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Skunk bad for us?


Active member
Thought this interesting..

The results are considered particularly worrying as skunk now accounts for around 80 per cent of the street market in cannabis in the United Kingdom.

Scientists at the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London made the discovery after studying admissions to hospital for psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia, paranoia and serious depression.

They found that the patients were seven times more likely to have smoked skunk than ordinary cannabis or hash – and that was on top of the increased risk associated with heavy use of the weaker variety of the drug.

"Our study is the first to demonstrate that the risk of psychosis is much greater among people who are frequent cannabis users, especially among those using skunk, rather than occasional users of traditional hash," said Dr Marta Di Forti.

"Unfortunately, skunk is displacing traditional cannabis preparations in many countries, and the availability of skunk on the UK "street market" has steadily increased over the past six years.

"Public education about the risks of heavy use of high potency cannabis is vital."

Around one per cent of the population in the UK suffer a psychotic illness including hallucinations, paranoia and schizophrenia at some point in their lives

Previous studies have established a direct link between cannabis and psychosis and it is generally thought regular use doubles your chances of developing mental health problems.

Teenage cannabis users are particularly susceptible and have been shown to be more likely to develop paranoid personalities, hallucinatations and even schizophrenia later in life.

While family history is the most significant reason for developing a mental illness, cannabis is thought to act as a trigger for the latent disease.

Scientists believe that the active ingredient THC – or Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol – is to blame for the effect.

Old fashioned hash or marijuana contains four per cent THC compared with up to 20 per cent in skunk, a hybrid form of the plant first developed in the Netherlands.

Today's skunk cannabis also contains virtually no traces of another chemical, called CBD (cannabidiol), which appears to counteract the damaging effects of THC in traditional varieties.

Dr Di Forti and her team, which published their results in the British Journal of Psychiatry, collected information from 280 people attending South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust suffering their first symptoms of psychosis.

They found the patients were twice as likely to have used cannabis for more than five years, and six times more likely to use it everyday than a control group of healthy individuals.

Moreover, among those who had used cannabis, patients with psychosis were almost seven times more likely to use skunk.

She said: "Psychosis was associated with more frequent and longer use of cannabis. Our most striking finding is that patients with a first episode of psychosis preferentially used high-potency cannabis preparations of the skunk variety."




Active member
Talk about MISinformation! I don't know where to start with this article.

Hash at only 4% THC? Of course they're referring to soapbar, not hashish. That adulterated shit is more harmful than skunk will ever be. It forces ppl to smoke about 5xs more, and who knows what's in it! Smoking soapbar doesn't even get you high, so comparing it to anything is ridiculous.

BTW, there is NO such thing as "skunk" marijuana. It's not a technical term for anything, so unless they have a better definition of what they're talking about, this whole article is nothing but propaganda. Coming from the UK, this is more DEA financed B.S. (they pay for articles/studies like this).

Also, perhaps the real truth is that people with psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia, paranoia and serious depression purposely seek out marijuana as a therapeutic agent, whether they're aware of these symptoms or not. That's even more likely than the scenario posed by this propaganda piece. And they're seeking out the stronger stuff because they get better relief from their symptoms with it.

It's quite likely that they choose to use cannabis instead of getting shit-faced drunk as most Brits do who have these same symptoms and others. They are simply self-medicating with a healthier recreation drug than alcohol or addictive prescriptions.

While I'm often the first to admit that cannabis can make you paranoid, that's mostly a function of the repressive anti-cannabis LAWS, and not the drug itself.
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Is it not that you still have in Britain haunted houses, Pagan worshippers what ever.It is the land of ghost stories!!! :D

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



New member
I dont think I could have said any better than Skip. Its all b/s, we know from the past that these kind of studys are funded by anti M/J, Rich, powerful punks who never look at the reason we all started using M/J in the first place- Im not knockin treetops, just an opinion.
yeah how can they even say that "traditional hash" is only four %?
the countries that have been producing and exporting hash for centuries probably would tell you that potency has been relativaly the same...i thought good hash was like 35-65% THC?
every time ive gotten hash its like 3-5 hits and youre gone.
whats next, the cops here in the US telling the sheeple that 80% of cannabis is kush! beware! its ultra dangerous!
these prohibitionist assholes make my blood boil. grrrrr.


