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Smell from indoor tent grow

Approx 40-60% mark up on everything

That seems not that bad. Wouldn't surprise me if its actually a lot higher then that on the smaller items. I was in the hydro store and they wanted $35 for a 1L bottle of humic acid, I decided to put it back and the clerk lowered the price $5. But I bet they paid $10-15 for the whole bottle, for $35 that is between 150% to 333% markup. lol But what do I know, I dont have insider trading secrets of the prices manufactures charger retailers. I'm just taking a guess..

When I started growing I built my own scrubber following the directions in the DIY Grow Room Equipment thread:

It worked just fine, however I live where it's very humid and the charcoal doesn't last long in high humidity and finding several gallons of it on the 'net can be a pain. The commercial ones have the same problem except you'll probably pay $150 every time you need to change it instead of the $20 or so bucks for charcoal.

Actually I did make DIY one, but you still have to buy a vortex inline fan, using PC fans won't cut it with the CFM power. ;)

lmfbo!!!... the things we do in the beginning, although I must confess I wasnt quite this mental! :D :D

edit: ok, that deserves a follow up doesn it... so I didn't not have a scrubber.. I had the biggest muhfuggin scrubber you have ever seen.. I mean this thing literally weighs more than I do.. if I had to guess I would suggest it is good for about 10,000m3? WAREHOUSE style... I didn't know this, it was just the filter that came with the second hand stuff I'd picked up... so I grappled this fkn thing up the attic stairs... going one rung at a time with this thing balancing on my thighs... really heavy... really painful... about half way up the ladder started to bend inwards... very nearly snapping it in 2.. with me and the fkn filter on it... if it had gone I would most likely have been killed or seriously injured, very seriously I mean.. this thing would have come down on my chest and crushed me like a paper cup.... so I got it up there in the end... the good lord only knows how... I never actually plumbed it in to anything as I came to realise quite quickly that it was not what I needed for my 1.2m tent... to this day (that was 6 years ago) it's still up there as I'm too afraid to attempt to bring it back down...I would go and get a photo but its too damn heavy to pull out for a snap ;)

Thats pretty funny, whoever buys your house after you will have to deal with it when they visit the atic. :laughing:

At my uncles house, he has a 300lb iron cast radiator up there in the atic and can't get rid of it. Some one put it up there that lived there eons ago. That pretty funny too, we had a good laugh.
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