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skunk xxx... is it ready to chop?



I lost track of when these went into flower and trying to decide when to chop.

There were vegged indoor for a little then put outside for flower.

The seeds where pulled from some bagseed xxx I got from a reputable person.

I have some in plain dirt too which seem to be following further behind then the ones pictured.

Microscope shows some amber tricks on the smaller leaves but bud doesnt look all that big as i expected.

on to the pics!





I did a 2x(volume) flush about 5 days ago and a 3x(volume) flush today.

The plants look like the still have 2-3 weeks to me but the tricks are already turning amber up top. any advice? Did i flush to early or to late?

pulling a sample today and letting it dry out for a few days


Also, if i flushed to early. Would an option be to rewater the plants with General Hydropincs nutrient solution one time and let her soak up some more nutes and flush in another week or two?
Odd your getting amber triches, they look like they need almost another month. I would judge by the sample, if it smokes like its ready, than there ya go, keep flushing and pull when you please, but if they need more time (and they appear too) I would give them a feeding and flush in 2-3 weeks again, those should bulk up alot more as well.


I would also think there is still alot of weight to be added on this bud. Watered the container with a half gallon of nutrient mix with a ppm of around 380.

Runoff has a ph of 5.5 and 850ppm

Leaves are looking healthy as hell except for a few older fan leaves
I recommend not flushing yet. I don't know what you have been doing, but sometimes when you fry the plant a little with nutes and or high heat, can cause the hairs to do that, sometimes when in excess the hairs will turn black and give the appearance of a true burn.

From what I know, Amber trichs usually show on the bottom first, anyway, since buds at the bottom are supposed to mature first/faster(?)

Also, nute burn can cause trichs to turn amber and wither away. I saw it on my plant, and while it didn't kill off the potency (by no means!!!!!) it's something I noticed.

I kept both eyes and a microscope/macro lens on my plants throughout the grow, so I hope I am giving you some good advice here.


it might have very well been the heat. my area has been crawling up to around 94degrees+ in parts of the day.

and maybe its just me but it seems like the top of my plants matured before the lowers parts did.

Ill try to get them back on track and let them go for another couple weeks hoping for some more nug mass

thanks for the advice paranoid


ran into another issue that i noticed yesterday.
One of the plants bud seems to be sort of drying out.

I took a closer look and touched the bud and it almost fell apart. you could easily pull the bud apart at the top compared to the rest of the plants.

Is the plant dying or sick??


top left plant

as you can see the crystals are still clear and not ready for harvest imo.

Im thinking it might be the weather but why just this one plant? temps are getting up to 100, 103-105 in a few days. plants are chillen in the shade now so it shouldnt be as bad.

i actually pulled some more off and packed a bowl. suprisingly it wasnt harsh or anything. Not much taste. Im confused as to what is happening.