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Skateboarding Thread


livin my way the high way

"Created to keep the salt air off the plants"....RIIIIGHT.

haha the only issue i still have of SB mag. thats tight dude.


I saw all the disbelief at the prospect of a 12" deck... that's my main stick!


I rock a 12"x35" Bulldog Quadplane deck... with floppy loose 10" Krux "The Man" trucks and 64mm offset double-conical wheels stuffed full of Rock'n Ron's Rocket bearings:


Surprisingly enough, with a mild wedge on the front truck it's as nimble as can be. And the Black Death DubCon is the fastest wheel I've ever skated in my life, hands down. Faster than Bowl Bombers, faster than Shitbirds. A precision tool for big, flowing bowls, ditches and pipes. Not so good for tight pools, but I don't like tight pools anyway, so there. :moon:

I actually don't skate very much these days, my back is just way too jacked up and I can't get as aggro as I need to get my rocks off. One minor fall can put me out of commission for weeks now. There are few things I miss more than the simple pleasure of a hard frontside carve on roundwall. I still lie in bed sometimes and dream about drawing lines in a perfect pool, feeling the coping grinding under my trucks...

Fuck it, I'm off to tend my plants. :wallbash:


Holy crimminy, fuck yeah, I remember M. Nice pull Pond ......! Alba really WAS tha pool masta



Active member
Got a new board from San Francisco few days ago ..

Wanted to get me a old school Steve Caballero Dragon II - Silver but it was 31.8 x10... too long for me,so went with 10x30.3 Mike Mcgill skate and snake board re-issued with spoon shaped nose- a little over $100 total package,independent trucks,risers,mini-cubic 64mm.

Kinda fast!!! Yup,,old school here..Still ripping sidewalk surfing! Love the Spoon shaped nose which curves the top of the board.Grippy!
So far 2 dudes stopped me and chatted with me about my new board..Pretty cool talking about the old days.



Active member
cool to see all the old skool shit.

even tho im a bmxer...i skated and hung out w/ skaters, and i had a shitload of old skool boards.

the ones that stand out are my P/P lance mountain....an old tony hawk....i had the first mike V board 3 times (the elephant)...old caballero...

i could fill a page w/ bike frames tho


Eugene Oregon
The skate scene is going to explode it already has started but imagine in 10 more years it will be such a huge thing!

I use to skate back in the day and my son is a shredder himself!

He was showing me some stuff on the old Mini Ramp and he did a trick that was unbelievable it was a switch blunt to a 180 down and did a little revert, the tricks keep getting so tech now a days... :yoinks:

Styles P

me and a few friends who all used to skate blew the dust off our boards and went out the other day. we went to this skatepark behind this school and were the only ones skating it they had a little 4 foot mini and we were mainly riding that till we got kicked out for no helmets( bs im fucking 21 yrs old and your gonna tell me i have to wear a helmet) anyway were inspired to build a mini ramp now cant wait. btw i met tony alva a few years ago dude was cool as hell.


one of my fav. sk8ers lance mountain is about to come on fueltvs daily habit. i think hes a stoner i saw em on the captain and casey show and they all looked blazed out and made some funny ass mj remarks.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
What board are you skating at the moment?
Here is what I am -
street board- Krooked Mark Gonzales Sweatpants

Cruisinig Board (My first real board in 1986) this is a re-release - Powell Skull & Sword



I can only find this video on myspace, any way, watch it and be amazed. If your anything like me, you will scream a little bit the first time you watch it, Keep on rocking JO-JO !!

Or go to myspace and go to video, type in skateboard dog, the description will read "Einfach funny der Knuffel!" This dog can skate better than most of the little annoying shitty kids that frequent the parks, though not all the kids are like this, it seems allot of them are inconsiderate pieces of poop.

What skate demo's have everyone been to?

I haven't been to many,
I've seen Black label (handed Mike Vallely his board) and Toy Machine ( old school version ). The toy machine team is so much better now. Has anyone seen Diego Bucchieri part in "Good and Evil", freaking amazing, and the song that goes with it is awesome as well.

I also really like Eric Koston's part in "yeah right". I have to watch a skate-part on a video several times before I even realize what stance is their regular stance, I am to focused on the skating it self, that I don't even notice. I also really like watching Marc Johnson, everything he does is golden, He's a great skateboarder. An of course Dawon song ( Blunt stall 360 out ??!!?), Rodney Mullen (Creator of technical skateboarding), Danny way (world record breaking mad man, better than Tony hawk, even he will admit this), the dog in the video that’s listed above, an among many others...

