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Smoking mj and decreased sex drive/probs?


Most herbalists consider weed to be estrogenic. If you already are low in testosterone, adding weed to the mix could swing the balance a bit too far.
What? The bitch titty rumour again? C'mon, that shit is old. Soy, maybe. Weed? Not buying it. Sorry.


Active member
Sex drive is hardwired to your sense of accomplishment. The better you feel about what you're accomplishing, the more intense your drive becomes.

Are you not getting much done when you're stoned all the time?
(yes... I skipped the thread. In a hurry, back later. LOL)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Active member
na man, its nothing psychological. if i stop smokin for 10-14 days my sex drive goes thru the roof.. night and day difference.


What? The bitch titty rumour again? C'mon, that shit is old. Soy, maybe. Weed? Not buying it. Sorry.

More about the energetics than the actual hormones. There ain't much in the plant kingdom more hyper feminine than a bud of sinsemilla that has been trying to get pollinated for several weeks.

Probably more truth there than anything you might believe about soy...

Kant C Shyt

Active member
I thought I had run into a thread like this back in the day but oh well. I usually hear this problem called the "Dope D#$K". Yea sometimes it goes both ways as in helping or hindering me when I smoke but lately I feel more of the hindering. I haven't had a problem everytime but when I do its a problem at that time. I keep hearing the Sativa vs Indica debate on which is better and i'm thinking the sativa thing may have some merit based on some personal experience but I need more testing ;). The attraction to the counterpart also probably plays a role, saw some kind of study they did on Discovery or TLC a long time ago that discussed this. I smoke a lot of indica doms but not by choice its just whats available when i'm out of my own. I need to try more sativas and see if that may change something. I also don't eat well, sleep well, i'm stressed all the time and feel sometimes like i'm not making much progress in life. Oh yea I smoke most of the day if I don't keep myself busy but with all that I can say without bragging or trying to sound like a smartbutt but i'm probably in better shape than most (always been very athletic) but I do know that I could be in better shape and eat/sleep better. The stress i'm working on so we'll see how that goes. I actually don't discuss this really with my friends only like 2 know and its not something I want to be talking to them about as they are not in the same boat (they may have had a bad night or 2 but not like me so they can't relate). I guess its easier to talk to my ICMAG family about certain things only because I feel more comfortable I guess because ya'll aren't actually sitting here with me or even know who I am. Thats kinda it for now so i'm about to go smoke and maybe call a few girls, the more research the better as to isolating and fixing a problem ;). Ya'll take care 1

P.S. I know there's a thread about strains that help with sex drive or make sex more enjoyable. Only reason I said that is maybe we can post a few strains in here that do the dang thing. I think LP #1 and Satori come to mind.


Active member
thats crazy....sensimilla afterall is super horny plant vagina. i dont think theres anything scientific about it creating estrogen tho..


Active member
Based on what I've read about kundalini and entheogens, MJ affects certain chakras or energycenters, out of a total of 7, MJ reaches to the 4th which is your Heart.
Not everyone thinks like this but my instinct says the energy isn't focused in your lower chakras after heavy MJ use. And that's where (root chakra) where the sexual energy/libido is.
I would suggest smoking a little less and try some excercising and see how it affects your sex drive.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I've never experienced a decreased sex drive from using marijuana unless you describe a decreased drive as passing on someone you might shag if you were drunk. If that's the criteria then I guess it has because marijuana has never made me so horny it caused me to want to fuck a woman I wouldn't fuck sober but alcohol sure as hell has.

Most people I know though that smoke claim their sex drive is increased while stoned which I have never noticed in myself. If the woman is hot enough to raise the pants tent then I'm going to want to have sex with her stoned or sober.

The only drugs I've had effect me sexual performance wise are opiate based pain pills. If I take them I can get a hardon and go thru the motions far longer then normal and never achieve an orgasm and then eventually my mind wonders and I can't maintain the erection.


Active member
The effect of a purer sat or haze is the opposite of a heavy indica , long term heavy consumption of widow pretty much killed my libido , switching to haze brought it back and then some.

Three gramme a day for thirty five years has left me incapable of getting very high , six months off did not bring it back , but can at least smoke anybody under the table , shame its not an olympic event.

