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Skateboarding Thread


12 inch? shit. never seen anything that big. I've rode an old school 10 incher before, just for kicks. I never ride longboards though. Bombing hills is the most fun to me when I can crack ollies on my way down. Plus powersliding is key. Cant bomb a hill without some fat powerslides.


ICMag Donor
Great thread...Skateboarding over the years has partially transformed me into who i am today...I was really big into it..Brings back fond memories of how skateboarding was such a way of life...Back i was skating,it was all about the "style" of skateboarding.I used to have bangs dyed blond down past my chin.The old tricks you never see anymore.Footplants ,inverts ,bonelesses..Oh how fun it was..

The music played such an inportant part,we were all punks and hippies.Listening to the Drunken Injuns ,Mccrad ,Circle Jerks and ~FvK~ as well.I remember when Tony Alva from team Alva, came to a contest a local skate shop had ,those guys were just hardcore.Like watching Bill Danforth do an acid drop off the side of a 12-15 foot half pipe,and land it on concrete.And their was Rob Roskopp who big thing was giant airs off launch ramps over cars.And Gonz he had the rep for the biggest ollies for a shitload of years.

All of us always had the biggest respect for people who could skate pools really well.It took alot of balls to be really good at it.I still have a few videos .The 1st Bones Brigade with a tiny Tony Hawk,Brings back good memories to watch once and awhile.

Up until a year ago ,i would still go to a local skate park to rip it up.Its neat to see young kids watch a guy old enough to be their father (almost 40),doing layback grinds,540's power slides and all kinds other old silly shit..

Nowadays im smokin a pack of cigs a day,outta shape,and haven't skated in a year or 2 ,maby its time to dust off that old board...

Some Random Skateboarding thoughts i was thinking today after reading steele's post.

To try to remember the past decks you rode..What i can remember...

Blockhead -Sam Cunningham
Santa Cruz- Jason Jesse ..with the big sun face
Zorlac - Metallica and the
pushead Model
Powell -Steve Steadham model
Alva - Eddie Reatiga model
Bill Danforth model

Steve Steadham the dude with the french fries haircut,got kicked off of team powell for smoking pot..

Kryptonics made these killer wheels ,white urethane with a hard plastic black core with holes.Those things were so fast.

Anyone with nosebones or tailbones on their board were considered a poseur.

The magazines "Thrasher" particularly were photo's of people lighting their boards on fire and tearing up the streets and launch ramps.

One of the most ripping skate style cats that was great to watch was Christian Hosoi.The rocket air his signature trick was good.But his street style was just insane,He'd hang his shirt on his belt ,so when he would get air,it would look like a streak of fire.

The Alba brothers ads "Buy are decks.We need the money"

Good memories and injuries......
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haha gdawg size 16s would call for that..u must be talkin old school kicker boards though?
never seen a 12 concave


fvk ,randy ..good call on the wider boards though . I for sure feel much more comftorable with a wider board and flip tricks , vert ? HA ,not for me dudes, 6 ft is as high as I'll go ..and still we're talkin dropping in , rock n roll. maybe an axle stall?? I suck vert up...haha
this thread will never die


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Live to skate, skate or die... I'ma check out this Schroeder dude though, bet I'm in for a kick. I like vert but it's just not the same... I'm not spectacular at it but I have been known to pull an air or two...

Hell yeah Randy, sometimes I powerslide or 180 into switch and just go man.

But yeah, glad to see ya here Snagglepuss. You're a head man, respect. Repping the Bad Brains. Tear it up guys.


Yeep, killer thread. Most of my skating was done in tha street. Hittin a little kicker ramp was always a blast. I dug boneless', rail and tail slides, huge ol' school moves that look sick. Bombing down hills, man those were tha days.......

Edit : I was a Steve Alba fan, rode his first deck with tha hot blond above a cauldron with head hunters dancing around tha flames. Fuggin SICK.



the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Hey Snaggle... Now that I think of it I get the feeling I might have skated with you before... Can you skate your park and see porpoises less than 100-200 feet away from you at the same time? Don't live there anymore but you sound like someone I know...

I still do bonelesses, finger flips, and pressure flips because nobody does them anymore. I can kill a game a skate in about 5 minutes with these tricks but it always makes me feel cheap. I can do pressure flips every which way except in my regular stance... Weird huh?


Anyone have any footy of them skating? I'm sure some of you do, but would rather not post it, and that's cool, makes sense. I just found some footy of me and some bro's skating just before winter hit. I usually dont film, but my buddy was puting this video together and he snagged some tricks: http://www.vimeo.com/2302216 Wish I could skate that park now. Good times.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Snag, it's all good. If that is you, you're REALLY fucking good man... Get out there because we can't let the legacy of shredding it die in the hand of these little Sheckler's... Peace dude.

And yeah, sorry Randy, no vids I'd be comfortable with sharing. I wouldn't even share one of my friends, but that's just me...



Yeah man. Bummed again for no Johnson/Berra matchup. But shit they surprised me with the Carroll/Mo matchup so soon. Good game too, I actually thought carroll had a chance at a comeback when Mo finally missed one.

The Ellington/Fairfax match was deadly too. Could have went either way, some of those last tricks were crazy. Like Benny's fullcab shuvit... or whatever you might call that... big...er spin? and Ellington's double flipped trey. My buddy was doing those one day, makes no sense to me. I suck at double flipping to begin with though.


went to a nice cement park yesterday and didnt get hurt :) dang these young cats rip nowadays! i really miss hittin the big stair sets and hubbas but i know its for my own good. but im goin to a money jam at the end of the month so ima be pushin hard to rep my city! im gettin my r6 back from the shop 2morrow from a deer collision around christmas, so i had to get it painted and all im puttin on it are some badass flip decals along the bottom where the yamaha decals used to be. im not gonna load it up with decals but i prolly will put a couple more on when i see how it looks.


Herbal relaxation...
Lot´s of great memories, meet cool ppl etc.. :yes:

Nowadays.. Best trick is ollie most, dont know.. Havent skated for about 10 years anymore..

Back then.. Kareem Campbel from world industries team :chin: had the slickest, most relaxed style of the era IMHO!!

We didnt get that many skate vid´s in Finland, nether we had parks etc.. Just about 7 years ago that changed and ppl could really skate 12 months a year!

Btw, what about the team Menace?? :respect:

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