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Sister in law fighting cancer-Rick Simpson Oil


Sister in law took a dosage about the size of a grain of rice, few moments later she felt paranoid. Any suggestion?
Yes MoPho if you go with the Grey Wolf program you can keep the first wash and second wash oil sepperate the second wash oil is more sedate for sure so try that at first. I can tell you what almost surely works for everybody is this pour out a few glasses of wine just before getting into the cannabis and start sipping works every time for anxiety.


I've read that paranoia caused by CO can be fixed by sniffing freshly ground black pepper. I haven't tried it but some swear by it.


if THC is causing unpleasant side effects then there is a supplement that demonstrates a substantial reduction of the psychoactive effects of THC on the brain, Called Citicoline 250 or 500 mg available online. Taken an hour before cannabis medicine is ingested, Citicoline greatly reduces THC's psychoactive effect. It is mostly marketed as a dietary supplement, despite being originally developed in Japan to help stroke victims. Citicoline is available online and in stores in over 70 countries under a variety of brand names such as Ceraxon, Cognizin, NeurAxon and Somazina.
Citicolene is not toxic, although it can upset some peoples stomachs if large doses are taken. It is advisable to self-titrate, i.e. start with a small dose of 250 mg and increase the dose slowly until the desired effect is achieved. A single dose of Citicolene taken one hour before ingesting cannabis oil should be sufficient to allow users who have not built up a tolerance to THC to comfortably take their anti cancer treatment without any side effect.
The most effective oral dosages for cannabis users is between 250 and 500 mg taken one hour before treatment. This is a low dosage when you consider many stroke and Alzheimers patients can take up to 2,000 mg.
Side effects
Citicoline has a very low toxicity profile in animals and humans. Clinically, doses of 2000 mg per day have been observed and approved. Minor adverse effects most commonly include stomach pain and diarrhea.
- See more at: http://www.cannabiscure.info/files/citicoline.htm


You know, some people (Rick Simpson, namely) says only 3 minutes.

Well sure, shorter times may make the oil the most potent by weight,


if soaking longer still gives you a noticeably…KEY… as we don't exactly first hand see the cancer disappearing as intense as we notice "high",

well, then,

How could all that extra chlorophyll and plant matter hurt?

I think we ought to try to consume all of the plant

Chlorophyll makes many sick. 3 minutes is not near enough to extract all the plant has to offer.