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Skullznroses 2012 Training and Pruning Outdoor Plants


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
posting a PM... without permission of course :tiphat:

gobbler3447 said:
So in your experience with serenade, how long till you saw results, and how were the results, what results did you see? thanks, *******

hey ******,

little experience, trusting in organics as always, and knowing that I can chuck whatever I want if its doesn't pass the mustard.

I decided its best to stop using the neem after today.. ecpet on parts of the plant which have mites. will use "orchard man" spray... its old shit but it will fill a bottle I suppose.

Since first application bud still cracks open and smells like skunk on the inside. and it is getting good results from the end of season switch to development of flowers. no more spread of at least 3-4 fungal issues... including PM, leaf spot, and botrytis or soft leaf mold


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
field cloning results

field cloning results

heres some shots of my field cloning results. I took these clones in the bush and then brought them to a friends house. I got a chance to pot them up yesterday and thought I would share.

39/50 clones rooted. Sadly I lost Nothern Lights, took 3 clones and all damped off very fast. I know there is mold in the bush, because I had to remove humidity dome early since several clones got white mold after 3 days. A bummer, that how I lost the others..



that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
I just ordered some Eagle 20 ew. Im out of bud and thinking clearly. Im going to apply this once and then harvest 4 weeks later. Ive gotta have some harvest this year. I can't deal with losing this harvest. Ive done my research and taking my chances. The serenade is holding things back nicely. I want something strong enough to apply and walk away. Botrytis or brown rot or bud killer rot, the one that makes a leaf all soft and droopy and 3 days later the plant is consumed... yeah not losing half a crop this year. 2-3 plants last year was bad enough, and this year my plants are bigger and more effected. The stems show considerable presence of systemic mold. Im being responsible, and saving these plants. I feel this is a safe course. I won't be harvesting before Oct 1 anyways so might as well get a few inks sleep. Alright now Im just going to have to wait on shipping.

Picts from last Saturday 8/18/12

Mekong Bush--> Very excited the sativa is flourishing. Will save this as super special headies to take to the mountains snowboarding etc.

Skywalker... found a small gray rot leaf at the top. no good

Top 44

A top


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Sprayed my plants with Eagle yesterday. Please save the negative comments. Ive read all the threads already. Im going to wait 45 days to harvest frost willing. I feel this is safe. Sorry, I know the purity police will get crazy, but I plan on vaping all my bud this year, and Im willing to be a ginny pig.

Ive worked in farms and orchards. Trust me your food is sprayed with much worse chemicals and much closer to harvest then this product. I hope my balls don't fall off. To me its just a choice in having a bountiful harvest. Last year I had 1/3 my plants ruined by mold, and I can't take the stress and worry.

Say what you will, but I have made my own mind up. Happy growing.

Next year I hope to use the product earlier, but honestly if day 10 of flowering is close to the last safe date to apply and mold comes on late in harvest, then this is the wisest time to use the product. IN farming you use the product in the most sparing way possible, but to use it and then lose the crop is not being wise.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
ON a less somber note, here are my strain notes so far as the budding is starting, and a few trichomes are almost visible. Hopefully I have sprayed at the right time, and the buds will all grow chemical free. Either way I just keep taking my sanity pill and know this is common farming practice, with well tested products, not witch doctoring.

WwxBB- fastest flower, shortest plant, lots of bud sites. Clearly this could be a great indoor producer.

TW (GHS)- slow to start flowering, but has amazing stretch during early flower followed buy heavy buds setting. THis plant is around 7'-8' tall as September is rolling in.

TW(cut)- dark green leaves and thick floppy stem. Looks like plants from Cali more then the ones from europe. little to no bud, but starting to send out more then early hairs. coconut tree like growth... reaches outward then straight up as it grows from center outwards.

WW GHS- this is my dog this year. hurt by PH and Cal perhaps even fert burned. starting to flower, but losing lots of fan leaves. Hopefully the many budsites pays off and it stays healthy through the finish. Interesting to see if Eagle 20EW helps this bitch along, and it turns out to by some rust or infection.

Papaya- slow to flower, but is coming on strong. Long buds reach deep into heart of plant

Skywalker- WOW. tallest plant I have ever grown. Main stalk is over 8' I think and it has many strong branches coming from the top 3' or so. The rest of the bush is nice 4'-5' long secondary branches. Have tied this one up. Is slow to flower as it is still streching. Showing strong early bud formation. Its interesting how some plants throw out bud fan leaves or unsugared sugar leaves and other send out the hairs first. Guess this is a function of hybrid parents, as my sativa and indica strains are totally distinct and don't follow this pattern.

