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Smoke1's attempt at a budget dryer / Sweater dryer


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
Hello fellow icmaggers. Im in need of some help. I was at work checking out the sales ads (working hard). When i stumbled upon this.

Now i grow in my basement where outside and sometimes inside my tent. Humidity is an problem. So at harvest time i really have no where to dry my work. Now let me tell you, its not a good vibe to grow, and not dry and cure properly.

So for $20.00 I bought one. Got it home and put it together. Not as Sturdy as i would like but it will do.

Now my problem is the fan is too strong.

This pic kinda shows the air pushing the trash bag a bit.
Is there a way to make it suck instead of blow so i can attach some carbon filter pieces to the fan to control smell.

Or can i attach a simple light dimmer to the plug to slow it down



That would work just fine. The wall dimmers are nice if you have a way to mount it like its meant to be in your grow area. I have a wall dimmer that is then wired to the outlet that my fan is plugged into, that way down the road I could use 2 fans off the same circuit that is being dimmed.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Interesting looking setup. I use a rubbermaid bin with intake and exhaust holes cut in and a pc fan to pull air through. No odor control integrated but there is a carbon scrubber in the grow room that cleans up most of the smell.
Do you use a dehumidifier to keep humidity down? Would that help at all or is the basement too big? I would think now that's its colder the air should be pretty dry and cool down there now...
That would work just fine. The wall dimmers are nice if you have a way to mount it like its meant to be in your grow area. I have a wall dimmer that is then wired to the outlet that my fan is plugged into, that way down the road I could use 2 fans off the same circuit that is being dimmed.
using a light dimmer to control fan speed may result in a fire.PLEASE use a motor speed controller to adjust your cfm.thay cost the same and are designed for the task.
Now my problem is the fan is too strong.

Is there a way to make it suck instead of blow so i can attach some carbon filter pieces to the fan to control smell.
cheap fans like that do not reverse or slow down. buy a timer with 15 minute intervals and have it turn on only as often as you think it needs to.perhaps you could wall it in and put your filter on the exhaust?


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
I have dehumidifier in the whole basement. But its on my Christmas list for a upgrade.

Well i'll harvest starting tonight, we will see how it goes. Im going to try the timer deal.

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