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Smallest size smart pot for a pound?


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Just to be clear... I got 1.5# in a 65 gallon smartpot with *about* 45 or 50 gallons of soil. From that, I interpolate that a P is possible in 30gal, but 45 is a safer bet. The reason for the use of the 65 gallon is for more width which will equal more canopy which will equal more yield.

I have been looking for that Mental Floss cut. I wanted to run a couple of them this year...


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Just to be clear... I got 1.5# in a 65 gallon smartpot with *about* 45 or 50 gallons of soil.
Ok duly noted.. Still that impresses me.

I have been looking for that Mental Floss cut. I wanted to run a couple of them this year...
OMG, I miss her so much. I await her triumphant return. I wish you luck finding her,cause she is worthy :)
I am going to try my hardest to pull a pound or more outa one of these 30 gallon smarties I have. That will be my quest for this yr. Now that I know the 45-65's will do it no problem, I am going to dial the 30's in.


45 gal smart pots or airpots either one with a lil bit of veg time had better gimme 3-4 lbs. or more . I've gotten pounders in 5 gal Home DePot buckets on a regtular basis .


Soil will hold moister and nutes a lot longer than coco. If you have to walk up the side of the hill I am sure you have to carry water also. Like mentioned before you can till the soil bellow the pot and let your roots grow into it for moisture while the whole top develops air roots. Good sun, good air, healthy soil = roots = Avery merry Christmas.


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45 gal smart pots or airpots either one with a lil bit of veg time had better gimme 3-4 lbs. or more . I've gotten pounders in 5 gal Home DePot buckets on a regtular basis .

If it worked like that, the best farmers (and i believe I know some of them) would be getting what? 25-30 in 300 gallons? Obviously, this is not what is happeneing on the ground. 300 gallons has proven to max out at about 9 lbs with a sick strain and a great gardener.

My understanding is that this illustrates the drop in a plant's efficiency as it gets bigger and older.

The pursuit of growing large plants does not find its roots in finding the most efficient paradigm, but rather from the State of California imposing plant limits... before the Kelly decision we could only grow 6 plants per patient and to this day the federal government imposes 5 year mandatory minimums for convictions involving more than 99 plants.

If I were trying to just grow the most, best ganja I could in my year i would be growing many more smaller plants in much smaller containers and would ceratinly have a higher yield per gallon of soil.

If the rest of us are missing something about growing 4 pounders in 30 gallons of soil, please tell me. I've been killing myself for nothing.


Active member
45 gal smart pots or airpots either one with a lil bit of veg time had better gimme 3-4 lbs. or more . I've gotten pounders in 5 gal Home DePot buckets on a regtular basis .
**Scratching head ** Am I missing something also?? I have grown in buckets and cages outdoors for over 15 yrs. I have NEVER had a pound plant come out of a 5 gal bucket. I don't see how its possible. INDOOR , yeah, I get it. But not outdoor in the blazing sun. Post some pics please.
If the rest of us are missing something about growing 4 pounders in 30 gallons of soil, please tell me. I've been killing myself for nothing.
LOL, for real. This is stuff I wanna know.

Soil will hold moister and nutes a lot longer than coco.
Yup sure will, I did a soil coco mix one year and the water bill was unreal. Never again. Its soil only for me outdoors. :)

If you have to walk up the side of the hill I am sure you have to carry water also.
Thank god no. in fact we used a hose ,lol. 3 -100ft heavy duty 3/4" hoses got us to the top, and another 100 footer gets us to the tank and throughout the garden,with semi decent water pressure. Gotta say the water pressure here is SoCal is something else,lol. I will take pics of the hill. its damn steep, I really did not think that water would push to the top. I was wrong thank god,lol

Like mentioned before you can till the soil bellow the pot and let your roots grow into it for moisture while the whole top develops air roots.
Thats what I'm doing. I dug ta trench and lined it with gopher wire. Those critters will make mince meat outa your roots and live in your trench. The moist loose soil is heaven to them,lol. Anyway, I am going to put the smarties on top ala Butte 2009. Should be nice :)


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I have always had to do a guerrilla grow in corn fields so I only used 5 gallon buckets and pulled around a lb everytime so I can only speculate but I would guess that more than a lb out of 50 to 60 gallons shouldn`t be to hard to achieve. You should be able to pull more weight outdoors VS indoors. Peace, Afi


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Some June outdoor pics

Some June outdoor pics

Pic 1-Our water tank 250 gallons. It's not as heavy as it looks, two guys move it empty with ease.

