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Snype documents the effect of tumors treated with oral Hash Oil

mack 10

Well-known member
Great thread .

Though I certainly dont have evidence or hard data .. I thought I would share my experience ..treating a patient who had a large golf ball size brain tumor protruding from her ear .. With butane extracted oils taken orally as per Rick Simpsons suggested dosing of 60 grams in 60 days . Patient had already undergone radiation & doctors had given her a month to live when she started taking the bho . She was determined to get up to the aggressive dosage of a gram per day very quickly and tolerated it rather well . Family began reporting significant improvement in quality of life within the first week . In a months time doctors had confirmed her tumor was quickly shrinking . By the time she completed the 60 grams it was almost entirely gone . I supplied another 30 grams , as she wished to continue taking the oil .. At a lower dose . She finished all the oil & decided to discontinue the treatment and was doing very well ..even working some . Then the tumor came back with very painful Migraines . The doctors prescribed some heavy opiate painkillers and she died some weeks later

we found a simular thing but with alcohol extracted, not naptha. seems butane rocks for vapeing , not so good for medical? then I hear things like the above post? maybe more tests are needed. like actual medical tests in a lab environment

@ Joebean91 , Shame she didn't continue with the oils a bit longer, good work anyway.