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Six Strawberry Cream's from APE!! 1K Organic


headiez247 said:
Yo Dragathon,

Hows your mildew situation goin? I got some organic Mildew Cure spray and haven't seen any signs of it since I applied it 2 days ago.

Gonna get you some updated pics soon, they are about 14 inches now lookin good. There's one thats smaller then the rest but the other 5 are thrivin.

How long did you veg for? I brought them home on the 13th of January, though they were under T5's for about 5 days or so.

Pics to come soon.

Sups Headiez-

My mildew problem has been eradicted like 95% it seems. I also got some fungicide that has only very dilute neem oil in it and I sprayed down SCreme really good the first time around and clipped off the really bad leaves (ones in the picture). Other than that I fixed up my daytime humidity and nightime temp drops and they are growing full speed now...

I vegged my SCreme for a lil over a month but it was kept in a 1gallon pot the whole time and under CFL bulbs - and I purposely didn't feed them anything more than what was in the soil so that they wouldn't grow too much (had to wait to clear out the previous harvest). I also topped her a couple weeks before I did the 2gallon transplant and started flowering. She's actually become somewhat of a pain for me in the cab because of her long arms and wanting to take over the whole cab real estate! I tied her arms up into a bundle and tied down the tops some to keep her more compact (light still gets through easy.

She doesn't seem to stretch too much in height during flowering (maybe half its original height) but the longer you veg for before flowering the longer the arms are gonna get during that flowering stretch - seems you got plenty of room for them so I wouldn't worry much...

Lookin forward to the pics brothaman! Check out my CaliClone thread I updated pics - they are blowing up man I can't wait to see what yours will do!



shut the fuck up Donny



hey dude
so it looks like its only you now who holds the Strawberry Cream clones from APE, I'm out of the circle - I threw her out of my garden this morning. She had an explosion of powdery mildew literally covered like snow this morning. I would suggest spending the 100+ dollars on the sulfur burner and letting that shit run a few nights to clean up your plants cause they are gonna have it all the way til the end and bug the living shit outta you. Very hard to get rid of and they (mildew fungus) can flare up from the tiniest change in conditions. Can't believe this bullshit, I thought APE had the real deal clean genes, can't trust nobody anymore, oh well... At least the others I have are doing decent. Good luck I'll be watching your show, lates...


shut the fuck up Donny
devastating. put great fear in me now since I got 6 of them. Gonna spray the mildew cure every 7 days not sure what else I can do. Really would prefer not to get a sulfer burner. Heres some updates with feeding. Switched to 12/12 on Jan 31st forgot to add that in the chart. When I swiched over I added a 400 w HPS on the side for some added sun.





Hey man, just poppin in to say hey! Glad to see you got your ?s answered im sorry it took me so long. I love the room and hope you get great nugs like me :)

Have a good one buddy and keep it green friend!


shut the fuck up Donny
Mildew appeared on one small leaf at the bottom of one of the plants. Sprayed it with the Mildew Cure again. Other then this breakout I do the Mildew Cure every 7 days. They are doin ok (little droopy today) except for some small dots that are on 2 leafs on 2 different plants.




headiez - dude sorry for the mia status - how is everything in your garden? Is the PM still showing itself a lot or you have it at bay now? They look really really healthy from the pics with plenty of foliage to maintain a 70+ flower cycle. Maybe you can invest in a dehumidifier for cheap to supplement - as the main cause of PM showing is high humidity. Sulfur burners are unhealthy, dangerous and expensive - not the most convenient solution. Best of luck as always, keep us updated. You are gonna have a fruity smelling garden in no time! :)-


Active member
hey... love the set up...
really like how u got that exaust working the door..
if u dont mind could u explain a lil more about how you vent. cas it looks like its working very well..


I have a strawberry cream mom at my bro's house from the Ape... I will be tuning into this one.....I was really interested in this one as the strawberry diesel that was aquired from him was beyond epic..So diesel yet a little twinge of sweet fruit...Very nice..

YEh the PM these days has been a real wanker...I have recently started hitting them with just straight 11 PH water....I took this theory from those that were using DM zone and penetrator as a cure..That stuff is 11-12 ph as a foliar, I think this is why it works...PM loves acidity, anything over ten burns it up...At least thats what my plants are telling me....


shut the fuck up Donny
Hey guys sorry for the delay I've been dabbling over in the Infirmary. People are saying everything is fine but I keep seeing yellow and it worries me. Does this seem normal to you? Heres my latest feeding chart and updated pics from today








shut the fuck up Donny
Updated pics. Tomorrow they are going to get fed with just bloom ferts and thats it after giving them a large dose of veg food (aka N) to try to fix the def.






Damn dude what a nice grow so far! great job!
Looks like you got that pos pm taken care of... one of my ladies still has some on her lower branches but I am gonna leave it alone and let it attack all it wants down there and probably either throw those branches out in the end or trim them real well, depends how controlled I keep the pm til then. In any case - those Cremes are really blooming fast and the yields are going to be through the roof brotha... Can't wait to see more pics soon - try to take them right at lights off or before lights on with some flash so all the beautiful colors show :)- keep up the good work headiez... it's gonna be a "S.Creamy 4/20" for ya ;)
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Eugene Oregon
Those ladies are looking frosty and with 30 days left those strawberries will be bomb.
Good Grow.. and your going to get some GOOD smoke.


Sweet grow, great progress, nice frost for 30 days homie, keep up what you are doing they look fantastic... I'm still battling the pm shit on one of my girls but I have high hopes for her. Good job again dude I'm gonna keep watching this glog (grow log), peace


headies, nice grow OP. SCreme is a nice plant, should be smellin a sweet candy like strawberry aroma in flower, she throws the trics fast and furious.

dont take her early, as her girth will show in the last weeks. under a 1K she will produce. the bud isnt super dense but fair.

she hits the head right off, with quite a bit of body stone. taste will be a greener strawberry, with tart/sour tones. after taste should be a creamy feelin left over on the palate. been times i get a sugar sweet taste left on the lips when hittin the piece.

never experienced mildew on her in the 3 yrs ive had her. humididty isnt a problem here. i find her to be real branchy, and the plant can become a mess with multiple toppins. doubles in size durin the flower stretch. a bit of pinchin in the bottom gains quite a bit in the tops. she will be done around 65 to 69 days, but can be taken longer.

you will see the buds start to foxtail a bit, or produce the rosebud lookin calyx when shes finished. just let her plump some late, its easy to see.

as for the yellowin, i give N at least 3 wks into flower before hittin her with flower nutes. she can get hungry early, alot like the KKSC she originates from.

good luck with um