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Smoking weed while pregnant?



There have been studies revealing that not eating peanuts etc. during pregnancy can actually cause more allergies.

So smoking less weed could cause your kid to be a stoner...?

Jokes aside. I think a family having a kid (both male and female) should do their best at living a healthy life. (I think people should generally aim for healthy living)

I don't understand how some people can even question this.

I don't want to offend anybody... I just don't understand it.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I think a family having a kid (both male and female) should do their best at living a healthy life.
That's the goal, and this includes "clean" cannabis with at least 3% of both THC and CBD. Non mentally debilitating, all beneficial, strains specifically chosen for clarity of mind.

Yes, I totally and completely agree, parents should pursue the healthiest choice. :)

White Beard

Active member
Interesting that this conversation is entirely dominated by men...at least some of whom are ADAMANT about what women ought and ought not to do....

I imagine it has escaped notice that cannabis is and has been *recommended* by OB/GYN for morning-sickness? For anxiety? For depression, pre- and post-partum? I mean, thalidomide it ain’t...alcohol it ain’t, and likewise tobacco.

On tangent: Larry Niven wrote a bunch of great novels, “World of Ptaavs” being the one this conversation brings to mind.


That's the goal, and this includes "clean" cannabis with at least 3% of both THC and CBD. Non mentally debilitating, all beneficial, strains specifically chosen for clarity of mind.

Yes, I totally and completely agree, parents should pursue the healthiest choice. :)

Yes... you got it. Thank you.

Bobby Boucher

Active member
Again, pot can make me feel really sick.

I’ve almost never felt this way from indoor buds, but it happens almost every time I smoke commercial outdoor buds. Assuming it has something to do with the pesticides.

Personally, I’d force feed a preg-o edibles all day long without much worry or remorse, but I certainly wouldn’t want a preg-o within a 1000’ radius of pesticides. Bet I’d be all kinds of fucked up if mommy was freebasing pesti’s en vitro.

Most cannabis around these parts is loaded to the brim with pesticides. I only smoke it to be polite. It makes me feel fuckin poisoned.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Interesting that this conversation is entirely dominated by men...at least some of whom are ADAMANT about what women ought and ought not to do....

I imagine it has escaped notice that cannabis is and has been *recommended* by OB/GYN for morning-sickness? For anxiety? For depression, pre- and post-partum? I mean, thalidomide it ain’t...alcohol it ain’t, and likewise tobacco.

On tangent: Larry Niven wrote a bunch of great novels, “World of Ptaavs” being the one this conversation brings to mind.

I'm not an actor yet you'll find I have opinions on actors, acting and motion pictures.

This forum is a sausagefest. Stands to reason any discussion will be led by these sausage holders.

Do men hold no role or opinion in creating and rearing a child?


Research is limited on the harms of marijuana use during pregnancy.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that pregnant women not use marijuana.

The SOGC (Canadian ACOG) states similar. Caution.

Or is Big Gynecology at work here?

White Beard

Active member
I'm not an actor yet you'll find I have opinions on actors, acting and motion pictures.
Indeed. Yet I find the discussion of acting and actors to be far more interesting and illuminating when they include actors.

This forum is a sausagefest. Stands to reason any discussion will be led by these sausage holders.
Right again...and yet, the first few pages contain many remarks by women...who have since abandoned the conversation to the sausage ‘splainers. I think that’s a net loss: women are worth having in a conversation - and not so they can be ‘schooled’.

Do men hold no role or opinion in creating and rearing a child?
depends on the man, I’d say...no shortage of opinion, but their role is not the mother’s employer: the role of a parent is more or less constant while opinions can and do change.


The SOGC (Canadian ACOG) states similar. Caution.

Or is Big Gynecology at work here?
More accurate to say politics is at work: ACOG must take a stance that keeps them clear of the law.

Personally, I’ve known dozens of women who have been advised by their ob/gyn to use cannabis for the discomforts of pregnancy, rather than the usual fistful of pharmaceuticals. On the down-low, because laws, but true nonetheless.

Not one of them had a problem pregnancy, nor a damaged or ‘problem’ child.
I am myself a father. I am no less concerned with the health and well-being of a child than any other adult, and so I understand the swirl of options and possibilities that confront a new parent.

I’ve also learned that it’s foolish to attempt to order a pregnant woman to do pregnancy different, no matter how strongly one feels.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Interesting that this conversation is entirely dominated by men...at least some of whom are ADAMANT about what women ought and ought not to do....
LOL, right!?? Unlike most couples, my wife and I communicate heavily about everything, so I often have a greater understanding than the next 'husband' down the line. :) Without the personal experiences we've been through, I would not be in this thread.

I imagine it has escaped notice that cannabis is and has been *recommended* by OB/GYN for morning-sickness? For anxiety? For depression, pre- and post-partum? I mean, thalidomide it ain’t...alcohol it ain’t, and likewise tobacco.
This is where it's at :tiphat::dance013::woohoo: "and the beat goes marching on..."
Expect to see the forecast for these recommendations to increase in the future. Sanity will definitely prevail, we just have to wait for the previously ignorant generation to die out.

