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Smokin' Little J's Outside 08

little j

Hello all. So I wanted to start a thread diary to tell you what great things I'm doing but it is taking time to get anything worth showing. Now I have decided to start it because I have questions and comments and weird things happening.

Lets get caught up. Strains. Skunk #1, Sweet Purple, Cali orange, (tester) some bagseed I have had good results from and seeds that popped out of my bagseed. I will refer to the bagseeds as bagseed, and the offspring of said bagseed as pinky seed. I gave it this name because last year when I grew it the hairs were pink all summer. Unfortunatley it got flooded out and I only got tons of little popcorns. Very immature but I also got a couple seeds out of that too.
So using seeds from pinky I sprouted a few of those as well as a few of everything else. Heres where it gets interesting and confusing. I planted at easter and they have been in the window sill ever since. Surprising to me after about 2 weeks the pinkys started flowering. Not just a few hairs but tons of them. I dont know what to do about this and I dont know why. The days have been getting longer and I only use natural light.??? Please comment on this. At the same time my skunks are unknown sex, tha cali o is unknown, but some of the bagseed did tell me sex. some males some females. ??????Feel free to comment on this subject.
As you can see the pinkys are giving me the most trouble. Sweet purples are male, male and male. I just keep popping more hoping for a female or at least a question mark. Thank goodness my skunks dont show anything(i think). So i have put outside this last weekend, 1 female pinky, 1 female bagseed, and 1 unknown skunk. More go out in the following week but only a few for now. I will add a few more details and troubles I have had in awhile. Thanks for your time. Little j

little j

To continue with some things,,, I have never tried cloning so I cut off one flowering ( i say flowering because it must be doing this) top and put it in the peat cube. I have success cloning now so I did some more that were getting to tall and I also would like to believe these plants will go back to vegging. Am I crazy to think this?? Anyway the plants which I will call mothers now are branching all over the place and continue to flower. MASS LITTLE BUDSITES, MASS HAIRS. This is new to me. I always start indoors on the windowsill for 1 month before planting outside. I have had 8ft plants in august before I finally found out what sex they were. Now I got sexing after 2-3 weeks!!! What is up with this??? little j :nono:

little j

minor update. first thing i got a cable to upload pics from my phone into comp but i was told i need to download a program?? anybody know about this. now the grow. so i got 3 out last weekend and checked them yester. all alive looking settled and i hope ready to grow upwards;) next thing. my main patch has been hit hard by pigs. wild pigs. no plants there yet but i had brought in a lot of sweet soil and had a nice patch and when i checked it last weekend every hole was emptied of dirt. perfectly empty. no blood, fish stuff. i know better. i guess they liked the horse poo. ;( whatever, i went to install fence when i found this so whatever. i will put more fence up this weekend but i am also doing cheap perfume and car freshners to scare the entire forest away. i just have to get these plants out of the house because they are wasting their time in the window. none of my skunks have showed sex. fine with me cause everything else is flowering.;( this makes me mad. started 3 more sweet purps, i need some females of this. i got males and want pollen but they are small. i wil put them in a crap spot whenever. i gotta take care of these pigs first.
oh yeah, i got 2 cali o plants goin and they both started slow but now the stems are wooded up and shootin roots out of them. 2in up the stem roots are pokin out?? interesting. smellin good too for only 10in tall. thanks for listening. wish me luck tihis weekend. i gotta get a lot out AND I DONT WANT TO LEAVE THEM OUT THERE!!!!!!!! ITS F'N WILD OUT THERE MAN.

little j

weekend update. since hanging some detergent soap in socks around my patch no pigs have been there. i put 2 skunks i topped for clones in there. i dont know their sex so we will see. i hope i get a female because i will still have another clone of it if one goes male. i put out a bagseed that has some skinny sawtooth leaves on it. probably sativa dom but we will see what it does. also put out a clone of one of my pinky plants that was flowering. hoping it goes back to veg real fast. checked my others that were already out with water and nutes. no big growth upwards but it has been only 2 weeks. they look healthy and hopefully they start reaching for the sky. no digi cam. i will try other things for pics but not much to show as of now. little j

little j

sorry no pics but not much to show yet. lets start with my cali o im keeping indoors. i transplanted both into 1 big pail. they like it more and one smells a lot and the leaves are getting a waxy finish to it while the other is skinnier and uninteresting. i think i have 1 male and 1 female. we will see.
outdoors. got 2 more unsexed skunks out to the patch with the others. one from the week before got nipped by a deer so it has been topped twice now. no big growth but they are alive and i trimmed some trees to get more light down on them. i want them to start reaching for the light. once they get 2 feet tall they will be soaking up full sun. in the same place i put out another female homemade bagseed. (pinky) checked all the others with ferts and they are alive and well. we could use some rain. it would help. thanks. little j

little j

oh yeah, i had one plant (pinky) all budded out with baby buds and loaded with hairs. i took some clones off this and so it has been topped all over. i clipped all the buds off and i put that out in a thick patch in a very public place with awesome sun. just for fun to see what it can do. i dont know if it will make it without regular water though. little j

little j

ill try to get pics here. some skunks i put out. the others look better but im having probs with getting them up here. basically this is it though.

put out 2 sweet purple this week. also checked 2 of my already flowering by accident plants. they have liitle buds. hope they go back to growing. lost one to a rabbit i think.