Do you also happen to drink alcohol? In larger quantities than normal?
Because the consumption of alcohol also negatively influences the strength of other drugs (iow: Alcohol increases your tolerance to other drugs) If you stop both for period it the capability to get really high might come back!

No problems whatsoever!


ICMag Donor
Do you also happen to drink alcohol?

Barely touched it for thirty years , decided to smoke instead.

Have been to many funerals of freinds dead before their time from road accidents and liver desease as the damage progresses , along with the obesity and long term dulling of the intelect i think i made the right choice.


Active member
I wish I could contribute to this discussion, but I have always smoked right before sex, just a few hits, not knock out doses. The buzz stage enhances the sex with me, not the opposite, but I do not overdue it. I'm speaking from the perspective of over 40 years of enjoying the sacred herb. rastafari mon.


Active member
I feel I can agree...maybe the general sense of contentment cannabis brings to one's attitude prevents you from feeling like its necessary...


marijuana can have devastating effects on sexual functions according to traditional chinese medicine

jing = life essence (according to TCM)

Marijuana and Sex

Living in the Moment

Unbalanced marijuana poisons the centers in the brain that are responsible for sexual pleasure.

As a person enjoys the experience in the moment, marijuana is burning up the physical foundation of his/her sexuality.

Sensations get heightened, but only if the person is high.

S/he begins to search for new and unusual ways to have sex and stimulate her/himself.

Heating Up the Jing

In the world of the Taoists, jing is never heated up for the intention of losing it. It’s only done to refine and reinvest it back into one’s being.

Passing on the Jing

People squander their jing in ways that disperse their health and energy.

The body will do everything it can to protect its jing.

The sexual feelings that come from kidney yin depletion only cause a person to lose jing more rapidly. Long-term unbalanced marijuana use and abuse can damage the physical basis of a person’s sexual function on every level.
Marijuana’s Effects are Gender Specific

Did you know that marijuana affects people differently according to their gender?

The Jing-Squandered Male

In males, marijuana can influence the parts of the brain that control sex and growth hormones. This can decrease a man’s ability to produce yang energy.

He doesn’t feel like doing anything.

He can also be spaced out and lose his ‘edge.’

He’s not producing yang if he only wants to have sex when he’s high.

Situation critical if he’s developing breasts.

If a man loses his ability to produce sperm, he can’t recycle it back into his body and nourish himself with it.

When testosterone levels go down, so do other organic functions. Damage to sperm is part of the greater destruction to a man’s yang energy.

It’s Different for Women

Marijuana affects women differently.

It increases her yang energy, but it burns up her yin at the same time.

Women can become more masculine on physical, emotional and mental levels.

Can affect menstrual cycle and ability to use her own natural hormones in daily life.

Effect of changing the menstrual cycle is reversible.

Hormones and Jing

Hormones are an important part of the jing sexual essence. Through the eyes of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the fact that unbalanced marijuana affects the hormones signals that it’s doing the deepest possible damage to the body.

Marijuana and Childhood Sexual Development

If a child’s reproductive system gets compromised from the beginning of its development and maturation, it can take a lot of time and energy to repair it, if it’s possible at all. This can mean major life consequences.


Active member
so wtf is balanced marijuana consumption according to the old chinese farts?

as opposed to "unbalanced marijuana"



It’s All in the Name...

Why does marijuana have side effects? The whole story is contained in the Chinese name for marijuana.

Marijuana’s name in Chinese is Huo Ma, which means Fire Hemp. We call marijuana Huo Ma because of its fiery nature.

What’s a fiery nature? It means that if you take marijuana it will have the same effect on you as if you were exposed to fire. If you expose yourself a little bit, it will just warm you up. A little bit more, and you’ll start drying out. Even more, and you’ll begin burning, and so on.

Marijuana starts a kind of a fire inside of you when you take it. This fire takes a definite progression through your body and mind if you expose yourself to it again and again. This progression is described by the marijuana syndromes.

The more you can learn about the marijuana syndromes and how to treat them, the more you will be able to help people balance their relationship with marijuana, whatever it may be.

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