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Small white bugs in my soil


New member
I know everyone would like a pic but i dont have a good enough camera to take pictures of these things. Anyways i got some EWC and threw it on some shitty soil i have (miracle gro) hoping that the EWC will at least help out a little bit. I checked the soil today and now there are these tiny white bugs on the EWC, they are oblong in shape and im not sure if they jump of fly, but they definatly move fast like that. i dont really see them flying in the air like u would a fungus gnat but it does seem that when u disturb them they almost jump like a flea to a new part of fly for a short period of time. Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give me. I did check around on the pest threads and all that first too. Hopefully they werent on those other threads because they arent a threat to cannabis.

joe fresh

Active member
springtails?...gnat larvea are like mini white worms and move ultra slow...ive had them, but never had springtails but by your description sounds like the description of springtails


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
my vote is spring tails.. they will float to surface when you water and spring all over
Maybe soil aphids? I had a very similar problem in dwc. They were eating my roots. They would be on the surface of my water, and the move in fast forward..almost like fleas. I tried neem oil, only to almost sufficate my roots with the oil. Finally I tried something with spinosad, they were dead instantly. The product I use is called captain jacks dead bug brew, but there are several products out there with spinosad. I actually quit growing organic because of these bugs and could never figure out how to get rid of them, so I went beck to hydro. Now that I have this stuff, maybe another go at organics is in order.