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Smokin' Little J's Outside 08

little j

those pics above look sugary when you enlarge them. but, on to some interesting stuff. this next plant was planted late and is 8-9ft now. bud loaded. first some pics before. these were aug 22.

and now.

this baby has a couple weeks so im counting on it to fatten up alot more. every inch of branch is growing a bud. this is a bagseed from a good friend that buys some quality smoke. it got out the latest as a tiny sprout and took off to become my tallest, best plant this year. no ferts at all. good hole with compost and a regular watering is all it took. this is what will make my year a success. the money i spent on seeds this year just didnt pay off like this.

little j


great progres bro, lovely! thx for the male porn, you know what i like,hehe. yeah lil j, you have to grow that singleseeded plant next season
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little j

hello today esbe. i put a clone out in early summer in a very public place. it was about as tall as a beer bottle. unfortunately i couldnt find my prepared hole so i had to put it in the clay filled soil. never checked it till 2 weeks ago. it is still the size of a beer bottle but a little bushier. hairy as hell and full of little buds. i brushed it full of pollen so im expecting to get the smallest plant ever yielding a hundred seeds. i wont get to it again till i have to chop it but ill bring the camera along. should be interesting. take it easy.
little j

little j

hey guys. im reading a lot about rain and mold and here is no different. terrrible weather this last week and they say more this coming week. i can get out to the ladies only once a week and so i had to go do a little picking today. we have not seen the sun in 4 or 5 days and my plants are very unchanged. thats not good because i need them to finish up before the freeze. a delay of a week is a big deal. i need another 3 weeks for some. maybe even 4. on with the show.

the above is just sitting there.
the below is also just sitting there. it looks heavy but both these plants are very fluffy. i left them in hopes of fattening up. im not worried about mold on these because of the airy buds they have. these plants have revegged and i blame that for the fluffiness.

the next is a seed project. nice buds but only 2ft tall. no problem though. i need some seeds. male skunk standing guard.

its working. i see some seeds in there.

i also have the red guard on duty.

more in a few minutes.
thanks. little j

little j

little problem with my post. this is the other fluffy one i was referring to. looks heavy but its not. really thin in the denseness. little j

the next is a pic of the sweet purple bud i took down. i took home a couple of these. the leaves are gone on these plants and i dont want to lose them to mold this next week. its early but,,,


little j

those early buds i picked above were done enough to provide a taste test and i must say,,,,,,, i liked it! i took a couple hits. tasted fresh and clean. smooth. got me nice and high. i liked it!!!!! a couple beers and 2 hits from the bong and i was seeing double. i couldnt focus on the tv. i liked it!!!! and now lets get out to the woods and see what we got going on this week.
the pics below are a seed project that is lookig nice. male skunk standing gaurd duty over this lady. it looks to be working. :rasta:

now on to some sweet purple pics. last week i took the main buds from these plants. whats left is secondary and smaller. i got some seeds in these lowers i need to mature a bit more. nice fall colors though.

the next pic is a sweet purp that is really nice and big and should give me a great pile o' buds. it is very late and it needs a good 3 weeks yet. i dont know if it will last. if the weather gives me more sun than the rain i have been getting it will finish wonderfully. (and no hard frosts) nice purple hairs on this one already also. my other 2 didnt show this.

stay tuned. some harvest pics coming up shortly. thanks. little j


Active member
ICMag Donor
Very nice guerilla grows litlle j .. guerilla grows is nice adrenalin sport at least in our country on Slovakia.:joint::jump:

little j

hello paddi
hello radvancan.

so lets see what else i did this weekend. ,,,,,oh yeah, checked on my dream girl. fattening up nicely. i had a hint of bud rot on one branch so i clipped it for trial. very sweet smell. very different than my others you will see soon.

nice buds all over this plant.i dont know if they will get super fat. great location for this one. real sunny (when the sun is out) good air flow. im fighting between pulling this or letting it grow a bit more. i fear the rot.

this plant below got 75 percent picked. had a couple spots of bud rot so i figured i better be happy and take it home. a week or two ago i complained of the looseness of these buds but something happened and they really tightened up nicely. i got some nice chunks off her.

just a small display of some off the buds i took home.
little j


little j

and now some autumn colors. man i love this time of year.

the pics with the purple and yellowing buds are from a small plant that never took off to well. i brushed it with some sweet purple pollen to make it useful. it is very mature now and the seeds are falling out as i dry it now. very, very leafy buds on this. bad sun combined with super seed machine makes not much to smoke but i got others for that. ill get a couple little j's rolled from her though. thats all i ask.
take it easy guys. ill be close. little j

little j

i had MAJOR problems today.

