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Smokers want mellower weed- great article


passing the gas
My brother is a weed scientist. Every weekday morning, he drives to work in the Freemont neighborhood of Seattle, throws on a lab coat with “Northwest Botanical Analysis” stitched over the pocket, and starts putting tiny samples of ganja through a gas chromatography machine, among other gadgets. He tells breeders and the “dispensaries” that that currently distribute pot under the local medical marijuana system the potency of their various colorfully named strains as well as the relative amounts of the many subtly different compounds, called cannabinoids and terpenes, that make each one a different experience to smoke. He checks for mites, pesticides, and mold (a common problem with bud grown in Seattle’s damp basements). These days, he’s talking to the state Liquor Control Board as it works on the rules and regulations for retail sales of dope starting later this year.

When I tell people about my brother’s job—that is, when I tell people who are roughly in my demographic of thirtysomething and fortysomething parents—I nearly always get the same response: “Really? Can he score me some weak weed?”

Clearly, there’s a market segment out there that isn’t being catered to by the dope industry. And these relatively affluent customers want something more like a glass of wine at the end of the day than the effect summarized by one recent review of the guava dawg strain in Northwest Leaf magazine: “lung expansion, flavor worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize, and the ability to instantly make my face feel like it’s been shrink-wrapped.”

Marijuana is much stronger than it used to be. Lots of the strains for sale at medical marijuana dispensaries are approaching 25 percent THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, the compound in the plant known for getting you wicked high. Sitting around a winter solstice bonfire in the Seattle area this December, I heard a woman in her 60s tell a story about her husband taking a tiny toke on a joint that was going around a dinner party, only to pass out in his chair. Another friend and her husband, in their 30s, decided to share a marijuana caramel after their daughter went to bed. They got way too stoned and entered a shared freak-out about how they would deal if she came out to ask for a glass of water.

An elder statesman of Generation X, comedian Louis C.K., has a bit in his Live at the Beacon Theater special about taking “big hits. Like big, 1970s, jean jacket, Bad Company hits” of modern, high potency dope, and then everything going terrifically terrible. “When I was a kid you could just smoke a joint for a while. Now you take two hits and you go insane,” he says. “It's not doable anymore.”

“Our potencies here are off the scale,” confirms longtime grower Todd Ellison, co-founder of Colorado Marijuana Marketing, a one-stop shop for weed-related entrepreneurs in search of marketing help. “I have a guy who taught me to grow, who has been growing since the ’60s. And this stuff blows him away.” And Ellison agrees. “I am almost 40. I’ve got three kids. You don’t want something that is going to lay you out and make you stupid all day.”

Why is dope so strong? Because plants with big, strong buds maximize the profit of the basement grower. Plus, the people who grow it and sell it also smoke it, and they’ve got high tolerances and a deep fondness for its effects. They like it strong.

When my brother, Andrew Marris, got into the weed-analysis business, he expected that growers would be pouring over readouts detailing the concentrations of the various psychoactive components, trying to create perfect, complex masterpieces. Instead, though, he found that many of his customers were obsessively focused on just one statistic: the percentage of THC.

This THC obsession has created a bimodal weed supply. There’s the carefully bred marijuana, with excellent flavor and aroma and pleasing suite of effects—which are ridiculously, hallucinatory, time-stutteringly strong for a casual user. Then there’s ditch weed or Mexican brick weed. Sure, you can smoke it around the campfire until the stars go out, but it smells bad and tastes bad, and nobody is going to bother testing it or perfecting it. What’s missing is lower-potency, high-quality dope.

“Right now, higher potency is a signal of quality product,” says my brother, “because weed grown poorly loses potency.” Good genetics and plants grown by careful, competent growers will result in a “medium-to-high-strength” product, he says. “It has an agreeable smell, vibrant colors.”

