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smart power meter inquiry


The power companies have these to cut down on the # of meter readers they have to pay, if your paying your bill and keeping a tight hand on security you shouldn't have any issues. I've been a licensed electrician for over 15 years and there is no way they can tell what kind of appliance is drawing what kind of energy, that is some funny shit! Amazing how much bullshit get spread on message boards.

Good luck, Peace


Tropical Outcast
I think you need some serious updating buddy!

Just like others already posted there now are PLENTY "smart" appliances available capable of communicating with a smart meters.

And since you're not gonna believe me....go and Google it yourself.


Rowdy420;4645644..... said:
The power companies have these to cut down on the # of meter readers they have to pay, if your paying your bill and keeping a tight hand on security you shouldn't have any issues. I've been a licensed electrician for over 15 years and there is no way they can tell what kind of appliance is drawing what kind of energy, that is some funny shit! Amazing how much bullshit get spread on message boards.

Good luck, Peace


Active member
Do you have a link? I am curious to know about the other items that were used to obtain the warrant? Informants, dogs, smells, etc.
no link .just remember the story and it was on several channels on the news here in so cal a few years back.if anyone finds the story please post it. maybe google it like laundry gets family house raided or such



Here is the link to a similar story. It seems like the task force was targeting homes with high usage in conjunction with a K9. The story doesn't say whether the homes were flagged by SDG&E or not but that is what I have gathered from reading this.

The story is dated 03/2004 It seems like a lot has changed since then but still intimidating to think that you could get flagged by your utility company for suspicious activity then referred to LEO to determine how they wish to proceed.

Thanks for all your input guys.


Man some of you guys are paranoid. The power company's sole purpose for existing is not to bust weed growers, their purpose is to make money and to make their stockholders money. Even if they could why would they invest millions into meters that tell them what is drawing power? All so they can bust people growing? It does not make economic sense. What does make economic sense is meters that sends your energy usage to them wirelessly to cut down on labor costs and to more easily diagnose problems.


i could careless about these mother fucking smart meters, i got mine installed a couple months ago.

the reason i dont give a shit is because i run so much shit without my plants equipment already, for instance i havent turned my computer off in 4 years, so they arent going to catch my schedule anytime soon unless they can tell exactly what is being output from each individual outlet.

then ill worry hopefully that hasnt already happened but fuck it. so sick of living in fear, its fucking stupid already.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Usually, there will be info about average power use in your area on your local power company's website. Good general rule of thumb used by growers is 1kw per bedroom

Zen Master

I have other non grow equipment that draws a pretty heavy (but still normal in the grand scheme) amount of electricity. Coupled with my single 1000w and fans I was #95 out of 100 for 'electricity efficiency' in my general area of "like sized homes".

so basically I was pulling more electricity than 95% of my neighbors

I figure out of that number, 4 are growers and one is someone with a LOT of medical equipment.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Put your hot water heater on a strict timer, swap bulbs to cfls, and put your electronics on a switchable surge protector. Many electronics still draw a surprising amount of power, even when off. Watch your usage plummet.

The biggie is the water heater, though. It's amusing that so many people use water heater timers for their lights, but don't think about putting one actually on the hot water heater :D


Put your hot water heater on a strict timer, swap bulbs to cfls, and put your electronics on a switchable surge protector. Many electronics still draw a surprising amount of power, even when off. Watch your usage plummet.

The biggie is the water heater, though. It's amusing that so many people use water heater timers for their lights, but don't think about putting one actually on the hot water heater :D

I'm guilty of never thinking of this. I am going to do this tonight. I am also looking into the tankless water heater options.

I think it really boils down to a numbers game here and basic security precautions. Hopefully, as long as you can maintain odors, the stealth of your grow, pay your bills on time and keep your mouth shut, you should be okay.

As other members have said here, authorities typically have bigger fish to fry other than a grow for a few patients. I agree that smart meters are to reduce the amount of labor on behalf of the power companies but would also contend that there are some nasty by products that float in the wake of reduced labor. That being said, I still believe that it truly is a numbers game. The less you flag yourself the less likely you are to be investigated. In the end, the possibility of you being discovered is POSSIBLE but not LIKELY. The cannabis climate in your city and your ability to control the listed variables will directly impact your ability to stay out of the crosshairs.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
As far as tankless heaters go, if you're that serious about saving on electricity, get a gas tankless system, and a propane adapter. Run your hot water heater off gas grill exchanges, and remove that from your electrical cost completely :)


Tropical Outcast
As far as tankless heaters go, if you're that serious about saving on electricity, get a gas tankless system, and a propane adapter. Run your hot water heater off gas grill exchanges, and remove that from your electrical cost completely :)

Or get a solar one like we use over here.

They work just as efficient in Alaska, so no excuses!

This one (50G) is $1,500, the biggest one (80G) $2,100




Interesting doc. Xcel is my provider (but not in CO).

Usually, there will be info about average power use in your area on your local power company's website. Good general rule of thumb used by growers is 1kw per bedroom

I've heard this rule of thumb .... but, the oldest mentions of it I've seen qualified it as 1kw per bedroom total usage (not just flowering lights) in a house used for the purpose of growing (without people living in it as normal), which seems much more reasonable.

I mean, my house has 4 bedrooms and I guess all told I'm pushing up near 4kw, and I'm getting pretty nervous about it. Bill's between $250-350, inches up towards $400 on a hot month or one where I really have everything running (4kw would be with basically everything I have running, which honestly is still rare - hard to keep up with that much).


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Or get a solar one like we use over here.

They work just as efficient in Alaska, so no excuses!

This one (50G) is $1,500, the biggest one (80G) $2,100


That thing is sweet! A tankless propane system might be a bit more covert, though :D


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
The on-demand heaters are great - they are also available in diesel fired if you don't have gas available. As far as putting electric water heaters on timers, it doesn't always work out quite the way you would expect. I tried it years ago, and our feed water here is so cold that the electric bill actually went up.