i hate it when my fingers are so sticky i cant pick things up or work my lighter or even type decently.
of course i had to look at paddis thread first. wow did he put me to shame. still,, i think we both had a great day. friends, some hiking, trimming in the woods, smokin little j's in the woods. home for a meal and trim some more. finally i got it all hangin. back hurts, hands numb. house stinks so much i may be buzzed without even dipping into the stash!!!! ok. im going to dip in a bit. these pics are a small sample of todays activities. just some quick shots before the chop. more pics tomorrow when im rested and relaxed.
its always just a bit stressful walking around with a back pack FULL of sweet smellin buds. thus the way of the guerrilla. (geurilla, gorila, gorrrila,) damn! how you spell that now. hehehehehheehehhehehehehehehehe

the above is my skunk seed project. great colors but i dont think the camera got them good. nice purples coming through. all my skunk plants were lost this year to bad luck, hungry critters or a hot batch of ferts. i did get what looks like a sweet supply of seeds from a giant male skunk and a bagseed that has given me many bountiful years. im thinking about next year already.

the above is the last of some sweet purples that were loved by many wild pigs this year. they took a beating all summer and were stunted all the time. the nugs i got off these are nugs indeed. hard like rocks. great smoking from the earlier harvest off these plants. potent as hell (if you ask me) but i have to give them a good sit down test soon.

im taking a smoke break but i got more pics of today. this is my best though. 8ft of love. smells like toxic cut lemons. yyyuuuuuuuummmmmmm!!!! its stinking up my house as we speak. my girlfriends scared of this room now. hehehehe.
thanks people. little j

little j

i guess my smoke break last night made me forget to post the pic. :)
lets try again.

last week this had a touch of rot. this week it had a touch more so i got while the gettin was good. the buds are smallish. dont know if it wouldve got better but i know it was gettin worse. sticky, stinky. real lemony, citrus.
smoke report is pending. first try resulted in me fainting., dont ask. 3 hits and 15 min later i cant see or walk. needed a cold compress. :nono: little j


MAN...I thought I was the only one to do the male toss! LMAO, that looked too familiar(this year)!

little j

hi guys. well i want to tell everyone that my year is done. i worked hard and what was to be 15-20 plants ended up with only 1 fully budded great smelling 8ftr. i cleaned her up and the buds are quite fluffy. dried real fast and i got it jarred up. plenty to take me through the winter. about 5 big jars.
i had a few other plants that gave me a jar or 2. some seed projects that gave me something to work with next year(which was important to me). all in all i got plenty to smoke and plenty to sprout. i dont have any dry pics because i was so busy packing it away and removing stems that the next thing i knew the dry box was empty.
i worked hard. maybe too hard for what i got but at the same time if i didnt work that hard i may have got less. i hate to think of that. always next year. little j
i got a few pics to stick up here yet so ill be back.

little j

hello all. i like watching everyone start harvesting around here.
i figure i better cap off my thread with a finished product shot.
the following shots are about 1/2 of everything. notice that jar of ready-to-toke-j's. i like rolling a couple hundred right away to put my supply in perspective. now i know i have enough to get me through the winter and into the summer. we all have to pray for next summer though. my friends are plenty happy, im plenty happy too. unfortunately my friends wont be so happy when i have to tell them i cant help them out so much. come over and party, no problem. you want some to go, sorry. all out. they need to learn to grow. :joint:
im still lurking around here so feel free to say hello. big plans for next year.

little j

little j

uh oh, i guess this will be a bump because with the new layout of the site i dont know how to upload photos. i also cant find my gallery. it was always in a line when i went to advanced post. now its not there. i have to play around here a bit i guess.
yes i have been away for awhile. i always plan my vacation days around harvest and hunting and my work around xmas and winter. i have been stopping in to read a little when i got the time but otherwise ive been trying not to think about growing. that is very hard to do. particularly when the new year is started. i dont like thinking about it when i have to wait many months yet. the bug has definatley got me though. with the new year comes new ideas and bigger ideas. last year was interesting. i wanted to make some seeds and i did so of course i want to run them this year to see the results of my first time breeding. i am not a breeder. i just want to learn more about this stuff and become self reliant on seeds. i really dont like the mail ordering stuff. plus, i think doing it myself really fine tunes the plant and learning curve of that particular plant/breed.
i have missed chatting to many of you and i see some have contacted me via pm while i was away. i hope to catch up to all of you in the coming weeks. good to see some of you back from a break also. thats you B.C.
i got some porn pics with seed counts for esbe.
hello to padddi. im just as excited to see your grow this year as i am my own.
wisco, how was your hunting season.
im also looking for a few others around here too. one grew a beauty in poland.
silverback. im still thinking about the auora indica. id like to try it but my buying seeds is tough. we will see if i can make something happen.
a few pics will come and a fast recap of my year will be made for a fast read and to refresh my memory on my grow and all those who stopped in to say hello. happy new year and lets get ready to grow!!!!!!!
oh yeah. i finally got the time to give everything a good test so i guess a few smoke reports will be coming also.
thanks, little j

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