here's the kicker, THC, one of the active chemicals in pot, has been shown to be effective in the relief of nausea, but not the myriad symptoms, conditions and syndromes for which adherents claim relief. Let's face it. It's the smoking, not the THC, that is at issue here. This whole charade is a subterfuge for comprehensive legalization, not just "compassionate use."

Now some opportunistic and mercenary advocates are rising up among California's politicians. Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, D-San Francisco, sees pot as a goldmine of tax revenue and has proposed a bill to legalize recreational use. Even Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger thinks it's time to look at legalizing marijuana, especially for the fiscal benefits.

It is hard for me to imagine our leaders are so shortsighted and unprincipled. And yet we hear them say that a billion dollars a year in tax revenue awaits -- for First Five, senior medical care and support for homeless families.

Are you as revolted as I am by their artless attempt to seduce our support for something so unwholesome? What if we were to fold under the pressure? California would still have a budget shortfall of tens of billions of dollars. We would have implemented a virtually irrevocable social policy as an impotent response to a temporary economic problem. And our leaders would still need to find two-dozen more vices to legalize, regulate and tax to close the budget gap!

So-called medical marijuana is a con. Smokers just want to smoke. We were duped into taking a step toward legalization based on our inherent humanitarianism. Political leaders are pressuring us to go farther with dollar signs twinkling in their eyes. We need to push back. We need to say no!

-- Ric Llewellyn is one of four conservative community columnists whose work appears here every Saturday. These are the opinions of Llewellyn, not necessarily The Californian's. You can e-mail him at [email protected]. Next week: Ralph Bailey.


I hope the bastard goes into a bar/resturant enviroment and some drunk drinkin whiskey slaps the shit out of him.


this has been around before I think he is probably the founder and sole member of a federally subsidized anti drug group.:joint::fsu:


i've smoked mj, more on than off for 35 years and am also "somewhere up" in the medical professional for about the same length of time. unfortunately i can't find much that i disagree with mr llewellyn on. anyone who is under the delusion that "smoking" anything is good for you should just take another bong hit and say the earth is flat(hack,hack,cough,cough)


this guy must have a stick stuck permanently up his ass he has no right telling people what "folk remedies" they should or shouldn't be allowed to use. If drinking apple juice helped with my insomnia I'd drink it. If rubbing tree bark on my skin cancer made it go away I'd do that. Why is using cannabis any different? Doesn't hurt anybody, who the fuck is he to say it's wrong to do? If it's smoking, not THC, that is the issue here then what's the problem? Whole cannabis can be eaten, vaporized, smoked, applied topically, who cares HOW it's ingested? It all helps and to each their own. I won't email him because I'm not from his area or even California but I hope readers of that garbage set him straight.


Well-known member
Typical big-pharma shill mentality... not saying he's actually a shill, but typically brainwashed into thinking something won't work unless its poisonous and makes someone billions. Combined with the typically ugly human trait of telling others whats good for them.
"Smokers just want to smoke. "

Yet he thinks his moral principles are more important than my individual rights.

And this asshole is trying to paint himself as compassionate.

Lovastatin Side Effects to Report
There are a number of side effects with lovastatin that you should report immediately to your healthcare provider.
These include, but are not limited to:

* Signs of liver damage, such as yellow eyes or skin, upper right abdominal pain, dark urine, and elevated liver enzymes (see Mevacor and Liver Problems)
* Muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness, especially if you also have a fever or feel ill, since these may be signs of serious breakdown of muscle, known as rhabdomyolysis (see Mevacor and Muscle Pain)
* Significant, unexplained changes in the amount of urine you produce (which may be a sign of kidney problems)

It's laughable that this is his example of a "real" medicine. In my opinion it is very rare for cannabis to cause adverse side effects unless abused. But his example medicine (when not abused) can cause a myriad of health problems?

This isn't anything more than a lack of education combined with an mind unwilling to critically think about the machinations of society. The population at large does not understand that legalisation does not mean that government is promoting a "vice" as he calls it, but rather they are regulating a market and in doing so receiving financial recompense with which they can educate, rehabilitate and focus on the more serious issues at hand.


Medical Marijuana is a con! Don't try to tell that to the cancer patients, those guys are really commited to the lie.


I suspect the author is a white, male, christian fundamentalist. Listen to his language.
"...artless attempt to seduce our support for something so unwholesome". This is basically the same sort of racist, classist bullshit that made marijuana illegal years ago.

What the hell is unwholesome about a plant. Especially a plant that makes people peaceful. Talk about unwholesome, what about the tobacco and alcohol industries?

I'd agree that Prop 215 is being abused. But that was probably the intent of the authors of prop 215. It was a brilliant political trojan horse to move down the road to legalization. The purpose really wasn't to allow a select few very sick people with legal access IMO. But I'm cynical.

