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so basically young teens who smoke are psycho's

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I'm with bterzz, "I've been smoking pot on a daily basis since before I was a "pre-teen", and while this may be irrelevant to the "studies", I feel that I have matured more-so then those who did not smoke pot as a youngin.." This is me exactly. Further, I would venture to guess that bterzz and I both don't put much weight on majority opinion concerning most any subject. As my wise mother once said, "If the majority of people believe a thing to be true, it's either untrue, or it's not worth knowing".


I'm with bterzz, "I've been smoking pot on a daily basis since before I was a "pre-teen", and while this may be irrelevant to the "studies", I feel that I have matured more-so then those who did not smoke pot as a youngin.." This is me exactly. Further, I would venture to guess that bterzz and I both don't put much weight on majority opinion concerning most any subject. As my wise mother once said, "If the majority of people believe a thing to be true, it's either untrue, or it's not worth knowing".

i feel the exact same way, ive been blazing since i was 12 and really ever since then have always felt my mind was way more mature than my peers


its just what big pharma is paying them to say...
exactly, why are people paying any attention to this at all??


the federal communications commission regulates radio and TV, telephone and satellite transmissions
the concentration of media in the hands of few and fewer corporations isn't a news story but the changes in the last two decades have been remarkable

in 1983 90 percent of the major media were controlled by just 50 companies
by 1992 that number had been cut in half to just two dozen companies

and by 2000 the overwhelming majority of the mass media was owned by only 6 companies
6 companies
6 6 6 companies...


by 2006 all these companies were owned by one company

Clear Channel Communications

what you don't want

is to have so few owners in a community
that they can dominate the dialogue
and move it in any direction they might want to move it in without having the alternative
of competing ideas to ensure that they are diverse owners of media

the founders of this country figured out a way for there to be a fairness in the media - to make it possible for ordinary people to create media

that means that it isn't in the hands of very large corporations
(clear channel communications)
but just locally owned locally produced organizations to the folks who are consuming it

that's the answer
and right now we have a set of changes that will move us in exactly the wrong direction being considered
and still the vast majority of Americans no nothing about it

3/4 of Americans had absolutely no idea what so ever
people who did actually know about it were almost universally opposed
people do not have information given to them by the media.

we have enormous freedom
that's not a gift that was given to us it's a legacy that was left to us
by centuries of struggle centuries of people most of whose names are completely forgotten
the ones who created the freedom and the rights that we now have

and that will be taken away unless you constantly defend them
sadly there is in fact a major effort to take them away right now.


..... people who intstantly believe sum article that throws out a couple numbers with no actual proof that this study even happened or that it wasnt a complete fabrication lose all credibility in my eyes ......
Good for you. Keep your eyes open. All too often these 'studies' in actual fact never did happen and for those that have been carried out the data is twisted to suit the needs of the ones who commisioned the study in the first place - a lot like how those climate-change scientists did with the temperature data.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
coming from someone that WAS, at one time, a young teen that smoked.... i can attest to the fact that young teens who smoke are in fact....psychos.

that's called being a teenager...and a stoned one at that lol :joint:
yeah this is just alot spin sad it even hooks in fellow growers with there fear mongering. it simple is the rate of psychosis being higher in kids who smoke pot is simply cuz kids who suffer from such things have a much higher chance of smoking pot to ease there poor lil messed up head thats all. sad the media is playing off sick people to feed there agenda.


Active member
The main point is that if someone is predisposed to psychosis, adding marijuana to the mix during the adolescent stage will increase the chances of the psychosis surfacing. True or not... only time will tell. :wave:
Ok..... but you realize that by saying "Adding marijuana", without identifying the strain, is like saying "Adding Prescription Pills".... without identifying WHICH pills.

Not all cannabis is the same and everyone is also different in how they process cannabis.

Cannabis use has skyrocketed.... The psychosis index hasn't changed. Where are all these psychotic teenagers?

Stay Safe! :tree:


Active member
Ok..... but you realize that by saying "Adding marijuana", without identifying the strain, is like saying "Adding Prescription Pills".... without identifying WHICH pills.

Not all cannabis is the same and everyone is also different in how they process cannabis.

Cannabis use has skyrocketed.... The psychosis index hasn't changed. Where are all these psychotic teenagers?

Stay Safe! :tree:

That's a terrible comparison... while I agree there is a wide variety of cannabis, it in no way is similar to the variety of pills.


Active member
That's a terrible comparison... while I agree there is a wide variety of cannabis, it in no way is similar to the variety of pills.
That's actually a better comparison than you think.

By adding prohibition... you make it too expensive to use properly. People are restricted to smoking it. This is a roller coaster of over-medicating and then unde-rmedicating and, for someone like myself,.... a true pain in the ass.

One week you go to your local dealer and they give you Cinderella-99 (You wish!) and it works on you like adderal. The next week you go to your dealer and they have Sensi Star and it's like taking Oxycotin.

How is that NOT like pharmaceuticals and getting some 'random' pill? The only difference is that NONE of the cannabis will kill you.... unlike 99% of the stuff on the shelves in your local pharmacy.