Pic -2 Bluskies over California :)

Pic-3 HeadBand clone

Pic -4 Morningstar seedlings


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Do tell

Do tell

I have always had to do a guerrilla grow in corn fields so I only used 5 gallon buckets and pulled around a lb everytime
Afi, do tell. A pound outa a 5 gallon bucket. This is waht I'm dreaming about. How did you pull this off, whats your secret?? what mix did you use ?
The pursuit of growing large plants does not find its roots in finding the most efficient paradigm, but rather from the State of California imposing plant limits...
Do expand please. I am following you, I agree the "roots" of growing large plants is what you say.
But now, as we r past the roots, what if I only wanted 6 plants, at 1 pound a piece, that would be 6 pounds. In the county I am in, that poundage is way past my limit.So I am wanting to grow BIG plants for my situation. 1 pound plants would be fine with me. I am wanting to know the smallest, most effective way to pull a pound. I am sure others are interested in this also.


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I just used a basic mix of Fox Farms O.F. with added lime, vermiculite , and about a cup crystal polymer`s. The trick is in getting that canopy spread out so you can expose the most bud sites. I am a northerner so I don`t have the extreme heat, at least not as long as down south so I could get away with watering once a day. I only did this in the fields that had absolutely horrible soil as it is a pain in the corn fields. Peace, Afi


Active member
Hey afi, did you pre veg your clones or seedlings indoors then plant outside? Or did you plant small plants and let em rip long season under the sun? I soo wanna grow a pound in a 5 gallon bucket. OUTDOORS. Its a personal milestone,hehe.

Aloha Aeroguerilla, thanks for stoppin in, I know your busy. GL in your endevors this yr also :tiphat:
You say 50 gal. Im gonna do 50 ,lol I saw Nomaad saying the same.You guys know. I trust ya :)
People, Im gonna pull a pound outa a 30 gallon smartie, with a trench underneath.Im gonna put 3 bags of soil in the trench. and Im gonna post pics. I know I can do it. So yeah, about 50-60 gallons total.


Active member
Yeah JoJo I always grow my clones in a 6 inch pot until there rooted. Usually about 12" or so tall and then harden them off in the shade for a couple days and then off they go. Also make sure you slowly lower the light hours to 16/8 if your veg. room is on 24 hrs. or you stand the chance of them flowering when you put them outside. Peace, Afi


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SHIT,LOL My room is 24/7.
If they flower quick, that's cool with me, It's not a stress this yr. Next yr I will do things different.
Its planting day today :) I have been waiting all yr for today :)


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Depending on strains you could get lucky but if not the problem is they won`t continue to flower they will reveg on you so you end up spending most of your veg time in neutral.
Peace, Afi


Active member
Things you can do.

Things you can do.

You CAN use potassium silicate for Ph up.
You CAN get a pound outa a 45 gallon container.
You Can plant in June and still get monsters.
You CAN use Patio Plus soil from Kelloggs, at 4.97 a bag. It works as a base. Additives are needed however to take it to the next level.
You CAN use supplemental lighting up to mid July and as late as Aug 1 to prevent early flowering.
You CAN put multiple seedlings of the same strain in a container and make weight.
Maxibloom is .15 cents a gallon to use.And you CAN use it in veg and bloom.
Mulch will save water and provide a safe haven for micro life.
Just some things I found I CAN do to be a better, more efficient outdoor grower. Feel free to add to the list :)


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Da mix

Da mix

Da mix.:
Patio plus soil
Canadian Peat Moss
Bone Meal
Chunky perlite
Steer manure
Oyster shell flour

Im putting this in 30 and 45 gallon smart pots mostly, there will be bigger ones, a couple 65's and a 150.


Active member
If you didn`t know already make sure your manure is composted well so you don`t burn your ladies. Other than that sounds good. Peace, Afi