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Smokahontas' Lowyrder #2 Grow = )

I am starting a grow log to post progress of my grow and to help questions get answered along the way. I have 7 feminized lowyder #2s I got from attitude seed bank. They also gave me a free Dinafem Roadrunner auto and a Dinafem Blue hash and Dinafem white widow indicas. My soil is foxfarm ocean forest. Pots are 6" diameter which will hopefully last the entire life cycle. Lights are two 150 watt hps that will probably have 4 autos under each and an indica under each spaced around 2-3 feet apart. Using the mylar (pic attached) that is 25' long x 54" high I am going line around a room made by hanging bedsheets and curtains so that it will reflect the hps light. I am attaching pics of what I got today from my store.


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I plan on running the lights on 20/4 cycle until it is sent outside August 16th. I plan on starting the seedlings using the paper towel method and I will then transport the seedlings into jiffy pots with trays underneath them to start a seedling and then transport them to the 6" plastic pots. My first questions are simple. I plan on germinating using jiffy pellets. I can use warm RO in a 5 gallon bucket to soak the pellets in and then I would just put the pellets on trays, and put the seedlings under the peat and leave it in darkness, right? Or should I put the jiffy pellets under my hps lights? Also for the entire grow how far should the lights be from the plants? The next update will be wednsday when I receive the lights and set the room up. The seeds should be here by next friday.


Sounds good - I start my beans right in the peat pellets. I pour boiling water from kettle on pellets, they plump right up and are sterilized.

Let them cool (IMPORTANT), and just plant 1/4 inch into the peat. Try a 24/0 light, the AFs love it.

The LR grow sounds great, good luck.
Do you put the pellets into the water or should pouring the water on them make them fat enough? So i pretty much just put the seed into the jiffy pellet, put a tray under the pellet and put them under 24/0 hps light? How far from the light should the tray be? And would one 150 watt light be sufficient to start? Do i need to have fans blowing? I bought 3 crappy 6 inch desk fans that are in the picture posted will that be decent circulation and cooling and how should I place them in the mini room. Thanks


Wow - lots of questions...

1. Soak the beans in room temp tap water for 24 hrs. first.
2. Pour the boiling water over the pellets, they'll plump up. If not plump, pour more water. Don't saturate, you'll see what I mean.
3. After they cool (did I mention this was important), plant the beans 1/4 inch into pellets, and lightly pack some peat over them. Lightly...
4. Put them in warm, dark spot for a day or two, until the beans start to sprout up.
5. Keep light well away from beans, but the sun is bright, so beans expect to get bright light. Not too hot, tho' - just bright.

I think some folks over analyze this - these are weeds, they grow everywhere in the world. Mother nature wouldn't cuddle them, you don't have to. :2cents:

Peace and pot to you - good luck...


"I think some folks over analyze this - these are weeds, they grow everywhere in the world. Mother nature wouldn't cuddle them, you don't have to"

bang on the money! some people do seem to think that ganja plants will only grow under strict conditions, whereas ive found once they sprout and get a few leaves and are developed they are pretty hard to kill
I am basically going to spell out what i am going to do because this is my first time growing and I have invested too much to fuck up doing something stupid. I am going to receive the seeds and take them out using sterilized tweezers and put them into warm cups of RO water for 12 hours. I am then going to take them out with the tweezers and place them under a plate with the wet paper towel sandwhich in a ziploc for around 24 hours. Hopefully they germinate within that time if not I will leave ungerminated seeds. I am going to then put the sprouted seeds into jiffy pots using the method described above. After the seedling sprouts should I just put the jiffy pot into the 6" pots or should i leave them on tiny trays and put them under one 150 watt HPS? The soil in the 6" pots will consist of 75% fox farm ocean forest and 25% perlite. After the initial soaking of the jiffy pot the seed wont need to be watered again for like a week right? And then when the sprout pops I shud just water the entire medium again... right?
One more thing. Will this carbon scrubber be sufficient for 8 auto flowers and 2 indicas in a guest room of a basement? http://cgi.ebay.com/6-x-14-ACTIVATED-CARBON-FILTER-ODOR-SCRUBBER-130-CFM_W0QQitemZ350114977839QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item51847a982f&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A12%7C66%3A2%7C39%3A1%7C72%3A1205%7C240%3A1318%7C301%3A1%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50 . I am willing to drop the money for this if it will make the room odorless I need to do something my friend said that there will be a broker going in and out of the house to try to sell it :yoinks: . We are installing a lock on the door and if this thing will clear the smell I will be happy! Will this air purifier be better ?http://www.amazon.com/Ionic-Pro-Compact-Purifier-Ionizers/dp/B000H0RZD8/ref=pd_sim_hpc_1


