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Smoke Irieeeee God Damn Day......................


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
i workout every day and run 30-50 miles a week now.

krunchbubble makes a great point.

That's always been a large part of me trying to keep an even keel. Eat right and push some iron around. If I focus on keeping my body healthy, much of the other aspects of my life naturally fall into line.

Fuck the running though lol. It's not for me. I'm lucky in the that I have to restrict my cardio and up my clean calories big time,to put on muscle because I have a fast metabolism.

Waterskiing/Wakerboarding does it all though IMO. Bulk and cut at the same time almost.


I've been smoking so much that the other morning I woke up kinda hungover and out of it, and after I smoked a bowl I tell my friend "I feel like I just came back to reality man." LOL


Active member
shit i used to run and work out more. im a sack of shit lately. i can barely get off the couch. i hit the pull up bar a couple times a week but thats about it. i need to get a treadmill or some shit because i live on a steep hill so running is kinda out of the question.

i also want to get a dog because then i will be forced to walk it thereby forcing me to get off the couch.

all this smoking is making me feel like shit though. its my fucking birthday and im sitting home getting high like usual. i could go get VIP in the club or whatever most fuckheads my age do when its their birthday but i dont even feel like it. this lack of motivation is fucking pathetic. im supposed to clean the house and do all sorts of stuff but i just want to drink a 40, play COD, and go to sleep. i need to snap out of this funk.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
shit i used to run and work out more. im a sack of shit lately. i can barely get off the couch.

LMAO. You sound kind of like me in college. Halo + weed + couch= hard to get up from. It was heaven.

It's all about discipline IMO. Psyching yourself up and shit. Corny stuff even.

I had a piece of paper that said "Don't be Pussy" on my dorm door lol. It had some huge dude bench pressing a ridiculous amount of weight.

It's corny lol, but it kept that thought in my mind every time I opened the door. Eat right, lift hard, and grow.

You can still do all things you are doing now, it's just managing your time. 5 hours of work in gym/week + watching what you eat.

Lemme tell ya, that "Don't Be A Pussy" sign, got me a lot pussy. ;)

BTW, you can't make that shit dude lol. It works.
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Active member
in nevada weed is illegal and its mostly brickpack, which means i probably wouldnt be smoking too much..