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single wilted leaf set



I found this set hiding under a huge fan leaf...is it possible it is from lack of light? It is the only one lookin like this..

Thanks for any input! :tiphat:





Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
what r the temps/humidity? Its most likely light, but I was just curious about the curled tips on other leaves. Soil too hot, temp/hum too high? Looks nice though....


The temp situation is really getting frustrating for me. I have 2 seperate meters, over the weekend it was "July" type heat and I was still running the 24/0 photoperiod. When I checked on the ladies the meter was reading 81 with a max at some point of 91. I am trying really hard to keep the temps between 70-80. So I did some switching around. The pic I posted was the only leaf set like that yesterday. Since the a/c was having difficutly keeping up with the temps I moved the intake vent so the cool a/c air was basically going straight to them and I put a meter in the pot of the LSD. Checked today and the temps were a high of 68 and a low of 64. I also noticed more of the curling leafs on multiple sets now. Prior to this past weekend my max temps have been roughly 79-81 and lows 68-70. This shin dig is controlled with a C.A.P. Greenhouse controller. I know the lowest is being hit right before the a/c shuts down and the highest right before the a/c kicks on. Humidity holding steady between 40-55%.

About the leaf curling, I was told it was a N O.D., it makes sense cause this is my first grow and I am defitinly overzealous with everything. I have only given her straight distilled, no junk in it, for the past couple waterings which is about every three days. I do have 800W on the ladies, 400 Hortilux Blue and 400 Agrosun Gold. I can leave my hand on the glass without needing to move it, its warm but not hot.

Thanks for the compliments and the input man, check out the journal if you have the time. I have my soil mix and some other pics there. :tiphat:

Btw..can you get Rush's autograph for me???


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
Btw..can you get Rush's autograph for me???

I think he is in the bathroom scoring some oxy's right now....he'll get back to me.
Yeah man, sounds like you have it wrapped up. Keep it going...looks nice in there, and yeah it is most likely light. Try taking off a few of those leaves to make some light. I myself just chop off all lowers right before flower anyway. Take care.


Hey Luda, thanks for the input.:tiphat: I believe the discoloration is the light combined with the camrea flash. Here is a couple I took today, this is pretty much the color of all the leafs. The newest growth is a bit lighter shade of green though. As far as a nute issue, another member said it I have a N O.D. and that is causing the curling at the leaf tips. This makes sense to me becasue I was feeding Grow Big to her and that combined with the earthworm castings I mixed in the soil = too much N. The curling I think was a response to cold temps. I had the a/c port basically blowing on them, with her closest to the intake she defitinly suffered the most direct cold air. She took mid 50's temps continusly for about 24hrs. I have made some changes and the temps are where they should be and when I checked today it looks like they are spreading back out a bit. Here are some pics.. they were thirsty today (day 3 inbetween H2O'n). She got about 8 cups of distilled mixed with 1/4 tsp Open Sesame and 1 tbl Black Strap Mollasses (unsulfered).



New member
Might be nutes but I've seen cold temps cause the plant to curl down like that.
Just like we would if we were cold, they try to huddle down into a ball and keep in their "body" heat.
Hopefully she'll be pointing back up after she thinks the weather will stay warm.


Active member
Hey Luda, thanks for the input.:tiphat: I believe the discoloration is the light combined with the camrea flash. Here is a couple I took today, this is pretty much the color of all the leafs. The newest growth is a bit lighter shade of green though. As far as a nute issue, another member said it I have a N O.D. and that is causing the curling at the leaf tips. This makes sense to me becasue I was feeding Grow Big to her and that combined with the earthworm castings I mixed in the soil = too much N. The curling I think was a response to cold temps. I had the a/c port basically blowing on them, with her closest to the intake she defitinly suffered the most direct cold air. She took mid 50's temps continusly for about 24hrs. I have made some changes and the temps are where they should be and when I checked today it looks like they are spreading back out a bit. Here are some pics.. they were thirsty today (day 3 inbetween H2O'n). She got about 8 cups of distilled mixed with 1/4 tsp Open Sesame and 1 tbl Black Strap Mollasses (unsulfered).


What is a N O.D. ?????????????????


nitrogen overdose :frown:

I think that was the problem Mush, she was looking better today. We will see what tommrow brings.


Active member
nitrogen overdose :frown:

I think that was the problem Mush, she was looking better today. We will see what tommrow brings.

No chance. Here is a pic of a plant with a nitro overdose.

http://www.greenmanspage.com/guides/troubleshooting.html <<<<<<<< LINK.