I raise my eyebrows about all this color and aroma talk. I chalk it up to stoners who wish they had the same cultural approval as guys who sit around swilling wine all day and talking about oakiness and jam. Dope smells like skunky wet laundry, no? My brother pops into the lab’s back room and comes out with a few samples. Some of them smell like tropical fruit and have strain names to match, like tangerine dragon. A strain called blueberry cheesecake smells exactly like blueberry cheesecake. Super lemon haze actually smells good to me. The complex chemistry explains the bouquet. For example, a terpene called myrcene that they’ve identified in strains like white dawg is also found in mangoes.

These terpenes affect the high as well as the sensory experience of smoking. It is called the “entourage effect.” As the industry matures with legalization and gets beyond its THC obsession, says Muraco Kyashna-tocha, director of the Evergreen State Cannabis Trade Alliance, “We'll learn we like the 15 percent THC lemon haze with myrcene way more than the 20 percent THC lemon haze with no myrcene.”

Yes, the marijuana industry is about to change, any minute. You can’t exactly walk into a grocery store and buy a sack of weed, but that day may not be that far off. Colorado and Washington state officials are currently hammering out rules and regulations for how the drug can be bought and sold, and by the end of the year, you might be able to pop into a state-run or private shop for a few ounces of the sticky icky on your way home from the office.

Will this new legality expand the market of marijuana customers beyond the current core demographic of guys in their 20s in hoodies and baseball caps with a callous disregard for regular shaving? Yeah. Probably. At least, that’s the read of industry insiders. “Now that the stigma of being a criminal in the eyes of the law (at least here in Seattle) is gone, we foresee a gradual increase in consumption, though perhaps in more benign forms like edibles, drinkables, and topicals. They are much more fun and much less threatening since you don't have to engage in the act of smoking,” says Lisa Dank, the media coordinator and web consultant for one Seattle dispensary, North Seattle Med. Co.

Back in Colorado, Ellison says that as of now, the demand for straight-up bud comes from men in their 20s, and they pay for potency. “They want to party and get wasted,” he says. But if customers demand something mellower, the industry will supply it. Ellison predicts that large corporations, such as beer companies, might fill the gap, producing large quantities of midgrade weed: not as flashy as the current Cannabis Cup winners, with their crystals of THC glistening under glamorous lighting, but not as pathetic as ditch weed either. “If the big boys come in and come out with a mid-grade” he says, then that new market will be served.

Until then, newbies and those who have been burned by strong weed have a few options. They can make sure that the marijuana they are buying is mostly Cannabis sativa rather than Cannabis indica. Sativa is said to be more cerebral, more placid. Indica, on the other hand, is known for inducing what industry insiders refer to as “couch lock.” If you are in your 40s or 50s, the dope you smoked in high school was probably sativa. “Most of this country, people over 40, the fond memories we have of way back when, when pot made you want to play the guitar and dance in the field, were of sativa,” says Kyashna-tocha. “We were importing from tropical places. But then we started having indoor production. If you grow indoors, you shift to the stuff that is going to maximize production: fast, short, and big impressive-looking buds. That is indica. The shift went to this more stupefying stoned high.”

One caveat about that sativa advice, though. My brother says that there are few, if any, truly pure strains available. Everything has been hybridized many times over in basements and grow rooms from California to Spain.

Another strategy is to go for the bargain parts of the plant. “Oftentimes the dispensary will have the shake and the leaf, which is going to have the same taste, but what you end up with is a less potent pot,” explains Ellison. “That way you maintain the taste and the high but you are not overdoing it.”

My brother says that it takes five months to a year to create a new strain of dope. It might take longer than that for a culture obsessed with potency to realize that there’s a market for something you can smoke after the kids go to bed or on a camping trip of retirees. Marijuana advocates have long countered worries about increased potency with research that smokers adjust and smoke less. But what if people don’t want to smoke less? We don’t all take tiny shots of strong liquor to get our drink on. No, we nurse 5 percent beer so we can keep drinking.

“People don’t want to take one micro-puff of a tiny little doobie and say, ‘We’re done,’ ” my brother says. “They want to share in the social aspect.” He moves his hand in a circle to indicate the archetypal joint-passing ring.

