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Smart pots and swamp

OD budzz

Hey everybody! Hows the season goin? So anyways i got a question..My grow area is near a low spot beside a narrow creek. About 2 ft off the ground is covered with viney weeds. When you lift up the vines you can see really dark soil and standing water. I know it will all be dry by the summer, but would a smart pot be a good idea in a spot like this?
ps: the pots i am using is not the boughten kind. I made these myself :) thanks

OD budzz

hey man, i read something last night on another site about this same topic. From what i understood, smart pots would be just fine in swampy areas as long as there big enough so the water does not overpower them.
Maybe someone could chime in and share there experience :)


I once grew in a similiar spot, but I didn't anticipate that it would dry out as much as it did. Anyways, I ended up digging holes until I hit the water table, then placed bottom of the grow-bags in the holes. It worked great until we got heavy rain in the fall, right before harvest.. my grow-bags ended up completely submerged under water. I still pulled off a harvest, but if it had happened earlier in the season my plants wouldn't have been able to survive the flooding.

I can't comment on how the smart pots would work, but just beware that if you dig them into the ground to hit the water table, you might have the same problems that I did.

OD budzz

I once grew in a similiar spot, but I didn't anticipate that it would dry out as much as it did. Anyways, I ended up digging holes until I hit the water table, then placed bottom of the grow-bags in the holes. It worked great until we got heavy rain in the fall, right before harvest.. my grow-bags ended up completely submerged under water. I still pulled off a harvest, but if it had happened earlier in the season my plants wouldn't have been able to survive the flooding.

I can't comment on how the smart pots would work, but just beware that if you dig them into the ground to hit the water table, you might have the same problems that I did.
I want to stay away from digging in the soil.Glad the flood didnt crush your harvest! I was just thinking that if 10 or 12 gal smarties was there, and the water never has got above 4 in high, it would be fine. but i also dont want this to be a waste. good luck this year :D

and clunk...swamp tubes?