Mekong- lots of loose flowers forming covering each branch and they are going to be dense. This plant got blown over by the wind and has been tied up. I had to cut off a main stalk but whatever, it has 6-8 I think. Sending out long hairs surrounded by small green bases. Beautiful

BC Bud God- Must interesting as I have never grown. Is flowering early and has shown lots of resistance to all my problems this year. This is a nice outdoor plant and the breeding shows. Little white hairs and showing heavy buds are going to form on this soon.

Top44- Biggest bush, lots of Skywalker look to it. It going to yield well I think. Perhaps a one pound plant. perhaps more, we'll see in 6 weeks... 5 if it gets wet, 4.5 at the least.
huge stem at base, was a weakly stock plant that was tall and spindly. Not any more.

Early skunk- not that early from what I can see so far. maybe it will bud up fast. not that impressive, it grows straight without many side branches. would have to be a big christmas tree to get good yields.

Hoping the late rains hold off and frosts are late too so the Eagle breaks down into nothing.


Active member
Sprayed my plants with Eagle yesterday. Please save the negative comments. Ive read all the threads already. Im going to wait 45 days to harvest frost willing. I feel this is safe. Sorry, I know the purity police will get crazy, but I plan on vaping all my bud this year, and Im willing to be a ginny pig.

Ive worked in farms and orchards. Trust me your food is sprayed with much worse chemicals and much closer to harvest then this product. I hope my balls don't fall off. To me its just a choice in having a bountiful harvest. Last year I had 1/3 my plants ruined by mold, and I can't take the stress and worry.

Say what you will, but I have made my own mind up. Happy growing.

Next year I hope to use the product earlier, but honestly if day 10 of flowering is close to the last safe date to apply and mold comes on late in harvest, then this is the wisest time to use the product. IN farming you use the product in the most sparing way possible, but to use it and then lose the crop is not being wise.

Their are better products to use at that stage of the game than E20.
E20 is for VEG! Your in Bud.
Have fun vapen that shit


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
They weren't really budding. No hairs. Im smoking that shit, but thanks for the concern.

According to my calcs, the 5 grams mycolbutinal will diminish to 500mg or less after Oct 1st(7-15 day half life), and 250mg by Oct 7-10th my target harvest. If you consider that the harvested bud will contain perhaps at most 10% your looking at 50-25mg. IN rats the no noticeable effects dose for repetitive feeding was around 3mg/kg body weight. That means Id have to have a 40lb person consume all that bud in one sitting and then find about 200lbs more bud with the same content, and have that baby smoke that bud for a while, and then theyd still be safe.

Im a realist. My research shows this type of fungicide is used heavily in many common foods, and used up to 7-14 days before harvest. I think a pound of bananas will have about the same amount as my whole years worth of bud. I eat several pounds of bananas a month. My bud will not be sprayed in the last 5-6 weeks.

Got paranoia???

my research made me more paranoid of non organic strawberries, broccoli, bananas and raisins then my head supply. Also, I need to stop smoking period. Ive been smoking for way to long as it is....


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Bad news in from the patch today. No photos, was a quick trip after work was called short for the day. Rushed out to the spot to do a bloom fert... never even happened. Didn't have time to collect water. Because--->

Isaac!!!!! you bastard storm

basically went to find a total blow down situation.

Plants laying on the ground and massive splits in many trees. Really sad feelings. Luckily I stock 1000ft of jute twine and many extra pegs at my spot.

I spent all the time I had trying to tie up my beauties. It will be okay and Id say about a 10% loss at the moment. Luckily I think if I go back I can right the wrong.

Lesson: If you have 9 foot plants and its dry, without netting you're fucked. Most plants were tied up, but only in one or two directions. These were the directions they went down.

Man I wish I could just grow out in the open and use common sense prevention for this problem. Next year Im going to have to crawl and climb to my spot with wire mesh or netting. Not going to be fun, but I will do it. My growing skills are good enough that I know my plants will be this big again. Its the price to pay for getting better... harder lessons.


how was that?> ur got nice big plants............. had a problem with big plants breaking too .. use more Silica.. lol and the problems stopped with most plants.. and i used zip ties and electric tape ..!