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Snoop Dogg portrait in marijuana by artist Jason Mecier


Bent Member

Artist Jason Mecier has used candy, food, pills and the actual garbage of actual celebrities to construct celebrity portraits. This new Snoop Dogg portrait is made of marijuana joints, marijuana leaves and stems, and what looks to be hashish. The artist information says it's valued at $1,500. I wonder if it's legal to buy this thing without a medical marijuana permit? And what about the hash? I am not a lawyer, but I invite serious responses from persons who are, in the comments.
This work will be on display and featured in the new book La Luz de Jesus 25, as part of the 25th Anniversary of La Luz de Jesus Gallery.


Pretty neat but with all those joint butts it must reek...and not in the good way.


doesn't look too much like him but kudos for the efforts :)

looks more like an alien of sorts

I have a hard time understanding all the publicity this guy gets


you guys really dont think that looks like him???? id be willing to wager you could show that to about anyone in the us and they would immediately know who it represents...i think its pretty damn good myself... and who says thats mexican weed?? granted it (weed) dosent look grand but some of my stuff gets pretty dark after a long cure and its obviously broken up in the image. i do agree that it would be cooler with a variety of buds making the image instead of a giant ashtray, but shit, its nice to see something other than the roach paper images, which i love btw.


looks awesome; love the fact that the artist used weed as the medium i haven't seen that before. i can tell 100% that's snoop very very well done; i would love to see more.

also god damn thats alot of half smoked joints and roaches lol


Green is Gold
Looks like a really really high snoop. His eyes could have used more detail but overall this is a great piece of art. Certainly wouldn't be smoking any of it LOL!


Active member
It's a mosaic -- viewing from too close (like sitting right in front of a monitor) will actually lose detail. Try getting up and moving away from the monitor. It looks pretty good to me.

I'd almost certainly smoke the fucking thing, though. He'd be missing an eyebrow one day, then a lip, then he'd have a hole in his neck, and so on... :smoker:


hahaha i guess it could be coolio too. makes me wish i had a bigger jar collection going right now id shred up something real quick to make a cool picture. guess i could make a fairly simple image, but id still dismantle and smoke it...

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