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Smokahontas' Lowryder2 PC Grow

Hi everyone. I am approximately 17 days into my PC grow consisting of 2 Lowryder #2s, and 1 Diesel Ryder. All feminized. The case's dimensions are 8.1W x 26.5H x 18.6L. There are 4 lights, 3 of them are 6500 and one of them is 2700 and they run 24/0. The soil was some cheap Miracle Grow Organic that I have posted a pic of. One of the plants are absolutely huge and is already about 7 inches tall with many leaves. The other two are much smaller. I assume this is because of root space from the big one. I have a question though from what I noticed. The lowest set of leaves is one large leaf on either side and the second lowest set has two leaves, and third three and fourth four "fingers" on the leaves and fifth five and so on.... anyway the tallest most set of leaves has 9 "fingers" on it. Does this mean I am on the 9th leaf set? And do all cannabis plants have this configuration?

Here are some pictures of progress. It is starting to smell a little in my room so I began using ONA odor gel. Anyone have good results with this product?


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The second to last picture I turned the plant around so that you can see the other side. As you can see in the first few pictures the second to bottom leaf set shows some kind of deficiency because it is dry and discolored. Other than that the plant is very bushy, green and strong.


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Plants are lookin pretty nice man, careful with that soil though, you obviously aren't having problems but it proved to be a bit bitchy for my tastes. Lookin forward to seein' how things turn out!
also, I think I want to try using some nutes. My previous two grows were both with lowryders and I never bothered trying nutes because I wanted to keep it simple and go organic. Is it a good idea to use nutes on autoflowers? Should I use vegging nutes or flowering? I am on day 18.


was those pics taken just after watering? Do you have drain holes in that bucket? That sagging they are showing is probably from lack of drainage from your soil or over-watering. Keep an eye on them.

Yes you can use nutrients on them, but make sure to add a diluted mix first, and don't go overboard. Water, let dry, feed 1/4 strength, let dry, water, let dry, feed 1/2 strength, etc.
yeah i did take the pics after watering, and the discolored spots have spread slightly to other leaves. Could this also be from overwatering??


It could be a nitrogen difficiency. This presents as yellowing of the lower leaves. The leaf will not recover, but feeding with a little nitrogen should keep it from continuing up the plant.

As asked: how's your drainage? Standing water = anaerobic bacterial growth, which is bad.

Remember that underwatering looks a lot like overwatering. People seem to say "don't overwater" so much that people err on the side of underwatering. At least that's what happened to me. It might be my dry climate. But I found that growth improved after I watered much more at a time. You should be seeing water drain every time you water.

PS: How hot is it in that case? It kind of looks like the top of your biggest plant is experiencing heat stress. See how the leaves are cupping upward? In my research, I've found it suggested that this is the result of a plant attempting to expire more water to compensate for too much heat. Maybe it's time to move the plants down a bit, and possibly stagger your lights a little so one hangs lower near the shorter plants?

PPS: I only have one veg under my belt, so you shouldn't take my words as gospel. If other people have better advice, take their's.
okay, I liked the idea of staggering the light so I moved the plants from up in the top of the case where the exhaust is to the bottom of the case where the intake is. You can see at the bottom right that there are two fans there that cause a pretty decent breeze on the plants and definitely give them a little movement. So I think that this is better because there is fresh air being blown right onto the plants and soil as opposed to being at the top well above the intake. How does it look now??

Jah's Son

While your lighting system is definitely more efficient now, you still will be dealing with some issues moving forward.

1) Is the top leaf cupping still occuring? Heat will likely continue to be an issue.

2) Have you introduced a nitrogen solution of sorts?

3) Drainage: it's been asked several times, and you need to answer this, as it factors in a lot in questions of over/under water. Have you got some kind of drainage holes drilled in or not?


you can nute and still grow organic, Alaska or Neptune's Harvest are the two lines of products I hear the most about. And who can forget BS molasses.

good luck man, always love a micro
there IS drainage, but it is basically just 2-4 holes drilled in the bottom of the 1 gal rubbermaid. Its not the best drainage for sure.
^^^^ Why is it interesting I bought femmed autos??

Also, the brown spots are starting to spread a little more and even onto one of the smaller plants. If I have a nitrogen problem, this means that I simply 'feed' the plants with fertilizers right?? Like I asked before, should I use a veg or flower fert. What should the N-P-K be like?? Thanks


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Fem. autoflower are like a one night stand,wham bam thank you ma'am and thats it.If you want to do it again you HAVE to buy more seed.If you would have bought the diesel ryders in fem, then the lr#2 in regular you would could do seed runs and never have to buy a seed stock again.With Fem autos you do not have that option. I think its diabolical to release fem autos, but i do understand their purpose
oh okay. well thanks for that. I mean it makes sense to me that if you can make your own seeds than why not, but I live in an apartment with roomates and one room to my own. So the PC case grow is my only option

I figured out that, yes, fertilizers are what you mean when I have a nitrogen deficiency (noobie!). My question is that since I am at day 19-20 of the grow and the plants should technically start flowering real soon, what kind of N-P-K ratio should my ferts have??
I fed the plants today with an 8-0-0 miracle grow water soluble feed. I put a little less than 1/4 tsp with a .5 l water bottle and fed them. It was kind of hard to reach the biggest plant because it is so bushy so a decent amount of it got onto the leaves. I will let you know how that goes. Tell me if anything I have done sounds wrong.


That sounds good. Just always dilute the mixture a lot more than the manufacturer says to. So like 1/4 what it says on the box. If you're spraying fertilizer (aside from liquid seaweed and other established foliar sprays) on your leaves, you should rinse them with pure water.

Veg nutes are the ones that are high in N. I wouldn't worry much about P and K until they start flowering.
Here are some update pics. I fed the nitrogen 8-0-0 solution yesterday probably 1/4 strength or so. The yellowing is continuing up the large plants slightly but the buds on top are nice and green and look real good. The bottom looks kinda crappy. The smaller two are both showing some yellowing too and they are significantly smaller as you can see so I do not know what to expect from them. I haven't watered since yesterday. I probably will tomorrow night. I run the lights 24/7 plus the fans right on the plants now, so the soil dries pretty quickly. Let me know what you think


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