Weed breeders, take note. You can take your time on that 10 percent THC strain with the complex symphony of canabinoids and terpenes, calm muscle relaxation, creative headspace, and beautiful tropical aroma. But those rich baby boomers and Gen-Xers aren’t getting any younger.



Active member
sorry there is a tonne of light weights, but there has always been great weed and not so good weed. Weed is no stronger today, some of my favs, are from oldies, and they are strong.It takes much much longer to crate a strain of cannabis, To throw strains together, yea no time a year or so, to breed and test and grow well that takes time.To do it well takes time and patients.years and years not a year......

el bee

Much of this resonates with me.

Currently the market is not free, thus there is a bias; it happens
to be one that favors fast finishers (most profitable) that just so
happen to be potent, pungent, and dense (selling points)....and
not something everyone wants or needs.

Sellers and the said traits have the advantage.

I appreciate the evolution and continue to hope that soon we will
all be able to share and enjoy whatever variation of cannabis that
we happen to prefer, at a reasonable price, and free of persecution.


Active member
From my own experience I must concur with this article.
People here in Hawaii were beating my door down for a landrace sativa from Rajasthan I grew this year. They said it reminded them of the good ol days and was a real "HIGH" instead of the knock you out weed so popular with the kids these days.
Of course anyone under the age of 30, first thing they ask "Is it kush?''


My brother is a weed scientist. Every weekday morning, he drives to work in the Freemont neighborhood of Seattle, throws on a lab coat with “Northwest Botanical Analysis” stitched over the pocket, and starts putting tiny samples of ganja through a gas chromatography machine, among other gadgets. He tells breeders and the “dispensaries” that that currently distribute pot under the local medical marijuana system the potency of their various colorfully named strains as well as the relative amounts of the many subtly different compounds, called cannabinoids and terpenes, that make each one a different experience to smoke. He checks for mites, pesticides, and mold (a common problem with bud grown in Seattle’s damp basements). These days, he’s talking to the state Liquor Control Board as it works on the rules and regulations for retail sales of dope starting later this year.

When I tell people about my brother’s job—that is, when I tell people who are roughly in my demographic of thirtysomething and fortysomething parents—I nearly always get the same response: “Really? Can he score me some weak weed?”

Clearly, there’s a market segment out there that isn’t being catered to by the dope industry. And these relatively affluent customers want something more like a glass of wine at the end of the day than the effect summarized by one recent review of the guava dawg strain in Northwest Leaf magazine: “lung expansion, flavor worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize, and the ability to instantly make my face feel like it’s been shrink-wrapped.”

Marijuana is much stronger than it used to be. Lots of the strains for sale at medical marijuana dispensaries are approaching 25 percent THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, the compound in the plant known for getting you wicked high. Sitting around a winter solstice bonfire in the Seattle area this December, I heard a woman in her 60s tell a story about her husband taking a tiny toke on a joint that was going around a dinner party, only to pass out in his chair. Another friend and her husband, in their 30s, decided to share a marijuana caramel after their daughter went to bed. They got way too stoned and entered a shared freak-out about how they would deal if she came out to ask for a glass of water.

An elder statesman of Generation X, comedian Louis C.K., has a bit in his Live at the Beacon Theater special about taking “big hits. Like big, 1970s, jean jacket, Bad Company hits” of modern, high potency dope, and then everything going terrifically terrible. “When I was a kid you could just smoke a joint for a while. Now you take two hits and you go insane,” he says. “It's not doable anymore.”

“Our potencies here are off the scale,” confirms longtime grower Todd Ellison, co-founder of Colorado Marijuana Marketing, a one-stop shop for weed-related entrepreneurs in search of marketing help. “I have a guy who taught me to grow, who has been growing since the ’60s. And this stuff blows him away.” And Ellison agrees. “I am almost 40. I’ve got three kids. You don’t want something that is going to lay you out and make you stupid all day.”

Why is dope so strong? Because plants with big, strong buds maximize the profit of the basement grower. Plus, the people who grow it and sell it also smoke it, and they’ve got high tolerances and a deep fondness for its effects. They like it strong.