may have given a little to much nitro to some because they look a little retarded now. like they want to grow but cant keep up on producing leaves. it lokks pretty funny. i cut back on the ferts this week.
thanks little j


Joint Date: Today.
Good luck with the new grow. they look Happy :smile:

about that early flowering question i dont see it being that weird is just that some plants have the tendance to be early sexers and they show sex in spring.. they are probably more photosensitive than others.. at beginning of spring the hours of light are around 14 and some plants start to flower. It probably has something to do with the age of the plant.. some plant develope sexual maturity earlyer than others so they are able to sex early in the season.
They usually revert back to veg phase and keep on growing untill the hours of light decrease again
The others that show sex around june are the "normal" ones. Dependng on developing speed and your latitude they are usually ready around beginning-mid of october.
That pinky must be more photosensitive than the others. I would use a pinky male to pollenate something off the other strains in order to increase photosensivity in later flowering and probably more potent strains like that skunk youre working with..
Hope this helps a bit .. keep on posting!

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little j

i think i got the pic thing figured. this spot has a few skunks and i put a sweet purple in there too.

as you can see i got a skunk back there i topped and cloned. i did the same to another and then i deer did it again. see the pic up a few posts. oh well. thanks little j


Nice pick up with the sweet purple, where did you find it? I haven't been able to locate it for a while... I'm interested to see how it turns out, hopefully you got the strawberry pheno :cool:
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little j

hey purple buddy. that isnt the sweet purple right there. it is the best skunk in that spot. i meant that i put a sweet purp in the same patch. if i didnt say anything you wouldnt know the difference though because it looks the same. a friend went to 'dam and got it for me. paradise seeds. i popped 3 or 4 and got only males. the one i put out there is unknown sex. i popped 3 more and they are doin good inside so far. i really want some females as i kept 2 of those males for seed making. i want a lot of these beans for the future. you say there is a strawberry pheno. cool. i will keep my eyes open for this.

thanks for stoppin in wamen. i read your stuff too. oh yeah. all the pinkys i popped were fem. all showed after 2 weeks in the window sill???

a side note. i got 2 cali orange bud goin inside/patio also. i sprouted a couple but they are finicky. i got 2 now sharing a pail. 1 is a bit lanky, the other is more stout. the stout one makes my entire house smell. the lanky doesnt smell much. i hope for a fem in the stout one. really looks healthy and broad. both only a foot tall. thanks guys. little j
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little j

so my girlfriend is pissed so i will post tonight. no pics but update is this. took another sweet purple to the patch. discovered one skunk got trampled or pawed at by a deer. it may survive but it may die. well wishes to that one. the deer didnt mess with the others there. 1 skunk looks nice and thick and the others are alive and ready to take off i hope. i always overdose my plants on nutes without a problem but i think i gotta cut back on these. they look deformed and struggling. another skunk got slugged i think. my sawtoooth lookin plant got bit and is still budding. i was expecting better growth on that one. lost a total of 3 outta one spot i thought would be good but deer walked through stinging nettle to investigate that spot i guess. my fault for not fencing it completely. got some nice ones going yet but i am kinda down about this last visit.

my cali o's on the patio are nice to me but the girlfriend is starting to b#!tch because of the smell of ONLY ONE F'N PLANT. man what a winer. it does stink the hell out of the place though. i got months of this to deal with yet??? im already thinkin about force flowering just to end the pain. thanks for letting me vent. little j

little j

its time for an update. it has been awhile because i know you guys like pics but i have no digi cam. got out the paper cam and took some shots for you though.

since the last update things have gone ok. my patch is looking good. 4 skunks and 3 sweet purple in there and looking healthy. the skunks are really strong looking but the stems are like hollow straws. they will need some supports i think. the sweet purps are a week behind but stabilizing. got another purp in a seperate locale looking strong. a skunk in a private spot that should have been big and strong is gone due to slugs or possibly ants. all these plants are unknown sex???? lets hope the best.

i got 2 to of my own pinky females. on last check one should have been above my waist but a deer trimmed it even with the fencing?? whats upp with that. it was big, mature and i thought safe from deer. oh well i guess it will bush out even more. it was topped once already and now got mowed straight across the top. both of these were starting to flower when they went out. the bush is fine the other is growing single blades but growing up as well. looks pretty neat actually but i hope it produces something in the end.
put out 3 more quality bagseeds and got the fence up secure. pig got in it 2 weeks ago and i lost my skunk clones. i put them out young but i need them in the ground as soon as possible.
now my cali on the terrace. great sun here and its outside most of the day but i guess it got a little sun burnt because suddenly a couple leaves turned brown and so i cut those in hopes of some branching. strange how i now cant give it full sun??
im feeding all with grass ferts high in nitro but all i can find for flowering later is 12-12-36 strawberry fert. what you guys think. ill try the pic now. they all look about the same so....

little j

lets post a pic. i know you guys need them. this is 1 week old and i mean old. they change every week.

i will be throwing a few more up in a day or 2. this is a patch of skunks and sweet purples. im giving them grass ferts high in nitro of course but i want to know what you think of 12-12-36 strawberry fert for flower? (if they flower,,, these are all unknown sex) pray for me. thanks little j

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