On tangent: Larry Niven wrote a bunch of great novels, “World of Ptaavs” being the one this conversation brings to mind.
Interesting, thank you for mentioning this and I'll be looking it up. I LOVED his book "Ringworld" :D


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
I am myself a father. I am no less concerned with the health and well-being of a child than any other adult, and so I understand the swirl of options and possibilities that confront a new parent.

I’ve also learned that it’s foolish to attempt to order a pregnant woman to do pregnancy different, no matter how strongly one feels.

SOGC has sanitized any mention of cannabis from their website. I do find research into the matter but it is cautionary work. As prohibition recedes we will see more information come to light. I know several institutions in Canada are keen to explore with less stringent regulations.

It is early days. Anectdotal evidence will help drive the direction but the contribution is slim next to objective data.


Active member
Fetal Cannabis Spectrum Disorder

Fetal Cannabis Spectrum Disorder

Cannabis use during pregnancy: Are we at the verge of defining a "fetal cannabis spectrum disorder"?
Schreiber S, Pick CG.

Cannabis is probably the drug most commonly used globally since ancient times. Following the trend of legalization of access to cannabis in several Western countries, its use has increased in North America over the past few years. In spite of warnings of the potential hazards associated with in-utero exposure to cannabis, approximately 10% of pregnant women in an American study reported using cannabis in recent years, and most of them on a daily basis. Significant effects of prenatal cannabis exposure have been found on children's sleep, cognitive functions (memory and scholastic skills), as well as on executive (frontal lobe) functions (reasoning, attention, impulsivity, and motivation), and affective (depression) and anxiety symptoms throughout the stages of development. Following the presentation of two case vignettes, we integrate the published information on outcomes of maternal use of cannabis during pregnancy on the developing fetus and the "soft" neurological deficits and neuro-behavioral disturbances manifested by them from early childhood and evolving to peaks in adolescence. Taken together, these data serve to define what we call a heretofore unspecified "fetal cannabis spectrum disorder".

PMID: 307989

Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

You have been warned. But, if you want a dope baby to raise for your very own then by all means give pregnant women a never ending supply of cannabis.

Some people are just fucking stupid.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
In spite of warnings of the potential hazards associated with in-utero exposure to cannabis, approximately 10% of pregnant women in an American study reported using cannabis in recent years, and most of them on a daily basis.
And then, as usual, it goes on to explain all of the side effects they're seeing from the disgusting quality marijuana these people are using. These are "Marjuana" studies and have nothing to do with Cannabis + People studies.

Where are the studies showing the use of cleanly grown cannabis, selected for mental clarity and cleanly used? There aren't any yet. Until then, there's thousands of years of documented safe use. Way before the current pesticide/synthetic/toxic society we live in today.



Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Reverse cherry picking of information?

Not exactly a sturdy foundation for your belief.

White Beard

Active member
There is of course the multigenerational study conducted by the British government in the ...1800s? The short version is, they found little to none of the syndrome you cite or its features. They studied cannabis-using families as well as individuals, over a period of 20-30 years. Jamaica and India.

One of the research treasures that disappeared after hippies discovered weed...could it be found now? I don’t have my books anymore, so I can’t quote from it.


Well-known member
countless millions of women have used cannabis for various reasons for thousands of years, including for morning sickness etc. if there was any real evidence that it causes harm, i believe it would have been found in the last 30 years or so since Nixon decided that weed was evil. i mean, they looked REALLY, REALLY hard. that said, i would not advise a pregnant woman to ingest anything possibly harmful, except on the DRs recommendation. and even then, i would do some serious thinking about it. if your options both look bad, choose the lesser of evils, if obvious. got one that is synthetic, and one that is organic? i'd go organic...but what the fuck do i know, i'm a man.:tiphat:


Active member
In regards to MJ, Lots of hypothesises/hypothesi of harm, but not actual evidence of harm. Alcohol is a poison, and can permanently destroy brain cells. Tobacco/nicotine is another poison and is a powerful vasoconstrictor. What are the permanently harmful effects of MJ? to be determined ??

I am not suggesting that women use mj while pregnant, but I haven’t seen any scientific proof of harm. On the other hand, the result of past mj use while pregnant might explain millenials.


Well-known member
In regards to MJ, Lots of hypothesises/hypothesi of harm, but not actual evidence of harm. Alcohol is a poison, and can permanently destroy brain cells. Tobacco/nicotine is another poison and is a powerful vasoconstrictor. What are the permanently harmful effects of MJ? to be determined ??

I am not suggesting that women use mj while pregnant, but I haven’t seen any scientific proof of harm. On the other hand, the result of past mj use while pregnant might explain millenials.

i am out of rep (dammit!) but i'll get back to you...:biggrin:


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I believe the biggest fact about cannabis is responsible for the largest number of people being against cannabis and pregnancy. What is this fact? 99% of the cannabis on the planet is grown contaminated.

If you've ever had superior quality before (You'd know, 'cause it will stand out against decades of whatever else you've been growing/smoking), you'll recognize just how poor the general quality of cannabis in the world truly is.

Should pregnant women eat moldy, spoiled, contaminated food? F' No! :tiphat: