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smoking weed pure


Keyboard Warrior
Do you get more high when mixing with tobbaco?...i quit tobbaco 2.5 years ago and will never go back, i cant detect weed by smell in other peoples spliff anymore unless its pure..just smells disgusting.

I swear i never get as high as i used to when mixing weed/tobacco..wtf..?


everyone i knew in europe smoked a mix.

but they were al VERY interested in what we called "hot knives" and "hash under glass" at home, and i can't recall any of the funny lookin' "ami joints" that i use to roll getting passed back to me either.

mixing the 2 seemed crazy to me at first .... but when in rome
no you get less high smoking with tobacco, bit a tiny bit of tobacco isn't bad for even a non smoker.... but I prefer pure weed joints with uplifting sat stuff but tobacco with indica couchlock shit

if you can't smell the weed they must be rolling hemp
everyone i knew in europe smoked a mix.

but they were al VERY interested in what we called "hot knives" and "hash under glass" at home, and i can't recall any of the funny lookin' "ami joints" that i use to roll getting passed back to me either.

mixing the 2 seemed crazy to me at first .... but when in rome

pull a sexy italian bird, dark hair skin great mediterranean body. Oh Italian girls, I wish I was better with girls when I worked in that italian restaraunt

Green Supreme

Well-known member
Tobacco and weed is blasphemy. Some folks add flavor drops to make their weed taste better, to them I say get better tasting weed. I think many folks do the tobacco thing because they like the tobacco buzz. Peace GS


Keyboard Warrior
^This, i think there is a buzz with tobbacco and thats what im maybe missing..?...GS yes you are right it is indeed heresy, i will never again mix my sacrement the disgusting shit they sell as tobbaco, maybe grow some, cure it and mix it with weed...?

(i think mainly the reason people mix with tobbaco is because it is fucking expensive smoking .7 gram pure doobies all day, i smoke near an ounce in a week if it is a quiet at work..shits $560 an ounce and its silly, would not smoke it if i didnt grow..)


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Well the same weed in a pure joint and then the same in a spliff would prop answer your uestion.

I was at a friends house a few days ago and he rolled one up. He put a little tobacco in the joint, just a little, and organic tobacco at that. I protested, since I quit years ago, and I agree tobacco is gross.

Needless to say the tobacco buzz was strong for me. Buddy doesn't feel it, but Im high and feelin good. Still not sure what I got high from, but it was a strong buzz thats a fact jack.

Id rather just smoke pure weed and live in that pure world, happy with my high, but its a sure bet that a lil tobacco will make you whacko.


Tobacco makes a difference for me but in a negative way. Here in michigan we dont mix te two but smoke "blunts" or cigar wrapped weed. (Younger people but not me though)


Some ppl can't afford to smoke pure, most are used to tobacco joints as they grew up smoking hash joints, some ppl enjoy mixed joints more and all are addicted to the tobacco.. I'm unfortunately one of those who mix joints mostly very tiny obacco tho but do Sooo badly wan to quit. And like mentioned you try smoking pure swag joints lol no wonder most is it if they can't get great weed.
I smoked baccy in my joints for over 20 years mainly because in the UK you could only get hash then about 6 months ago switched to pure and to be honest at first i smoked outrageous amount's smoking pure joints like fags and i was still feeling less stoned but after a while you realise you were smoking for the sake of smoking because of the nicotine rather than wanting to actually get stoned ,i now smoke pure and smoke alot less than i ever did ,:) its just a case of adjusting to a different hit without the baccy but it does take a while to adjust because after years off smoking baccy it does seem weeker but its just the nicotine rush thats missing which makes makes smoking pure more of a high than a stone and far better imo :)


no you get less high smoking with tobacco, bit a tiny bit of tobacco isn't bad for even a non smoker.... but I prefer pure weed joints with uplifting sat stuff but tobacco with indica couchlock shit

if you can't smell the weed they must be rolling hemp

that's what happened to me when I first did it. wanted to see what all the talk was about so got some spirit tobacco and rolled a mix, wasn't what I thought it would be

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
There is definitely a difference in effect between pure and baccy mix.
I would think this is because one is a stimulant, and the other a relaxant, one constricts your blood vessels and one dilates them etc. The 2 are trying to cancel each other out.
Its kinda like a combustion inhalers speedball.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
ITS not right ,.... dutch people like to tell tourists they will get sick or its tooooo strong without tabacco/ shag/ I bust up str8 weed and mix in hash ,... crazy dutch folks lol

I shmoke vweed vit tabacco isnt dat weird?


Active member
I do smoke cigarettes, but I don't really mix in tobacco, or smoke joints much...I have a volcano, heady/scientific glass pieces (4.0 double circ and Toro single micro froth are "daily pieces"), and oil rigs for bho. If my roommate or a guest/host rolls one, i'll hit it, otherwise it's just an occasional thing for me (road trips, getting a really tasty sack, parties, dead ecig)


" Medicinal cannabis has attracted a lot of attention in recent times. Various forms of administration are used, of which smoking is very common but the least desirable. Smoking cannabis generates a large amount of unwanted side products, of which carcinogenic compounds are the most dangerous. A common practice among recreational drug users, and to a lesser degree patients who uses cannabis as medicine, is to mix the cannabis material with commercially available tobacco in order to increase the burning efficiency of the cigarette and to reduce the overall costs of the cigarette. In this study cannabis material has been mixed with tobacco in order to determine whether tobacco has an influence on the amount of and ratio between tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabigerol (CBG), and cannabinol (CBN) administered while smoking. A small-scale smoking machine has been used and cannabis mixed with various ratios of tobacco was smoked. The trapped smoke was quantitatively analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and the amount of THC, CBG, and CBN was determined for each cigarette. We have found that tobacco increases the amount of THC inhaled per gram of cannabis from 32.70 ± 2.29 mg/g for a 100% cannabis cigarette to 58.90 ± 2.30 mg/g for a 25% cannabis cigarette. This indicates that tobacco increases the vaporization efficiency of THC by as much as 45% under the conditions tested."

Max Headroom

Well-known member
joints with tobacco (additive free) never get me as high as vaping.
i usually smoke a joint if i'm already quite baked and don't want the full power of a vape load anymore.
pure joints just use way too much weed IMHO. i'm a smoker anyway.


always smoked mixed, way we rolled those days make it go further . not know though.


Active member
I smoke pure, gave up the baccy many years ago, but all my friends smoke mixed joints. I don't recommend it, they all complain about the price of weed but it's just bullshit, they're just addicted to baccy. It's not like you're getting more weed, you just end up smoking lots of tobacco, which of course is incredibly bad for you.


Active member
The people here usually do it mainly to not loose glow and to make it burn better.

Personally i dont like that with weed, you loose too much flavour.


No one smokes pure in Ireland when 50e (70$) worth of weed can only be 2 grams...