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SM90 replacement?

dj digigrow

Active member
I just went to order some after learning about it for my Coco set up when the guy at the store said it has been discontinued. What do I use now? Another root product like Hygrozyme or something similar??
Thanks for the Help.


No single replacement for SM-90 really. Hydroguard would be good. I read there was a labeling issue with the laws or something like that. It is Nutrilife's biggest seller and supposedly they are working on getting new labels or licensing. Expected to be back sometime this year, unless there is newer info that I am not aware of.


Active member
It's been unavailable for over a year over a damned labeling issue. I think there was some salicylic acid in it. You know: the same stuff that's in aspirin? Call the hazmat team!

Seriously, it's the dumbest bureaucratic bullshit ever. It's Nutrilife's biggest selling product; they should sue the government for bullshit regulations that protect nobody from nothing.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
What is its purpose?? I think I bought it as powdery mildew cure.


Masochist Educator
Could try to find another sulphonated canola/vegetable oil product, yeah WSDA found Salicylic acid in it. Ive seen a few suggestions for using Dutch Masters Zone which is a potassium nitrate/copper sulfate/chloramine solution.


Active member
What is its purpose?? I think I bought it as powdery mildew cure.

I sometimes use(d) it as a foliar for PM and as a wetting agent. But mainly I ran it through my cloners after each run to clean everything and to scrub up the pumps and the res between hydro cycles. I looove that smell.

It can also be used in hydro for root enhancement, but it has/had a high ph and it caused a lot of continuing variability with that that I didn't want.

I'm still trying to grasp what could take over a year to fix. There must be some rocket science involved. It must really suck as a business owner.


Grotek MM 2000 is pretty much the same thing as SM-90 except theres some amino acids in there but it looks the same and smells the same as SM-90 it came out about ten years ago the first time SM-90 got banned.