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Smoked Stuffed Skirt

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Here We go

Here We go

Headrushing from the butter now.

So You cook the buds in butter like You do...


Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Throw Your Skirts on the fire

Throw Your Skirts on the fire

Splash them with red wine vinegar, and EV Olive oil, sea salt and fresh cracked pepper then put them on the grill over Medium high heat. Throw in some Mesquite wood chilp or chunks


About 15 minutes per side.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Time to Plate Up

Time to Plate Up

Here We go. Tender,Juicy, bursting with flavor, and just the right texture!


Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Its wonderfull! Im taking a break, Im stuffed.

Its wonderfull! Im taking a break, Im stuffed.

So this is how I served it, with a heart of romain salad with tomatos,cukes, and shaved carrots, red wine vinegar salad with mexican oregano,sea salt cracked pepper, olive oil.

The steak is drizzled with lemon juice then dipped into the Canna butter garlic.



To Have More ... Desire Less
A meal fit for a king..............VERy nice work...........and LUV that Gurkha knife.......g8t field tool from cold steel.........

BUT the skirt steak has inspired me......I 'm thinking about my
bluechez / portobello / BF Fajita's.......for the game-today

wonderful.......step by step...........DR. Purpur


New member
That looks extemely tasty, think i'm gonna stop by the butcher this week and pick up a nice skirt just for this. Nice work man

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Im glad You all enjoyed

Im glad You all enjoyed

I had about 2 tablespoons of the butter on the skirt, and was having trouble walking, until I realised that I could just float around the house.
Slept wonderfully through the night,woke up rested and refreshed, and so comfortable in bed, I didnt want to get up!


I love my life
Wow, somehow pizza for the football games just doesn't cut it. Do you cater / deliver? Who was blessed enough to get plate 2 and 3, they must be really special and cool people.

ohhhh myyyyyy gaaawdddddd
this looks absolutely amazing doc!!!!!
thank you very much for this.
if you have any other fantastic meals, please post them.
even without the cannabis, this is a GREAT recipe, i can't thank you enough for this!

Madrus Rose

post 69
Those other two are for work lunches. LOL!

Great piece of work there DP saw the thread earlier & now the aftah grilled pics ...

... eye appealing, flavorful , grilled & basted .... would prolly satisfy my
beef cravings for almost a week at least . :dance013:

So do we have an idea here for a cannabis centric
Cook Book or what ? ;)

One of my all time faves is marinated flank steak , grilled med-rare cut on the bias & served with mustard sauce ...or pailliards of filet pounded thin , then olive oil and just grill quickly with fresh ground S&P , sprinkle of fresh oregano & squeeze of lemon juice to finish . (or brush with a lemon/mjbutter) :yummy:

nice looking meyer lemons there too !

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Great piece of work there DP saw the thread earlier & now the aftah grilled pics ...

... eye appealing, flavorful , grilled & basted .... would prolly satisfy my
beef cravings for almost a week at least . :dance013:

So do we have an idea here for a cannabis centric
Cook Book or what ? ;)

One of my all time faves is marinated flank steak , grilled med-rare cut on the bias & served with mustard sauce ...or pailliards of filet pounded thin , then olive oil and just grill quickly with fresh ground S&P , sprinkle of fresh oregano & squeeze of lemon juice to finish . (or brush with a lemon/mjbutter) :yummy:

nice looking meyer lemons there too !

I have a Choice Black Angus Flank steak in the Fridge now. I love the flavor of it. Its a great cut of meat


Dr P!!

That looks just way too good. I'm usin that recipe. who woulda thought skirt steaks? and then you wrapped it up in bacon with the feta and it alllll made sense. nice little addition before the season starts!

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