No. Sorry but a scrubber will not be effective if installed in an open room. It NEEDS to be installed so that the static pressure of the fan (air pressure pulling) will keep smell from escaping through cracks etc. This is why you don't see many people using open room setups, and cabs are vastly more common. If you still want to do this get a 5 gal. Bucket of ona gel, this will run a few hundred dollars, and MAY be enough. Other than that Id say build a frame out of 1 or 2 inch pvc or something then cover with plastic so that it is air tight. Stop by the grow room design sub forum, lots of good info in there....

if the broker is showing the house won't people want to see All the rooms before they buy it? I'm not giving you a hard time to be a dick, I just don't want to see you and your buddy get busted, this shits for real...
i understand where your coming from, but my logic is that if the door is locked and i have the key and it doesn't smell, no one will get in or have any reason to break the door open to get in. http://www.surroundair.com/ionic-air-purifier.htm will this bitch do it? I will turn off the air conditioning so that the house gets pretty fucking warm and I will put a towel under the door and run this thing. It says it clears out tobacco smoke that has to be legit shit. Isn't a carbon air filter what i need?
does that mean the carbon air purifier i posted will not work. I dont think I can make that thing I would rather buy the unit from the link i posted if it will work. I feel like im going overkill on it the house will truly be empty for the entire 7 weeks the LRs will be inside. Besides the small threat of a house broker walking through there are no other issues, and the broker isnt even a sure thing there may be nobody visiting the house at all the entire time.


I'm not shur about the purifier, so I would go with the other one. When the broker comes do this (its nasty and a bit unhealthy but so is jail) get a small plastic desktop fountain or waterfall (from walmart or whatever) and pore some pinesol (sp?) into it and let it run...house will reak of lemons. or cook some bacon.

hey growing requires balls, just remember if you get busted its not just you, your buddy's parents may go down with you. Thats the last thing I'll say about the matter...

good luck and I hope you pull a HUGE harvest to toke on through collage!
ok heres an update. These things sprouted last friday so they are one week old. Here are some pics i took with my iphone. so far it is growing like I would imagine a first grow would go of the 11 seeds 6 of 8 lowryders broke the surface. Four are looking very good so far but two wilted big time and it laying on its side as you can see in the pics. Two did not pop and I am still hoping on them. Of the two indicas that are on the opposite side of the ziploc container one of them sprouted and shot up rapidly the first day and is now completely down like you might be able to see in the pic idk how good your eyes are and the other has not popped yet. I think the reason this happened was because i was away for 3 days and my friend did not water it for over a day to maybe 36 hours. Based on the pic (the hps is around 12" away from the container) does it look like that would be way too long to leave the jiffy pots without watering? I am going to transport them within this week to 6" pots with fox farm ocean forest. Please tell me what you think are the wilted ones goners? I watered them about 2 hours ago.


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all 11 seeds popped within 36 hours. The four plants in the bottom left corner are all pretty clearly starting nicely. The one in the top row in the middle is still standing tall and somewhat strong but the leaves wilted. I think that if the bad ones make it this would be one of them. The top row to the left of that plant is wilted and the stem is slightly bent and wilted too as are the leaves a little. The bottom row all the way to the right is completely laying on its side but the leaves are green.


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Active member
ur low 2's are looking great. i hope u have better luck with ur low 2 then iv had with my diesle riders so far. i guess ill see what mine look like when i go see them but there like 2 month old and havent flowered and not growing fast at all. still small. hope they are doing better then a week or so ago. green growing vibes to ya bro!!!

peace toke out