This article is basically saying in so many words or less "Hey, there is pot that's pretty strong"

Thanks scientists! Not like this hasn't been around for decades! I will agree with one point, that young kids that are still developing into mature adults should not smoke pot.


Thought this interesting..

The results are considered particularly worrying as skunk now accounts for around 80 per cent of the street market in cannabis in the United Kingdom.

Scientists at the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London made the discovery after studying admissions to hospital for psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia, paranoia and serious depression.

They found that the patients were seven times more likely to have smoked skunk than ordinary cannabis or hash – and that was on top of the increased risk associated with heavy use of the weaker variety of the drug.

"Our study is the first to demonstrate that the risk of psychosis is much greater among people who are frequent cannabis users, especially among those using skunk, rather than occasional users of traditional hash," said Dr Marta Di Forti.

"Unfortunately, skunk is displacing traditional cannabis preparations in many countries, and the availability of skunk on the UK "street market" has steadily increased over the past six years.

"Public education about the risks of heavy use of high potency cannabis is vital."

Around one per cent of the population in the UK suffer a psychotic illness including hallucinations, paranoia and schizophrenia at some point in their lives

Previous studies have established a direct link between cannabis and psychosis and it is generally thought regular use doubles your chances of developing mental health problems.

Teenage cannabis users are particularly susceptible and have been shown to be more likely to develop paranoid personalities, hallucinatations and even schizophrenia later in life.

While family history is the most significant reason for developing a mental illness, cannabis is thought to act as a trigger for the latent disease.

Scientists believe that the active ingredient THC – or Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol – is to blame for the effect.

Old fashioned hash or marijuana contains four per cent THC compared with up to 20 per cent in skunk, a hybrid form of the plant first developed in the Netherlands.

Today's skunk cannabis also contains virtually no traces of another chemical, called CBD (cannabidiol), which appears to counteract the damaging effects of THC in traditional varieties.

Dr Di Forti and her team, which published their results in the British Journal of Psychiatry, collected information from 280 people attending South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust suffering their first symptoms of psychosis.

They found the patients were twice as likely to have used cannabis for more than five years, and six times more likely to use it everyday than a control group of healthy individuals.

Moreover, among those who had used cannabis, patients with psychosis were almost seven times more likely to use skunk.

She said: "Psychosis was associated with more frequent and longer use of cannabis. Our most striking finding is that patients with a first episode of psychosis preferentially used high-potency cannabis preparations of the skunk variety."



idiotic information. these people are propaganda machines

a lot of people smoke cannabis, crazy and normal people and whatever else there is

people who are crazy are more likely to need drugs to make their lives better, or is this not what the prescription industry thrives on?

cannabis helps calm people and brings joy into dull lives - especially depressed ones!

paranoia and cannabis use? gee why could that be? maybe because its illegal!

where does it say cannabis causes psychosis? no where. but they make it look like it could, then say it thirty different ways.

not only is this insulting in that they think they are more intelligent than everyone else to the extent that they could trick them, but in the audacity of these people acting like they know more about something than the people who have first hand knowledge of it.


Active member
If you are genetically predisposed to any of those mental health issues then Alcohol, a traumatic event, Stress and other substances can all cause you to develop symptoms. I think this is just spin for all the anti-cannabis folks to try and use against cannabis.


Do they seriously expect people to believe this? After firing a few scientists for spewing the actual truth?

I have personal accounts of Schizo friends medicating. They were on pills before, and I wouldn't go near them, now I can fuck with their heads like the rest of my friends.

Haha, so because I use marijuana for autism, marijuana caused my autism? Raiiight...

And another note, I fully agree that cannabis can greatly increase depression. That is why you make sure to smoke the right strain...

