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Smoking with friends - Compensation?



It is almost common knowledge amongst us smokers that passin' the bud to your friend or someone in the circle is 'common courtesy'...

Growing up and not being rich middies/low grade weed was my/my friends only options...so sharing a blunt or a bowl was fine as in the end it was only a few dollars, at most. Now that I grow, this 'courtesy' is being re-thought..

One person knows I grow and although most believe telling nobody is the best route, he is my 'proxy', if you will. Anyway with the cost of weed being anything between 4-600 an ounce, a gram totals out to be 20-30 a gram. The average blunt I roll is .5-1gram. This 'friend' stops by and gets bud off me intermittently and when he does, we blaze. He sort of 'expects' me to blaze with him because he's buying off me. I normally smoke 1-2 blunts with him when he does, just because I want to smoke and he's here so I can't be 'stingy'...

With the economy in the toilet and all of us watching our pennies, smoking 20, 30 dollars worth of weed with a friend is not uncommon in a 2 hour period. This 'friend' always says he'll toss me a few bucks to blaze, but he never does. When he does, it's 5 or 10 dollars...not 20 or 30 which is closer to the actual cost.

Then, the kicker here is that i've smoked countless blunts and bongs with this dude and he never really compensates me appropriately either by tossing a few bucks in or by smoking me up at another time with good shit. He goes and gets an ounce for 80 dollars of some dry, nasty tasting garbage weed, rolls it up in a nasty ass blunt wrap and assumes this is his "contribution" to what he owes me.

I'm tempted to say something along the lines of dude, listen, I smoke with you all the time and rarely ask for money...and when you do toss me money it never really covers what you smoked, and this has been going on for awhile...so going forward if you wanna blaze please bring a few bucks to cover what you smoke...

On the other hand, I feel that it's a dick move knowing the 'culture' behind our plant. BUT...when you risk so much growing and the product is top notch and someone else will hand me $65 for an 8th...come on.

What do you feel? Do you think people should reciprocate financially or with quality weed?

I did the math, over the course of 1-2 years I've must of smoked with him 10-25 times, rounding off of course, and each time at least a gram of bud. Total that up it could hit an ounce, which would be close to $500...he's maybe reciprocated $50, $100.

I understand some of you have SO much weed on hand that it's no worry. Not all of us have that luxury though...


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Just don't smoke with him. When I go buy a pizza I don't make the pizza guys split a slice of theirs with me.

Glad you included the last sentence, because that whats I was thinking :)


i think the best way to handle this is to ask the friend how much he wants to smoke in that session before beginning to smoke. then have the friend pay for the amount of bud hes going to smoke and measure out the bud before hand... this way everyones happy.

if he wants to mooch off of you, then kick his butt out of the circle. ever heard of the song "i got five on it"? lol.


Active member
Never really thought about it anyone i smoke out its because they are are a friend or they just threw down 300 dollars on a sack of weed and I was gonna smoke anyways. Now cocaine thats an unfriendly drug you dont buy a sack of coke and then snort your dealers. Like tommy chong said your first reaction after hitting a joint is to pass it to someone else.


Cautiously Optimistic
If you can't afford to share, don't. You said this was a friend. Friends don't charge friends for smoking them out. When you come to my house, you get food if you're hungry/drink if you're thirsty. I don't expect payment and wouldn't accept it if offered. That's just how I roll. If I feel someone is taking advantage, they're not invited back.


Ya might not like my take, but you sound a lil stingy to me. Not in having the issue, but in how you're justifying it. If you don't want to smoke the dude out, just say so. If you want him to pay full retail for what he smokes, just say so. But the fact that you could sell someone else a $65 1/8 (sorry, but I gotta say it OUCH!), anyway, just because someone else would pay that, doesn't mean it's costing you that. It costs you what, a buck a gram? I really have no idea, I've never added it up like that.

Is this guy a friend, or just a dude? If he's a friend, my guess is ya'll just have different economic situations when it comes to weed. Can't blame a non-growing broke mofo for smoking you up with schwag if thats what he has to smoke too. I also don't think that it unreasonable to pay half or less on a gram or so to a known grower friend when the agreement "toss me a few bucks"

If you were me, I'd be cool with the current arrangement UNLESS I was broke or running out of weed. If I were he OTOH, I wouldn't have a problem being asked to pay more or expect less given the givens.


It's not that I can't afford it, I just run out of weed a lot faster. He is a friend...I met him at my last job and he is a good dude truly, but very cheap. I don't think smoking a gram of white rhino or widow with someone and then them smoking a gram of the shittiest mexican brick weed with you is 'equal' in any way.

If this dude was a long-time friend, has had my back through thick and thin...things would obviously be much different. He only wants to chill to smoke, or do something that involves smoking. When I'm out of weed, I don't hear from him for weeks. Good dude just very self-absorbed. Not to mention he's 28 living with his mom.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Well, I would think that you need to figure out if his "proxy" relationship is worth keeping. It seems a little strange to me that you would want to charge a "friend" (he must be relatively close to you if he is the only one that knows you grow) what amounts to being full retail cost, or more, in a dispensary. Top shelf around here is running about $50 now, rarely more. And I think that most of the people on here know that retail cost has little to do with what it costs us to grow. Better re-think the friend title.