Currently I am riding a Chris Haslam Impact board, at first I didn't like it. It was like skating a tank, and I could not heel flip or do anything nearly as high or well as I could with my old board that broke. But now that I have broken in the board a bit, and have gotten use to it, It's not so bad, at all. I think the disk's they use that are at the main breaking point's of the board weigh it down, so they used a lighter, softer wood to equal it out and make it as light as a normal board, which sucks when it comes to chipping, and razor tail, but I've learned to be careful, and I use my back foots toe to come into contact with surface rather than my board when stopping. I plan on getting a new deck sometime soon, preferably one with a mellow concave, and about 7.5-7.7 width, maybe 8, but I am a bit scared of trying something new. If anyone has any suggestions, please add them, I was thinking of a Chocolate or Girl.

I need new shoes, but the one's I have, as worn out as they are, are my favorite. I could go on and on about skateboarding, but I'll end it here until I post again, Be sure to watch the dog video and be amazed, its only 51 seconds.


Cruisinig Board (My first real board in 1986) this is a re-release - Powell Skull & Sword


Your skateboard is older than me :)

I remember not being allowed to ride my first skateboard until my report card came, but I ended up sneaking it out while my parents were gone. It was a Powell Street Issue Camo with Venture feather lights. I can't find any images of it, but it was sick.

Counting back, its been 12 years of skating. I'm pretty sure I'm going to raise my kids as little shredders.

Haslam is sick. Mullen is sick.

Check ou bastien salabanzi at the end of this compilation. I think he is sick for an am that doesn't really care about sponsers.

Bastien Salabanzi-double flip to fs boardslide to fakie down rail!!!!!!
Bastien Salabanzi-backside 360 double flip up Euro gap!!!!
Bastien Salabanzi-huge switchstance double heelflip down double set!!
Bastien Salabanzi-caballerial double flip down double set,four stairs falt four stairs!!!!!!!!!(globe Metz Masters 2008 bestrick competion) Best trick!!!!!!!


IF you like Chris Haslam, Check out the skate video, "Cheese and Crackers". You can watch it on youtube, and its not that long, They tear the shit out of the mini half pipe, doing tricks you could not even conceive of, it will blow your mind. I really like Chris Haslam too, for some reason his part in “Almost Round Three” really gets to me, between the music and the skating, its just great, I could watch that part every day and not get bored of it. Plus its good to watch to get pumped up before skating. I haven’t seen anyone else but him do one footed board slides.

I watched the link you gave from you-tube of Chris Haslam, He looks cool all gruffy looking, and the van filled with smoke was pretty cool. The skating of course was awesome. The fact that he was skating in almost complete darkness in the beginning show’s how skillful he is, before my skateboard park had lights, I went skating at night(it' open 24/7), and well, it didn’t go so well. Though I can do and land pop shovits while rolling with my eye’s closed. The thing that tends to stand out with Chris Haslam besides his overall great skating, is his late flip tricks he manages to get in on his tricks. I also love his crazy combination tricks.

Amateur skaters do generally have alot of heart when it comes to skateboarding.

The video of the dog skating is not the bull dog just riding, it’s a smaller dog actually going down. Up, and off of ramps, and doing some pretty stellar stuff for a dog or even a human at novice level. Apparently the dog was adopted by some good hearted skateboarders, and the dog took after them, The sad thing is the dog passed away, An I am sure it wasn’t by skateboarding. RIP dog, you are truly awesome. Watch the video, the dog is truly bad ass… If you like skateboarding you’ll love this dog, and if you love dogs, you‘ll love this video even more. I wish I had a companion like that.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
The video of the dog skating is not the bull dog just riding, it’s a smaller dog actually going down. Up, and off of ramps, and doing some pretty stellar stuff for a dog or even a human at novice level. Apparently the dog was adopted by some good hearted skateboarders, and the dog took after them, The sad thing is the dog passed away, An I am sure it wasn’t by skateboarding. RIP dog, you are truly awesome. Watch the video, the dog is truly bad ass… If you like skateboarding you’ll love this dog, and if you love dogs, you‘ll love this video even more. I wish I had a companion like that.

You know, the funny thing is I almost didn't watch it because I thought it was that gumpy bulldog, but man, this kid has skills!! RIP skating dog, really amazing video!

Anyone know whatever happened to Ali Boulala? Is he OK or is he pretty bad off?

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