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Smoking in your vehicle

Smoking in your vehicle

  • Never

    Votes: 83 45.1%
  • Once a month

    Votes: 29 15.8%
  • Once a week

    Votes: 20 10.9%
  • Every day

    Votes: 52 28.3%

  • Total voters


Well smoking in the car finally caught up with me, had a lady cop pull me over today and the first thing out of her mouth was "WOW DOES IT SMELL LIKE WEED IN HERE". Gave her the half joint that I had saved for my 50 mile trip back from the grocery store and the pipe that I forgot to take out of the car. Gotta go to court and think its gonna be a 350 dollar ticket. Gotta get me a med card soon, this is absolutely rediculous. She asked if I had one when I went to the back of the car. Anywho, lesson learned. I just couldn't leave that sour behind, ya know?
I'm guilty of burning and driving myself :joint: I also have bad habit of rolling blunts while I work the wheel with my knee lol. I usually keep a cigarette in order to mask the smell in the event of a pullover, they seem to care about weed just as much as alc.


Active member
^ not true (about growers in their right mind)

its pretty rural where Im from. burn rides are in.. even on the interstate, what are you going to do? not smoke?

Im not in it for the money. I do it for plant preservation and spiritual revelation..

I live my vote.


oh yeah- and no check points.
not in it for the money is the way to be

If I'm going to go throw the top down and have a nice smoke on the road, I'm gonna smoke a joint and toss the roach if anything seemed like it was about to happen... so I don't know where any big risk really comes in.


I love my life
And we wonder why we can't get taken seriously as a movement when this is our average pot smoker...

There is no WE that you and I are any part of. I'd rather stick with the guy who has balls enough to live his own life and not cower like a bitch.

What business is it of yours if he SUBMITS to their law or makes a free choice to break it?

I find your posts often critical and rarely informative.

As for smoking and driving, I don't usually do it because a huge bong rip before I leave will keep me good for several hours and I'm normally within reach of another bong by then.

I get pulled over often enough because I like to drive fast, but I've never been asked to allow a search. I have had several car crashes in my life where the car had to leave with a tow and me with a friend, but still never had the car searched.

I've done stupid human tricks on the side of the road a couple of times and passed, they still didn't ask to search. On one of the times I told the cop I smoked cannabis the day prior.

Liberty and freedom are WELL more important than the small risk associated with breaking their immoral laws. If we are happy to overgrow their NAZI asses we shouldn't be afraid to enjoy ourselves as we do it.



Active member
Freshman year of college. Bong, kush, hash, 2 door celica, 2 friends.

Almost passed out in the parking lot at Disney Land trying to hide my hit from bicycle security.

We had just got a new Jerome Baker Designs with a gecko on it. Somehow that seemed perfect enough reason to drive 4 hours one way to Disneyland for the weekend.

I'll never forget hash bongloads on Tom Sawyers Island or the intensly psychedellic adventure Space Mountain becomes when you're totally zooted.

But don't smoke and drive. You're just asking for it.

Yea, I learned the hard way too.

But cigs caused way more problems for me while driving than buds ever did.


Invertebrata Inebriata
What happens if they smell it, but there's no evidence? Can they arrest you for the smell?


Active member
What happens if they smell it, but there's no evidence? Can they arrest you for the smell?

Depending on the way you answer their questions they can field sobriety test check you.

Depending on the way you perform on the check they could still detain you under suspicion of driving under the influence or they may think the 'smell' is from hidden contraband.

Could detain your vehicle for a more thorough search.


I never do.

But, my car often smells like cannabis(in its respective jars). Just not smoked cannabis.

I am near multiple casinos and there are a lot of checkpoints.
Jellyfish, I've been pulled after lighting up and my car was searched heavily and then I was complemented for hiding it well. It's important to have eye drops in situations like these because you CAN get a DUI for driving under the influence.
I've done it plenty of times myself so I'm no one to tell anyone not to, but I'm old, been around the block and can offer you these points for consideration:

your car is basically a defendant delivery service for LEO
any car can be stopped at any time for any reason - they can always lie when it gets to court...and they will, they do it every day
when a cop whips in behind you and pops his light, depending on where you are in the country and what you've been up to, you could be in big trouble

Like many in this thread I used to do it but not so much anymore. I think as ppl get older they tend to take fewer risks as it becomes clearer how dangerous it is. So do what you're gonna do, that's what your gonna do anyway. But be aware of the risk and act accordingly. Good luck out there on the road. Just remember, the road belongs to LEO.

Agree with this wholeheartedly.

If you're in a non-MMJ state, you're most vulnerable in your car - it's a simple fact.

Most of you will never have to learn that lesson the hard way, but some of you will..........and you'll really be kicking yourself for not being able to wait until you got home.

Good luck and be safe.
I use to smoke in my car when I smoked cigarettes. Since I quit smoking cigs, I've really cut down on smoking in the car. Even with the emergency pack in the car, I try not to. Plus, I've become a big fan of vapes over bongs/pipes, and my vape doesn't do the car so well.

I fully agree with the car being the most risky place to smoke. I can think of the 3 most sketch events with LEO and pot for me, and they all happened in cars. Never any related tickets or etc, thankfully.

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