And the only thing I have ever been paranoid about is being thrown in jail. No aliens coming to abduct me, or people making fun of me, or my dog wanting to kill me....

People can abuse cannabis, but unlike other drugs cannabis has a very hard time abusing you back.


Well-known member
I bet if you smoke "Skunk" you'll.......

"An entire family was murdered by a youthful addict in Florida. When officers arrived at the home, they found the youth staggering about in a human slaughterhouse. With an axe he had killed his father, mother, two brothers, and a sister. He seemed to be in a daze… He had no recollection of having committed the multiple crime. The officers knew him ordinarily as a sane, rather quiet young man; now he was pitifully crazed. They sought the reason. The boy said that he had been in the habit of smoking something which youthful friends called “muggles,” a childish name for marijuana."<sup id="cite_ref-9" class="reference">[10]</sup>

<dl><dd>"Colored students at the Univ. of Minn. partying with (white) female students, smoking [marijuana] and getting their sympathy with stories of racial persecution. Result: pregnancy"<sup id="cite_ref-10" class="reference">[11]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-inciardi_11-0" class="reference">[12]</sup></dd></dl> <dl><dd>"Two Negros took a girl fourteen years old and kept her for two days under the influence of hemp. Upon recovery she was found to be suffering from syphilis."<sup id="cite_ref-inciardi_11-1" class="reference">[12]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-12" class="reference">[13]</sup></dd></dl>

"There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US,
and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers.
Their Satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage.
This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations
with Negroes, entertainers and any others."


Articles like that one really piss me off. I had a conversation with someone the other day and she said something about marijuana being much stronger than it used to be. She then claimed that it was so strong that it is very dangerous. At first I scoffed at her but then I asked her if she drank alcohol. She said yes and then I asked her how many ounces of beer it took to get her drunk. She said about 4 beers or 48 ounces. Then I asked if she could drink 48 ounces of liquor. She started to reply "of course not", and then she got it: if it's stronger you use less. Duh. Shut her up! :)


Ha Ha

Ha Ha

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. And did I say HA.

And their suppose to be professionals, rightttttttttttttttttt.


Active member
Skip was right~ Where do you start with this one?
Everything Skip said^^

The old Reefer Madness type pot induced psychosis ridiculousness. I can't believe that they're still using that. But I guess that's what's at the heart of the issue. That is what the masses must still believe.

And wtf, Skunk? That'd be like an American study pointing out the dangers of 'chronic.' haha

I bet everything in my closet is better than the 'Skunk' they're talking about. And lots of folks have better than me. hahahaha


The old wife's tale about "dangerous super strength cannabis" is just another scare tactic used once again by the controllers....next week they will come out with a teen suicide and blame it all on "skunk"

I think that the biggest future problem related to cannabis use is from the excessive use of chemical ferts that are used to grow the plants.

Tobacco was used for centuries and it's only in the past 50 years that smokers have suffered from high cancer rates.....I think that the increased widespread use of chemical ferts coincided with higher cancer rates.

just another reason to grow your own with organic fertilizers


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Skip as always said it the best.

1.Get a Dea Grant
2.Find a bunch of people that have either or psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia, paranoia and serious depression but NEVER ask them if they do.
3. Get these folks stoned out of their minds and let them do whatever they want and record it.
4.Post your skewed results to the world.
5.Get Paid
6.Get Another Grant
7. See #1

I like the one they taught in school in the us back in the early 80's. The one where they show the mouse in the lab getting blasted. Then they fast forward 3 weeks and this poor little thing is peaked to say the least.


Back in the 80's they never told us there was only 4 weeks of funding for this study and that little guy was blasted damn near 24/7 for 3 weeks to speed up the so called process. LOL Now I bet damn near all I'm worth that I can take any Big Baller in this forum put them a glass box and blast them 24/7 for 3 weeks with the air of bud and I'm gonna fug them up to the point that your gonna take notice.?

Skip I gotta say you the man on this kind of stuff.

I'm also damn glad your on OUR side :)