I'll agree raw plant material doesn't really conform to modern medicines idea of a medication. It's more of a folk medicine. But all medicine was essentially folk medicine for most of human history. I'll agree that by modern standards weed is too variable in it's consistency. For pot to be really considered medicine in the modern sense it ought to come in standardized dosing units. Too bad Sativex isn't available in the states.

The author seems to look down on people using anything to feel better. This seems to be some kind of weird, twisted form of the Protestant work ethic. What's wrong with feeling better if you are in pain. Isn't that what opiates, a "legitimate" medicine are used for?

"Chronic pain, migraine, PMS, depression and many more issues for which getting high would make one feel better are acceptably convenient uses."

Nothing wrong with feeling better. Feeling better is at least 50% of what medical practice is for is it not?


Active member
Watch the move THE UNION with tommy chong and joe rogan! There is a guy with MS on there that cant even hardly talk he was shaking so bad until he took a couple hits. 10min later and he was sitting there as normal as you and me.


Watch the move THE UNION with tommy chong and joe rogan! There is a guy with MS on there that cant even hardly talk he was shaking so bad until he took a couple hits. 10min later and he was sitting there as normal as you and me.

I think I saw that movie. Yes, that patient with MS was a very poignant example of how beneficial MM can be. Clearly beneficial and life changing. It was very dramatic.

But you've got to admit, in Cali for every one patient with a severe illness like that, there are 10 people who just go to one these clinics that are springing up like mushrooms and get their Doctors recommendation. You see ads in the back of LA Weekly or the local entertainment weekly. These are just Doctors who want to jump on the cash cow and milk it servicing a demand from people who want to get high without legal hassle.

And that's not a bad thing at all. Personally I don't think you should even need a Doctors recommendation.


What a bunch of crap - anybody can go to the regular doctor, complain they're depressed and get on some medicine. Same damn thing with medical mj.

There sure are a lot of hypocrites put there


What a bunch of crap - anybody can go to the regular doctor, complain they're depressed and get on some medicine. Same damn thing with medical mj.

There sure are a lot of hypocrites put there

Yup, good point. I know people who are strung out on Vicodin who do this. Oh, doc my back hurts, my neck hurts. "OK, here's some highly hepatotoxic acetaminophen mixed with a highly addictive narcotic. Knock yourself out."

I'll stick with cannabis, thanks.

Blue Dot

Yeah, I'm gonna take the opinion of some guy that lives in Bakersfield over my Universities opinion (UCSD).

Really, Bakersfield, and I'm supposed to take him seriously?


I am a right wing christian that thinks prohibition of marijuana is a con. My bible says herbs were given to mankind.


Does...marijuana help with glucoma? yes.

Does marijuana help with vomiting syndrome...yes.

does marijuana help with neropathy...yes.

marijuana does have medical value...

cocain does have medical value..for 1.. eye cornia surgery..thats why cocain is still pharmacuticaly made.

cannabis is also pharma..distilled product..called sativex.:yeahthats


Yup, good point. I know people who are strung out on Vicodin who do this. Oh, doc my back hurts, my neck hurts. "OK, here's some highly hepatotoxic acetaminophen mixed with a highly addictive narcotic. Knock yourself out."

I'll stick with cannabis, thanks.
And even worse crap too! Shit to OD on :wallbash:


Active member
More quotes from the union, as close as I can recall anyhow...

"Some say that medical marijuana is just a gateway to legalizing it... and well, SO WHAT!!!

Another... "if ppl who are sick or have immune deficiencies have no "evil" side effects from using cannabis, why should a healthy person have them?"

Man, they should play the union on tv as much as they play the other US made one, MJ inc. Hehe IMO cannabis docs are like coffee + beer...Canadian is better! (in the case of docs, more truthful, less anti-spin)

This guy's article is just another point that proves to me that real truth and justice go out the window very quickly if they get in the way of money... and the quote below says to me pharma money could be behind it...

"If there is any future of marijuana as a medicine, it lies in its isolated components ...."

This sounds like greedy pharmaspeak to me, isolate, patent, and charge what you want. Well buddy (in reference to the anti dude) - you will never patent and have control over cannabis. Snowball in hell - It already is in the hands of the ppl, and one of the most cultivated plants on earth - despite being illegal.

Also, I think this guy should do more reading and less lip-flapping...He says no studies have proven anything....well, he can start with the Shafer report. A typical anti, all mouth and no research... :rasta:



I'm sure glad some guy who probibly never smoked can tell me that weed doesn't help with my chron's desease. So the nights that I wake up and have bloody diarrhea that weed making it stop is all in my head nice to know.

Lets face it the reason weed was made illegal in the first place besides paper is still there, as a scape goat to target mexicans, blacks, and your all around poor. Maybe the gov is afraid too many poeple are going to switch to weed and grow thier own and alcohol taxes are going to plummit.

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