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Smoking strong pot gives you Psychosis


Well-known member
Study by Kings College London. Is Kings College reputable? They looked at data from a dozen sites ranging from Europe to Brazil and found that smoking strong cannabis daily gives you a 3 times more likely chance of Psychosis.

I really wonder about the methodology of this study. They asked Psychosis patients from many unrelated countries about their all their drug use (including Cannabis and alcohol). There are a lot of factors there and I don't know why they singled out Cannabis.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
The same thing happens when you eat too much synthetic THC. (Marinol)

I've watched a few people change from rather mild mannered, to mostly pissed off with the fringes of psychosis showing. The higher the THC content of what they're medicating with, the worse it gets.

I know two folks who have been dabbing poor quality, high THC dabs for a few years now. It has seriously increased their psychosis issues, along with their megalomania and sociopathic tendencies.

Personally? I do much better with a good amount of CBD. Keeps me grounded and much more logical and on point. An astute person could literally go through my posting history, and see when I've not had enough CBD lately. ;) lol

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Use moderation in everything you consume....

I love to get high, but I never enjoyed getting so wasted that all I could do was sit on the sofa and stare at the TV..

But, to each their own, I suppose...

Dog Star

Active member
Anybody can explain then why Thai weed is great type of stone while its still sativa..
and on another hand there are sativas that can scorch you,made you panick attack,
heart palpitations,racy and paranoid stuff even if you healthy individue..

does Thai weed have part of CBD in their cannabionide profiles???


Well-known member
I am crazy, or is it this pot I'm smoking? :laughing:

If you're constantly blasting cannabs, terps, and others in a cocktail towards a system that can receive/process them and expecting to feel, and act the same, you're in for a fun ride with mother Canna. Just look at the array of effects that thc can have combined in entourage with other compounds, from narcotic and lethargic, to energetic, etc.

On the other hand, other legal world traded substances like the caffeine contained in coffee causes mania's and hallucinations? I've also used alcohol my fair share, and worked tending alcohol, and it's not difficult to assure most that drinking is just self (un)controlled poisoning. I could continue, but I will assume that I'm preaching to a coir.

The big question is if those manifestations are not only recurrent but if they can become chronic? Otherwise, for the moment, it's mostly another morals/individual liberty question...

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
So bloody predictable,,
Yesterday we had the families of people suffering badly but unable to access cannabis meds cos of stranglehold conditions for prescribing marching to 10 Downing st to deliver petion and of course lol
today with have the old mental health one sided bollocks,,
So predictable,,,s2


Active member
If the ganja is too strong you just need to smoke or consume less of it, what the fuck is wrong with these people trying to discredit cannabis, FUCK THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Dopamine levels and a coordination between the two perhaps. And yes, as Bud Green stated above - Moderation.....

By the standard here 😆 I should have lost my mind long ago...


Active member
Sounds like reefer madness in the UK. I think they see what's going on across the pond and the prohibitionists are making their case with weak studies. I would be interested to see the studies actual papers before I criticize further.


Active member
All anti pot "research" comes out of kings college and is funded by the anti drug council.

If you look at the Doctors history, he is known for his study on "breasts growing bigger" "smoking twice will destroy your life and make you schizophrenic forever" etc etc.


atomizing haze essence
if you feel happy you cant get psychosis. if you feel happy and relaxed.. if you are sad and unhappy for longer period. whatever can be trigger of psychotic attack

White Beard

Active member
The same thing happens when you eat too much synthetic THC. (Marinol)

I've watched a few people change from rather mild mannered, to mostly pissed off with the fringes of psychosis showing. The higher the THC content of what they're medicating with, the worse it gets.

I know two folks who have been dabbing poor quality, high THC dabs for a few years now. It has seriously increased their psychosis issues, along with their megalomania and sociopathic tendencies.

Personally? I do much better with a good amount of CBD. Keeps me grounded and much more logical and on point. An astute person could literally go through my posting history, and see when I've not had enough CBD lately. ;) lol

My respects, Douglas, I always enjoy your thoughtful posts. Stepping back for the larger picture, I really think that the whole THC v CBD is a scam. Neither compound is cannabis, the two in any mixture you care to make are *not* cannabis, the whole thing was the result of trying to find an active component with urine-detectable metabolites.

Honestly, I think the whole sativa/indica switcheroo is playing off this deliberate isolation of specific compounds, maybe as a way of making cannabis available ONLY by prescription, or for developing the weed equivalent of 3.2 beer.

I don’t trust the dueling-compound game show, and I don’t trust Phylos to use the science they have for any benefit but their own. Too much hand-waving, too many ‘possiblies and probablies , too many outright guesses, piled up as if they’ve been proven, too much pressure behind their push to redefine the plant out from under its growers and users.

ObTopCom: I was ‘diagnosed’ as ADD/ADHD when I was 40. Absolutely despised all the drugs they gave me (...except the Dexedrine spansules...). Cannabis, yoga, and meditation have taken me far farther in far less time - without me feeling like the thinking parts had been shut down.

I think it was because sometimes I’d get high, and it would accentuate my scattered focus enough for me to notice and eventually study it. That’s when I began to really make progress (although, I am still in dread of interruptions).

If there is one thing I would most like to arrange out of my life, it would be the ability of others to distract (and derail) me when I’m working.

White Beard

Active member
All anti pot "research" comes out of kings college and is funded by the anti drug council.

If you look at the Doctors history, he is known for his study on "breasts growing bigger" "smoking twice will destroy your life and make you schizophrenic forever" etc etc.

Nice catch: I’d forgotten about the “weed causes gynecomastia” bullshit!


Well-known member
There is evidence linking cannabis use with emerging psychoses, but it doesn't show a causal relationship. There's also evidence linking alcohol and tobacco use with emerging psychoses.

Also closely linked with risk of developing psychotic symptoms: trauma.

Green Squall

Well-known member
Here's the real danger for developing psychosis:
Young people on amphetamines for ADHD have twice the psychosis risk compared to other stimulants, study says


Adderall is a fucked up and powerful drug. I was on it for a year in high school and was a confirmed addict. Thank god I had the sense to flush it down the toilet when I spiraled downward. Besides not eating, not being able to function as a human being without it, losing a girl I was dating, who was way out of my league btw, my temper was off the charts. Even one of my teachers mentioned that I looked "zoned out" which still makes me feel ashamed to this day.


Given that many people use weed, alcohol, cigs ( cigs to some extent) to self medicate, i tend to take most of these studies with a grain of salt. Correlation /= causation.

I have known a few people though that weed made them just sorta go crazy, it became like a crack addiction or some shit. I do still think it was an underlying issue and not necessarily the weed, but they wound up going from normal enough kids (granted all had bad home life situations) to pulling home invasions to buy friggin weed. Just sell drugs dudes...


Well-known member
Im not one of those people who thing smoking or eating weed is the best thing ever but im not buying this one.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Cannabis is a rather useful diagnostic tool.

Anyone who feels they're 'feening' for cannabis, or feel like they're addicted in someway, is going to find they have unresolved issues. Cannabis is alleviating these issues for them. The most difficult part about it is, most people are completely unaware of the majority of their issues.

When these issues are identified and resolved in other ways, the 'addiction' or 'feening' for cannabis evaporates.

That being said, I'm pretty sure everyone has terpene profiles which have very strong ngetative effects on their mental well being. I know they exist for my brain chemistry, holy crap. ;)