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Snap's 1st Stab - Welcome to Snapland..


Cheers jasondanzig, fingers crossed I do it justice.

Little germination update:

3/3 Bubblicious x DSD
3/5 Hashberry x DSD
8/12 Bubba x OGK
4/4 Blue Kush
3/4 Jamil Sayyida
4/4 Rocket Chunk
4/4 GG x DP


Any preflower experts in the house?

ST#3 1 - Blatently a male now, you were right Ryu.


ST#3 2 - I think this is female? Well, the preflowers look different to above anyway, and is that a pistil in the first pic? Hope so, it's the stinkier of the two - a real fruity aroma from the stems when you rub them!



Hi Mcsnappler,
i'd hang on just a couple/few more days bro just until you know 100% sure what they are,
last year when i grew SSH i had 10 plants in late veg just as they were beginning to show pre-flowers, had to get rid of 5 due to space issues, the 5 i got rid of i could of sworn were male pre-flowers and the 5 i kept i could of sworn they were female pre-flowers, it turned out that 4 of the ones i kept turned out to be male, only 1 was female, pre-flowers totally tricked me on that grow,

the 1 in the first pic looked like a male until i seen the left hand side of the pic in the background, looks like 2 pistills emerging from a calyx?

the 2nd 1 looks like it's female but still really confusing to tell, i'd hang on for a couple more days just to be sure:yes:



Cool bro, thanks.. Will try and hold on a bit longer if I can.

I think the phantom pistils in the first pic are just an optical illusion though, can't find any signs of femness anywhere on the plant after extended inspection!


Hey snap, i'm with hazeseeker on the waiting till your dead sure.

I reckon those pistils aint tho. Just growth at the inter nodes.


Hey Ryu, thanks bro. I'll know for definite in a few days regardless.. I managed to breathe some life into one of the 150s, so 12/12 will start imminently:woohoo:

Looks like the other lamp just has a faulty cap or ignitor after all too, so I'm back to 300W of HPS goodness for my first flower show. :cool: All good really, 2 x 150W is a good spread of light, and pretty much bang on 50W/sqft.

Only obstacle in my way is cloning of the Sweettooths, I'll do that tomorrow, and also gonna transplant the one I suspect is female to an 11L pot ready for flowering.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
best of luck with the reworked plan mate, glad you havent been held up too much.. would be good to get em flipped before he summer heat arrives eh :smile:

just a tip, but clones need next to no light to root.. really they just need to know its daytime and I've seen people using a SINGLE 40 watt CFL over a tray... personally I use mulitple CFLs... cheap and effective and cool and use hardly any lekky...

just thoughts mate



Easy Jamie.. yeah man, bit held up, but only because I'm a moron with electrics. The summer heat concerns me a little, mainly because of the cost of running the air conditioning 24/7 :2cents::nanana:

Managed to successfully clone the Cheese last month, and literally used one 23W CFL bulb hovering 8" above the heat mat for that, so I make you right there too.. I also used a warmer bulb, after reading repeatedly on here that slightly redder spectrum light promotes rooting. Seems a bit bizarre to me, considering the blue light recommended for vegetative growth, but hey.. I'm the newbie, these guys are the experts!


my solution... some red... some blue :D

Good shout probably.

The suspected fem has now been snipped and dipped, didn't bother with cloning the plant I'm increasingly sure is male - hopefully that won't bite me in the arse and turn out female!

Need a touch of DIY tomorrow on a reflector to fit the tent snugly, and will then turn the lights off for the first time on Thu morning. :dance:

Just wondering if there will be any major ill effects caused by cloning, repotting and flipping the ST, all within the space of a few days..


Active member
Hey Snappler good job.

Those 11 gallon containers should do the job nicely. My last few indoor grows used 45+ liter tubs for flowering. The bigger the better IMO. I only ran into problems mainly because I had a shit soil mix and had high temps. Looks like you have all of that under control.

I've had several successful grows without using a proper scrubber, but I've never had anything that's very stinky, and only a few plants, plus the grow is in the attic, so it's hard to pinpoint from the street. It's probably a good idea to get one if your will be growing continually though.

Your clones will be fine if you flip them.


Hey Snappler good job.

Those 11 gallon containers should do the job nicely. My last few indoor grows used 45+ liter tubs for flowering. The bigger the better IMO. I only ran into problems mainly because I had a shit soil mix and had high temps. Looks like you have all of that under control.

I've had several successful grows without using a proper scrubber, but I've never had anything that's very stinky, and only a few plants, plus the grow is in the attic, so it's hard to pinpoint from the street. It's probably a good idea to get one if your will be growing continually though.

Your clones will be fine if you flip them.

hes using 11l pots

how does the uk cheese smell in veg? im coming into contact with her soon!:yoinks:

great grow btw man, lush plants.


neongreen.. thanks a lot for the praise! 11 gallon containers would be a little hardcore for my space I think lol

cork144.. cheers! She smells pretty strong for a vegging plant. It's fine without carbon filter, as the room my tent is in usually smells of weed anyway - but if I've not smoked or kept bud there for a day or two, there is definately a skunky funky aroma in the room! The SWTs, on the other hand, don't stink unless you provoke them into it by massaging the stems, or moving them about a lot with your hands. The Cheese just smells extra funky when you do this! Hope you enjoy her when you get her!

stonescafe.. thanks!

Flipped today, so flower pics soon to follow. My buddy's micro Cheese is coming along nicely too, so will try to snag a pic of that for my next update.


oh dont worry im going to enjoy having her thanks:woohoo:

only ever had an 8th of it, from that 8th ive always wanted more:yoinks:


Just a quick photo post for the person who sent me a present this week.

This cutting was inside the box for 6 days, from Tuesday last week til today. I think she's doing pretty well!

Don't know if he would want himself revealed, but THANKS VERY MUCH MAN, YOU'RE AN ABSOLUTE STAR!


Lucky lucky man, cheese and psycosis, Always pondered what the fem seeds from those2 crossed would be like.. oldschool skunks for sure..

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