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slow growth - transplanting question

So I have 3 Easy Ryders on the go and 2 have started flowering at decent heights, one though, is in the same size pot as the other two and its tiny, its on its 3rd leaf set and about an inch wide, inch tall, its always drooping, I've most likely given it too much water at one point but it never seems to dry out, and, this is coco im growing in, bagged coco.

I was wondering wether I could dig out the plant, risking damaging the roots, and, repot. major stress obviously but I remember with my very first plant, I made the mistake of planting in the wrong type of container, it was alot younger though, I dropped it and the main root was exposed, I repotted it and it grew fine.

just looking for some opinions, im very hesitant.


Even in Arcadia I exist
Hmm. I've the rootball come undone during transplant and lose maybe 15% - 30% of the rootmass and though it stunted the plant, it still grew.

I don't know about digging a plant up though . . .

Definitely sounds overwatered, maybe on the verge of root rot . . . ? Let it REALLY dry out and see if it perks up before you water again. Thats just my $0.02, good luck man!
thanks for your reply mate, I'm pretty sure the plant doesnt have an established root system in my 3 gallon pot yet, I planted straight into it because its an autoflowering strain, I think I could get away with it without causing any extreme damage to the roots if I dig around the main/stronger roots, but, I probably will just leave it for now, let it get as dry as I can, although its not recommended in coco its probably worth it.

looking for more opinions on this guys.

well I did it anyway, and, it didnt work out how I had hoped, I dug around the plant where I couldnt feel many roots, I then lifted the plant out and some coco fell away, then I actually pulled most of it away and was left with roots and the plant, I immediatley repotted and to my surprise there is new growth, a little hair even popped out at a mighty 2 inches tall! the leaves are starting to go upright apart from the older growth thats still drooping and is yellow, I thought it would die but it seems to be doing really well, its definetly growing so must have rooted again.

something thats really odd, on its newest node, it has 3 fan leaves, 1 with 5 fingers, the other two with 3.