When my brother, Andrew Marris, got into the weed-analysis business, he expected that growers would be pouring over readouts detailing the concentrations of the various psychoactive components, trying to create perfect, complex masterpieces. Instead, though, he found that many of his customers were obsessively focused on just one statistic: the percentage of THC.

This THC obsession has created a bimodal weed supply. There’s the carefully bred marijuana, with excellent flavor and aroma and pleasing suite of effects—which are ridiculously, hallucinatory, time-stutteringly strong for a casual user. Then there’s ditch weed or Mexican brick weed. Sure, you can smoke it around the campfire until the stars go out, but it smells bad and tastes bad, and nobody is going to bother testing it or perfecting it. What’s missing is lower-potency, high-quality dope.

“Right now, higher potency is a signal of quality product,” says my brother, “because weed grown poorly loses potency.” Good genetics and plants grown by careful, competent growers will result in a “medium-to-high-strength” product, he says. “It has an agreeable smell, vibrant colors.”

I raise my eyebrows about all this color and aroma talk. I chalk it up to stoners who wish they had the same cultural approval as guys who sit around swilling wine all day and talking about oakiness and jam. Dope smells like skunky wet laundry, no? My brother pops into the lab’s back room and comes out with a few samples. Some of them smell like tropical fruit and have strain names to match, like tangerine dragon. A strain called blueberry cheesecake smells exactly like blueberry cheesecake. Super lemon haze actually smells good to me. The complex chemistry explains the bouquet. For example, a terpene called myrcene that they’ve identified in strains like white dawg is also found in mangoes.

These terpenes affect the high as well as the sensory experience of smoking. It is called the “entourage effect.” As the industry matures with legalization and gets beyond its THC obsession, says Muraco Kyashna-tocha, director of the Evergreen State Cannabis Trade Alliance, “We'll learn we like the 15 percent THC lemon haze with myrcene way more than the 20 percent THC lemon haze with no myrcene.”

Yes, the marijuana industry is about to change, any minute. You can’t exactly walk into a grocery store and buy a sack of weed, but that day may not be that far off. Colorado and Washington state officials are currently hammering out rules and regulations for how the drug can be bought and sold, and by the end of the year, you might be able to pop into a state-run or private shop for a few ounces of the sticky icky on your way home from the office.

Will this new legality expand the market of marijuana customers beyond the current core demographic of guys in their 20s in hoodies and baseball caps with a callous disregard for regular shaving? Yeah. Probably. At least, that’s the read of industry insiders. “Now that the stigma of being a criminal in the eyes of the law (at least here in Seattle) is gone, we foresee a gradual increase in consumption, though perhaps in more benign forms like edibles, drinkables, and topicals. They are much more fun and much less threatening since you don't have to engage in the act of smoking,” says Lisa Dank, the media coordinator and web consultant for one Seattle dispensary, North Seattle Med. Co.

Back in Colorado, Ellison says that as of now, the demand for straight-up bud comes from men in their 20s, and they pay for potency. “They want to party and get wasted,” he says. But if customers demand something mellower, the industry will supply it. Ellison predicts that large corporations, such as beer companies, might fill the gap, producing large quantities of midgrade weed: not as flashy as the current Cannabis Cup winners, with their crystals of THC glistening under glamorous lighting, but not as pathetic as ditch weed either. “If the big boys come in and come out with a mid-grade” he says, then that new market will be served.

Until then, newbies and those who have been burned by strong weed have a few options. They can make sure that the marijuana they are buying is mostly Cannabis sativa rather than Cannabis indica. Sativa is said to be more cerebral, more placid. Indica, on the other hand, is known for inducing what industry insiders refer to as “couch lock.” If you are in your 40s or 50s, the dope you smoked in high school was probably sativa. “Most of this country, people over 40, the fond memories we have of way back when, when pot made you want to play the guitar and dance in the field, were of sativa,” says Kyashna-tocha. “We were importing from tropical places. But then we started having indoor production. If you grow indoors, you shift to the stuff that is going to maximize production: fast, short, and big impressive-looking buds. That is indica. The shift went to this more stupefying stoned high.”