Cautiously Optimistic
Then you can't afford it. I'm not talking about $$$. I'm talking about cheeb. If you run out faster and don't have enough left, you can't afford it. But you're the one offering. Next time, throw some papers or a blunt in his direction and suggest he twist some of what he just bought or better yet, don't blaze with him.


Kiss My Ring
figit...i was thinking i would love for a friend to be around to blaze with...aren't too many of mine that live close enough for that...he's your 'proxy'?...dude you need a high colonic!


tell him u shut down bro and then make him think u have to pay for it now and if he needs it u have to split an 1/8th or somehting,,if u dont have it u dont have it bro,,,i mean if he was a friend he would understand but sometimes a lie will not make u feel like such a dick lol,,,peace brother
i have the same problem being too nice to the point that i run out,,,but u know it really sux to say no to freinds,,


i trust him because i know how he rolls...he was arrested and had a chance to skirt but wouldn't rat out his friend (whom i also know). he's a nice guy, cool dude but it seems as if my only association with him is for weed. when i say 'proxy', he knows a lot of people who buy/smoke and he gets weed for them, through me, keeping my face out of the limelight.

after thinking about it the best bet would probably be to do what bionic said, toss him a swisher and ask him to roll one up and see what he says. if he objects then obviously i can say something but if he doesn't, it can be a start of a new regime!


Cautiously Optimistic
Wait, dude is making $$$ for you and you have the nerve to get your panties in a bunch for smoking him out? I think HE'S the one that needs to re-evaluate the friendship. Sheesh! Some people.

EDIT: I forgot to add a :)


Wait, dude is making $$$ for you and you have the nerve to get your panties in a bunch for smoking him out? I think HE'S the one that needs to evaluate the friendship. Sheesh! Some people.

Whoa whoa excuse me?

He doesn't make money for me. His friends lost the majority of their weed connects due to busts and arrests. He came to me for weed originally and I helped him out and slowly introduced him to what I do after I scoped his personality out. I started selling to him and it wasn't until months later I found out he was buying for friends when he made a passing comment in a conversation. I have no beef with it, but he doesn't buy just for himself. This doesn't mean he's "making money for me", he's not buying QP's and I'm not harvesting pounds upon pounds every 4 months...this is no 'operation' by any means, it's simply hooking a few people up with weed who need it.

He comes to me a lot for personal smoke, he wastes it so many ways (IE, using blunts and only taking a few hits while he sits there and lets it burn away) and goes through weed like its nothing, yet he can't go for more than 2 or 3 big bong rips...weird...

ANYWAY... when he started stopping over originally I offered smoke, free of charge and continued to do so for months and I STILL do. It's just getting to the point in which he expects me to spark one up because he came and got some weed...and when I do..he doesn't match....to me courtesy would be to match a blunt as well or toss a decent amount of cash... $5 on a $10 blunt is what we used to do in the day in highschool, each person paid for their part basically. When I'm smoking 2 and 3 blunts with him in which the product we smoke would sell for $20-75 and he says "i'll toss you a few bucks" and never does, that to me is someone making a promise and not following through.

Again, he's a good dude which is why I've continued to not say anything but I think opinions on this issue are going to range because like i mentioned before some of you have the luxury of not having to worry about where your money or weed goes, but some of us do. Those of us who do try to be nice while managing finances/stash appropriately without wasting...

I'm just going to discontinue smoking with him for a little bit and ask him to roll one up the next few times he chills.


You sound stingy. If he isn't that good of a friend stop smoking multiple blunts with him, maybe smoke three bong hits. After all he is making money for you, buying any amount especially when he is buying for a few people is making you money.


Active member
If you don't want to smoke him out then don't, if you feel like he should be paying you some for it and hes abusing your kindness then tell him, after all you are friends and you obtain the ability to speak.

Maybe your friend thinks you are ok with it cause you aren't saying anything.........
But then again he is also helping you out....


shut the fuck up Donny
I think you are totally justified in thinking he should be throwing down, either matching in bud, back and forth (one day u smoke him out, next day he smokes u out) or throwing some cash at it.

it would be one thing if you saw him like twice a month, but if its often, then ya.

I feel like this happens all the time. Someone knows you grow and just assumes that you have massive amounts and that it costs nothing. This is because they don't do the math and realize how much its costing you, especially if you smoke a lot.

I'd try one of two things. One easy way is when he comes over, just don't roll anything up. If he says "you wanna smoke" you can be like "nah I'm good, trying to cut back" (this would be a good way to see if hes really a friend. If he stops hanging around so much after this then hes clearly using you) or be like "I want to, but I'm not doin so hot money wise, I gotta be careful how much i blaze"

There are tons of variations of this without coming across as being a dick, and its clearly bothering you, so you should do something about it.


Active member
guy sounds like a mooch. I would just stop smoking him up. Take his money, and say you cannot afford to smoke anymore. If he doesn't smoke with you...or you don't hear from him again....

It was worth it.
i'll just let him buy my weed and let him keep it moving. if you really think about it, all he going to do is smoke up your then go home and smoke his weed up by himself

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