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skullz 322 ever wonder what it means?


Lover of Life
okay, so I'll just throw this in because I don't know how to properly debate conspiracy believers...okay, so, you know this evil stuff is going down and people are being hurt or going to be hurt..what do you do? Do you really believe you can make a difference?

By most conspiracy believers own words, these 'people' who somehow control all the shenanigans are beyond evil and twisted. What makes you think they'll even listen to you to stop all these bad things? They don't care, they do what they want.

"All It takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing."

lost in a sea

ok you cant call people conspiracy believers..

you can use the derogatory term conspiracy theory believers.. to insinuate that people are believing in false conspiracies but a conspiracy by definition is two or more people colluding against another individual or group of people behind closed doors..

i would argue that most of it isnt behind closed doors it is in front of people's faces so it isnt a conspiracy at all.. simple symbolism makes it obvious to a calculated small percentage of the population..

your last quote is to the effect that apathy is worse than evil and i agree but how can you get rid of apathy without educating a certain percentage of people..

these people have lots of names, because they act through many facias, but as a group they go back to the consolidation of europe by the church and bankers in the last 500 years.. the corporations we now have are chartered to steal from you..


it is all there in history, and you can follow them right up to the power infrastructure we have today..

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
George Orwell (Eric Blair)


Lover of Life
Well, I gotta know that there is evil in the world, and thus, evil doers who conspire against humans everywhere. I can totally see that for what it's worth.

I think it's good to know though, to have this info. so we can prepare or adjust accoridingly. I think the outcome of all of these things going on will be directly affected by how people react and judge the situation. There's things we can do to avoid all these things they control, but it's still up to us as humanity to treat everyone right and not lower ourselves to be like the vile people who do bad things.

But just to put it in perspective, this kind of stuff has been going on since the dawn of time, nothing really new or surprising at all.


the number 322 is definitely significant ........ there is just no getting around it



33 is a reoccurring number in many things from the the number of vertebrae in the human spine to the measure in which the earth vibrates.

Copy and pasted from http://www.virtuescience.com/322.html

The Number 322
Prime Factors of 322=2x7x23.

322 is a Lucas Number.

322 is a 17-gonal Number.

322 is a 55-gonal Number.

322 is the 35th number which is the Product of 3 distinct primes.

322 is the number of + signs needed to write the Partitions of 12

According to the Skull and Bones Society lore in 322 B.C., a Greek orator died. When he died, the goddess Eulogia, the goddess, whom Skull and Bones called the goddess of eloquence, arose to the heavens and didn't happen to come back down until 1832, when she happened to take up residence in the tomb of Skull and Bones.

The clay tablet with the catalog number 322 in the G. A. Plimpton Collection at Columbia University may be the most well known mathematical tablet, certainly the most photographed one, but it deserves even greater renown. It was scribed in the Old Babylonian period between -1900 B.C and -1600 B.C and shows the most advanced mathematics before the development of Greek mathematics. It concerns the Pythagorean triples.

U.S. Route 322 is a 494 mi (795.0 km) long, east–west United States Highway, traversing Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.

322 is a film Dusan Hanák: "A psychological drama of the illness of an individual and the illness of the society."

The Year 322 AD
In the year 322 AD: Fiacha Sraibhtine, after having been thirty seven years as king over Ireland, was slain by the Collas, in the battle of Dubhchomar, in Crioch Rois, in Breagh.

In the year 322 AD Jin Kang Di, emperor of China, was born.

In the year 322 AD Empress Yang Xianrong died.

This is my 32 post.
Last edited:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Does anyone remember the movie Pi?

This thread reminded me of Sol's line about finding any number anywhere if you were looking for it.

322 is the weight I must achieve before I stop eating ice cream.


Active member
well how about we go gorillas,and live on our feet instead of our seat and DO somthing.
MH-how do u feel about a revolution.is it posssibal to wake at least half the sheep?


Violence is used by the violent to justify violence against the violent.

Non-compliance is the way to go and the whole reason for this site's existence. Just ask the Mahatma, he freed a nation with it. Just ask MLK, he freed a people with it. It is not without cost, and at times a great cost, but it scares hell out of those who think they control the world.


Well-known member
The elite are into the occult, numerology, and satanic rituals there's no doubt about that. All documented. It's their belief or religion I guess you could say. This is fact. Facts are not beliefs or conspiracy theory they are facts.

There's a part of the brain called the reptilian complex. It is supposed to be responsible for certain behaviors such as aggression, dominance, territoriality, and ritual displays. Some people are dominated by this part of the brain. They want to dominate and control other people. It's an instinctual behavior for them. They seek out positions of power so they can impose that power over others dominantly. Normal people do not think like this. Normal folks want to help our fellow man and share knowledge, not dominate and enslave them out of pure greed or to fulfill some twisted obsession with power and the satisfaction of seeing others suffer.

Max Headroom

Well-known member
well how about we go gorillas,and live on our feet instead of our seat and DO somthing.
MH-how do u feel about a revolution.is it posssibal to wake at least half the sheep?

as much as i would love to see some change, i fear we are much too complacent. a fat slave doesn't revolt.
besides that, the powers that be desperately want a revolution, so they can come down on us with full force using their police state apparatus.

the only way is a revolution from within - every one of us has to start with himself and become a better person.
the change we want to see in the world first has to occur within us.

my 2 cents...


ruger 500
that is powerfull max! to kill as many as they plan to i would think it will be nbc all the way all three ,


Active member
change within is the STARTINg point.projecting this change,acting on this change is not cool with evrybody.there a stigma with change(good) like its cheezy to be smart and care about the planets health.'
idk life is just seem all the more doomed for these people who choose to life there life on there seat....