One caveat about that sativa advice, though. My brother says that there are few, if any, truly pure strains available. Everything has been hybridized many times over in basements and grow rooms from California to Spain.

Another strategy is to go for the bargain parts of the plant. “Oftentimes the dispensary will have the shake and the leaf, which is going to have the same taste, but what you end up with is a less potent pot,” explains Ellison. “That way you maintain the taste and the high but you are not overdoing it.”

My brother says that it takes five months to a year to create a new strain of dope. It might take longer than that for a culture obsessed with potency to realize that there’s a market for something you can smoke after the kids go to bed or on a camping trip of retirees. Marijuana advocates have long countered worries about increased potency with research that smokers adjust and smoke less. But what if people don’t want to smoke less? We don’t all take tiny shots of strong liquor to get our drink on. No, we nurse 5 percent beer so we can keep drinking.

“People don’t want to take one micro-puff of a tiny little doobie and say, ‘We’re done,’ ” my brother says. “They want to share in the social aspect.” He moves his hand in a circle to indicate the archetypal joint-passing ring.

Weed breeders, take note. You can take your time on that 10 percent THC strain with the complex symphony of canabinoids and terpenes, calm muscle relaxation, creative headspace, and beautiful tropical aroma. But those rich baby boomers and Gen-Xers aren’t getting any younger.


Scary thought... and I seriously hope those fucks stay out of the weed game.

Max Headroom

Well-known member
i think the article is on about something.
i've noticed friends preferring joints to vaporization, even though the high from a joint (+baccy) is weaker IMHO.


Well-known member
i think the article is on about something.
i've noticed friends preferring joints to vaporization, even though the high from a joint (+baccy) is weaker IMHO.

they may just prefer it because tobacco is highly addictive?

ime nicotin ruins the special nuances of the high of a strain... one of the reasons why people only look for strength and not special nuances in the high...

in general the high is stronger when smoked than when vaporized... the high is more heady, more subtle, clearer with vaporization... whereas smoking leads to a more intoxicated feeling...

mixing cannabis and tobacco is such a bad practise... i wish i realized this way sooner - wasted a lot of good bud smoking it mixed...

Stone Locust

Active member
Though old strains can be strong as well, their high is less one-dimesional, more complex and enjoyable than the modern strong strains.


3rd-Eye Jedi
no shit old news tbh

i run several strains that do not have a "body" load that people request over my most potent strains which people call "cancer patient weed"

a "barometers" of how good a strain is FOR ME, is not whether it gets me stoned but rather that it gets me high and high long enough that I don't jones for a smoke between sessions

couple that with the nature of thc receptors and less certainly can be more


3rd-Eye Jedi
Though old strains can be strong as well, their high is less one-dimesional, more complex and enjoyable than the modern strong strains.

the character of a high is so very important to me

its the loss of sativa influence that is making for more homogenous smoke
First off, Fuck yeah Seattle! woot!
Second, these more moderate strains already exist!
If beer companies like Anheuser Busch step in we are fuked, that will bring in a whole slew of bioengineering that we do not need. You think that the ingredients in beer are all organic??? GMO baby all the way, except the water


See the world through a puff of smoke
Sorta like old adverts rising again perhaps


Mellow weed, we give you what you need

Search for a good pheno of ditch weed and cross it to make a F1 and tadaa your mellow weed is born, but is this a solution.Je ne sais pas!!

Keep on growing :)

Slim Pickens

Well-known member
I agree with the article.I have heard more than just a few folks asking for something that isn't so strong.I had a friend who said he wouldn't partake anymore cuase all the smoke that is available is way too strong,and he didn't enjoy it.

I think that there is indeed an untapped recreational market,especially for those who would enjoy a more casual experience.


