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Smoking with your pets? Opinions? Share your stories?


Okay so, I smoke with my two cats on occasion. I usually will take 2-3 hits from my piece and just exhale in their general direction. I notice they get very cuddly and like to roll around on their backs and munch on cat treats --now that I think about it, this is no different from their usual behavior. (LOL) They are always very cute! :tongue:

I'm wondering, though, if this could be in any way harmful to them? Like, to their sense of reality or of me? Is more than one hit one too many hits? I'm just curious. I don't want to be unintentionally confusing/causing anxiety in or harming my cats in any way.

Meet my female cat, Sandy:

and my other male cat, Bushes:

:kitty: meow!


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
dont know if its bad for them...

my dog loves to smell weed... whenever i am smoking, he will come find me so he can sniff up the air...

he also loves to eat it, although i have read elsewhere on the net that it is poisonous for them to eat weed ... no negative side effects this way though, nor have i heard of any first hand situations in my real world

i also knew of a dog who would LOVE to eat stems...


collector of lightsabers.. and fine cannabis genet
ICMag Donor
they sure are some pretty cats..... grew up with a pit bull.... my fathers dog....my brother.....

he loved to smoke.... he just couldn't understand that sometimes i didn't have any.... than he would pick a fight with me.....

the dogs i have now don't like or dislike it.... but me oldest cat has a lifesaver male in the veg box i pull out for her every night while i mix nutes and she chomps on it..... if i don't pull it out she screams at me.... if i'm not paying attention the bitch will end up in the flower box while my back is turned.....

in fact.... she's hung with me for 14 years this girl...she's in my lap right now..... :cathug:


I used to shotgun my dog occasionally, but his scent glands are 100x as sensitive as mine so I decided why risk it.
I think it's strait to give your dogs big spoonfulls of hash every now and then but i wouldn't smoke them up. (I've never tried and would have no idea what feeding a dog hash would do)

The J Man

My dog always comes and finds me when she smells it. She's not really eager about it until I put it out though. Then she gets feisty and wants the roach. I dunno why she likes em but it beats leaving a paper trail!


Good point, Islandbud. I have considered that because they are smaller that directing smoke at them might not be the best idea, but honestly, I see nothing wrong with them hanging out in the same room as me while I am smoking.


Tried to blow smoke at my cat once, the cat flipped out and dashed away. Lesson learned.


while my cat doesnt like smoke .. he keeps a lil distance when i smoke ..
he loves to bite at my plants whenever he can get a touch


lol! My cat would totally munch on my plants if she could reach them! When I'm watering or checking on my plants she will come sit by my feet and watch.


Active member
don't let your pets smoke , smoke is very un healthy and their lungs are small and more sensitive


I should see if my cats enjoy catnip. :) I think I have tried to give them catnip infused toys before, though, and they payed no attention to them. lol. It was like, 'paw--paw' ... then they walk away unamused and give me "that look".


My old doggy used to love to get high. The first time he got high I was lying on the couch and he was lying next to me. Five minutes after we toked my dog gets up, walks into the kitchen, I hear rustling, and he walks out with a loaf of bread and proceeds to eat the whole thing. He loved to get high, he'd always come around when I was smoking, we used to take him out on cruises and he'd ride in the back seat and get high with us.

Now I have 2 kitties. one kitty loves to get high and comes around for it, the other one doesn't like it and runs away but he is kind of a fraidy cat anyway.


Green Mujaheed
My cats don't enjoy much the smoke, but some love to chew on my plants eheh... Especially two of them who are always sitting & purring in front of the grow box when I water the plants, going and sitting inside if enough place. Once I found one of them sleeping inside.

Irie !


Moon-grass farmer
My two dogs and one of my cats love the herb, but not the smoke. Every time I pull out a bowl to load the dogs start sitting, laying down and doing other commands like they think we're having a training session and they're going to get treats. The cat just kinda rolls around and purrs like he wants attention, or maybe just a bowl.

And I'll admit I've blown a toke or two their direction but they just kind of cringe.

Since they don't like the smoke though, sometimes I'll give them a little nug for a treat. If it actually worked eating raw bud to get stoned, I wouldn't do it. But since I know it doesn't do anything but give them a nice taste, it's all good.


My cat loves MJ. Not the smoke but he loves to eat it and smell it. I did some Internet searching on the matter way back and appearently MJ and Catnip are plant "cousins". Very similar genetically. I guess that would explain it then huh.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
AFOM once told me not to smoke with younger pets (kittens, puppies, etc...) or even touch them while smoking because it could effect their development. Us humans don't use all of the cannabinoids we ingest (or other fun drugs for that matter) and the remainder is excreted through a number of different pathways. One of those pathways is our skin, and as we sweat out unused chemicals they can be re-absorbed through the skin of other creatures. This is especially true of the skin on and around developing skulls. Puppies and kittens have soft spots just like human babies and these spots are particularly well suited for transferring chemicals via touch.
Ever since she told me that I've been wary during my interactions with infants of all species.
Back on topic, my dog doesn't like the smoke very much but he loves getting his head rubbed during and after my smoking. He whines more than usual if he knows I'm smoking and he can't come in the room. Comedy.