Stay Safe! :tree:

Edit: Again.... Where are all these psychotic teenagers? The numbers don't show an increase that the fearmongers swear should be there.

stickey fingers

20 years later,i still say if it wasn't for cannabis i would have killed someone or my self,it saved my life.people like to use cannabis as an excuse or a crutch to mask the real problem them self,while they pour white death (sugar)down thier kids throat and wonder what the f***happend SPECIAL THANKS DR JAY RIP


All I have to say is...alcohol kills more people than marijuana. That is all.


March 26, 2009 by Miranda Marquit
Is marijuana less dangerous than alcohol?
(PhysOrg.com) -- It appears that when it comes to teen brain development, parents should be more worried about alcohol abuse than marijuana abuse. Two recent studies have been published showing that alcohol -- a legal substance (though not legal for teens in the U.S.) -- is considered more dangerous than marijuana, which is illegal in many countries.
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One study has been published in the U.S., in the journal Clinical EEG and neuroscience: official journal of the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society (ENCS), and shows that alcohol has a stronger effect on teen brain development than marijuana. The other is a study published in the Lancet, offering the results of substance classification by a number of U.K. professionals, purporting that alcohol is more dangerous than marijuana to individuals and to society.
The U.S. study was undertaken by Squeglia, Jacobus and Tapert in a San Diego State University/University of California San Diego joint doctoral program. The study looks at teen brain development for its uniqueness, as well as for the effects that substance abuse has on the brain during this time. Because alcohol and marijuana are commonly used by high school students, it is little surprise that the study is interested in the brain abnormalities stemming from abuse of these substances.
When the brain abnormalities were measured -- seen in terms of brain functioning and structure, cognitive tasks and quality of white matter -- it appeared as though alcohol had a great effect than marijuana. Heavy drinking was defined 20 drinks per month, and the abnormalities were detectable. In heavy marijuana users, abnormalities existed, but not to the same degree as those seen in alcohol abusers.
Findings from the U.S. study, showing that alcohol use in teens causes more irregular brain function than marijuana, would seem to square with efforts in the U.K. to encourage new drug classification. In the Lancet, David Nutt at Bristol University, along with his colleagues, asked psychologists and scientifically or medically trained police to rank different substances according to how harmful they are. The study purports that experts rank alcohol (and tobacco) as more harmful than marijuana. In a list of 20 substances, alcohol came in at number five, tobacco came in at number nine, and marijuana/cannabis came in at number eleven.
These studies are likely to add fuel to movements in both the U.S. and the U.K. to re-classify marijuana. Supporters of fewer restrictions on marijuana will undoubtedly point to scientific studies that show we already legalize less dangerous substances.
© 2009 PhysOrg.com


Active member
Why is it bullshit? Do you have evidence that these studies are flawed?



Name the strains the people were using.

Without that information... it's like saying. "LOOK... All these people are eating pills from pharmacy's. Some are getting doped up and others aren't seeming to be getting affected at all."

Until you differentiate between strains that are similar to ant-acids and hydrocodone... your entire study is flawed.

Cannabis is so diverse in genetic makeup between strains and grow styles and contaminants are so diverse... there's no control group for this study.

Show me 2500 teenage kids that were all given .5g of Sour Diesel a day in 3 canna-caps..... for 10 years. THEN we'll have a bit of a study to look at and make 'Assumptions' from. This study is a delusional piece of mental masturbation by researchers that don't know dick about cannabis.

Stay Safe! :tree:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have smoked since I was 13. I stopped when I was 21 and restarted at 35. I was a psycho when I was young. I did some stupid shit. I do not think it was the cannabis that did it. I believe it was being a stupid kid. We all where crazy trying to impress the girls. I do believe that there are people that are more susceptible to cannabis effects and can make these people prone to Psychosis or other mentally related illnesses.


Active member
The main point is that if someone is predisposed to psychosis, adding marijuana to the mix during the adolescent stage will increase the chances of the psychosis surfacing.

Actually.... adding the Wrong Strain of Cannabis will increase the chances of psychosis surfacing. The CORRECT strain will help prevent it. Prohibition prevents people from EASILY finding out which one is best for them and also makes it difficult/impossible to afford ingesting it properly.

Until prohibition goes.... the Rx nightmare in the U.S. is going to keep killing tens of thousands of people a year and causing strife, pain and anguish that's totally and completely unnecessary.

All for the lack of the correct information. *sigh*

Stay Safe! :tree: :(


New member
I think this whole thing with cannabis and mental health issues is just as easy as Armentano of NORML says; that smoking cannabis might affect a small percentage in a negative way, and especially those predisposed to mental health issues.

So what, right? Just life itself affects a lot of people in a negative way. So does, alcohol, so does smoking, guns, knives, butter. That's just not a reason to ban anything.

I've seen a few people react badly to smoking, but I've seen those very same people react badly every time something in their life does not go the way they want it to.

We don't need studies to tell us if smoking is a good thing or not, when we all can just look at our own friends who smokes and see that it's a good thing for them, definitely not bad with regards to mental issues or things like that. Most of my friends have been smoking for 10 years, we're all around our 30s now, there's no one who's had any form of psychosis or other issues. Just that tells me that any issues are very rare.

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