Well-known member
for those looking for mellow-strains: check out the astur jaya seedbank - they are renown for plants with mellow effects ;)

there are more options around too, you just have to get past the hype and commercialism...

its the loss of sativa influence that is making for more homogenous smoke

the effects of 100% indicas varies greatly... tom hill's X18 for me is a good example of a pure indica with a special and unique high of exceptional quality...

sativa influence implies a hyprid containing both indica/sativa, these hybrids tend to be heavy hitters that can mess you up pretty bad and leave you in a zombie-state afterwards... but in the end it all comes down to selection, there are pure indicas with fantastic highs just as well as hybrids or pure sativas - but there are only few seedmakers who really care for the quality of the high...

but i can see change in the seed-industry on the horizon :)

to quote banksy:

keep your coins - i want change ;)


3rd-Eye Jedi
i've never had a purely cerebral pure indica and the number of pure indicas or indica dominant strains that open my third eye are few and far between and even those that do don't leave me high for hours with a gentle come down, if they open my mind they relax it as well as and where the mind goes the body follows (for me at least)

however i have found sativa and sativa dominant hybrids tend to be far wider range of character and while growing long running sativas indoors was made practical through hybridization, there are hybrids that bring strong sativa characteristics to their high without the excessive flowering time

the limits of gene pools come into play but ive had and have a fair amount of access to a variety of weeds and know their effects on my mind and body


Well-known member
well, third eye activity is a very special trait to look for in the effects... with this specific trait i competely agree that sativas are the best starting point (pure sativas more so than ind./sat. hybrids) ;)

but this thread was about mellow effects :) and a lot of sativas are too racy to be considered mellow... but i completely get what you're saying... the plants i value the most are the ones that gently uplift me while also carrying these psychedelic properties - that's what i select for mostly (and what i find mostly with pure sativas)

but this type of effect depends more on set/setting, road of administration and tolerance than anything else: somebody with low tolerance will get really strong psychedelic effects when consuming orally no matter if it's an indica or a sativa ;) (except maybe indicas so strong that they put them to sleep, but this also depends a lot on the dose)

also it's not the herb that opens the third eye - it is your mind, herb may facilitate the flow of energy in this point for a short period of time - but this is what most spiritualists consider a "false experience", "true experiences" for them are reached through concentration and meditation - and they say it lasts a lot longer and that those "false experiences" in the long term just lead to more confusion than benefit (that's not my opinion! just what the yogis tell me ;) )

good vibes


Good read. I have a family member who started smoking again after 30 years of not smoking at all. A few hits off a sour d joint had her feeling very uncomforatable and she had to take some xanax to relax and fall asleep. Same person was at a new years party with a bunch of 60+ folk smoking decent mexi pretendica out of a volcano and had a blast. So she bought some of the mexi and a small vaporizer for home use.

I've smoked some old time strains and although they aren't as strong as some modern types, some are potent and seem to give more of a balanced/well-being effect. Aside from potency, maybe it is a lack of diversity in cannabinoides other than THC that is causing these effects. I've noticed that some OG strains are both very potent and leave people who dont smoke alot feeling great.


This article is spot on. Go to the liquor store if you want to see what the future will look like. Not everyone wants to smoke like Snooki drinks. :)

Me being one of them. I am a light wait. I use to be able to handle bowl, after bowl, after bowl, along with some hash somewhere in there. Now a couple of puffs, and I am good for a bit.

It will be interesting to see what things look like in 10 years.

Max Headroom

Well-known member
they may just prefer it because tobacco is highly addictive?

ime nicotin ruins the special nuances of the high of a strain... one of the reasons why people only look for strength and not special nuances in the high...

in general the high is stronger when smoked than when vaporized... the high is more heady, more subtle, clearer with vaporization... whereas smoking leads to a more intoxicated feeling...

mixing cannabis and tobacco is such a bad practise... i wish i realized this way sooner - wasted a lot of good bud smoking it mixed...

totally agree. funny thing is - i am the only one who still smokes cigs, everybody else stopped. but it is ME who prefers vape over joint+baccy for exactly the reasons you state. (naturally i smoke a cig right after a few bags, but still)

back OT: we smoked some weak jamaican outdoor in AMS recently, and while it was waaay mild&mellow, the high was ace.

very strong weed doesn't equal more fun. that's only what the kids think.