Nitrogen (N)

Nitrate - Ammonium is found in both inorganic and organic forms in the plant, and combines with carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and sometimes sulfur to form amino acids, amino enzymes, nucleic acids, chlorophyll, alkaloids, and purine bases. Nitrogen rates high as molecular weight proteins in plant tissue.
Plants need lots of N during vegging, but it's easy to overdo it. Added too much? Flush the soil with plain water. Soluble nitrogen (especially nitrate) is the form that's the most quickly available to the roots, while insoluble N (like urea) first needs to be broken down by microbes in the soil before the roots can absorb it. Avoid excessive ammonium nitrogen, which can interfere with other nutrients.
Too much N delays flowering. Plants should be allowed to become N-deficient late in flowering for best flavor.
Nitrogen Deficiencies
Plants will exhibit lack of vigor, slow growth and will be weak and stunted. Quality and yield will be significantly reduced. Older leaves become yellow (chlorotic) from lack of chlorophyll. Deficient plants will exhibit uniform light green to yellow on older leaves, these leaves may die and drop. Leaf margins will not curled up noticeably. Chlorosis will eventually spread throughout the plant. Stems, petioles and lower leaf surfaces may turn purple.

Nitrogen Toxicity.

Leaves are often dark green and in the early stages abundant with foliage. If excess is severe, leaves will dry and begin to fall off. Root system will remain under developed or deteriorate after time. Fruit and flower set will be inhibited or deformed.
With breakdown of vascular tissue restricting water uptake. Stress resistance is drastically diminished.


Yea that doesnt look anything like the curling tips or the lateral inward leaf curling I am seeing with her. Thank you for the link Luda! No subsitute for homework..just need more hours in my day. So this is a shot of her today. I love how she perks up so much with water. :smokeit:

The close up leaf pic is one of the top big fans, that is basically the color of all of them, the lighting makes them look so white. I have not noticed any more of the lateral leaf curling. Next round I am investing in a good soil pH meter, I have a liquid meter but I don't know the best way to test soil pH with it. On that site you linked the pics of pH issues resemble the leaf curling but unlike the site example, mine have no discoloration...at least to that extent.




Active member
Yea that doesnt look anything like the curling tips or the lateral inward leaf curling I am seeing with her. Thank you for the link Luda! No subsitute for homework..just need more hours in my day. So this is a shot of her today. I love how she perks up so much with water. :smokeit:

The close up leaf pic is one of the top big fans, that is basically the color of all of them, the lighting makes them look so white. I have not noticed any more of the lateral leaf curling. Next round I am investing in a good soil pH meter, I have a liquid meter but I don't know the best way to test soil pH with it. On that site you linked the pics of pH issues resemble the leaf curling but unlike the site example, mine have no discoloration...at least to that extent.


I would say its a mag and nitro deff.


I watered with 1 tbl/gal of mollasses yesterday so that should help out with the Mg. I can add some N next go watering and see how she does. The lighting or camera really distort the color of the leafs. I havent seen any of the N deficiency yellowing on any of them. I was looking in my pic posted tonight on my journal and in one of them the bottom of LA Woman looks brown, there is no brown on her thankfully!


Active member
I watered with 1 tbl/gal of mollasses yesterday so that should help out with the Mg. I can add some N next go watering and see how she does. The lighting or camera really distort the color of the leafs. I havent seen any of the N deficiency yellowing on any of them. I was looking in my pic posted tonight on my journal and in one of them the bottom of LA Woman looks brown, there is no brown on her thankfully!

Your best fix for a mg deff is epson salts.
mix 1 level teaspoon per gallon of water and give them one good watering with that and thats it because if you go heavy on the epsons you will definatelly cause nute lock and its safer to add less than to much. I have done this before for an mg deff and 1 dose of epsons mixed with my feed and water sorted out the problem in a week.


Active member
looks like very slight overfeeding (with N) to me. give it plain water for the next few waterings before feeding again.
btw your pictures are not helpful when you take them with the lights on like that, its very hard to make out what shade of green they are.


Thanks for the input Smokey..I will pull them out of the tent to take pics tommrow, see if that helps. I agree, I look at my pics and I see things I don't see when looking at them directly. Hopefully some clearer pics tommrow. I am about to the point with the Chocolope that I will just give her distilled for the rest of the run. There is defitinly a "finicky" factor with the sativa'ish plants. The LA Woman and Blue Cheese take everything I throw at them like champs! I love to hate my learning curve!!


Active member
The best way to treat a Mg def would be a foliar application, that way you dont have to mess with the composition of anything in your substrate. If you have any fear of a deficiency, a foliar app is the best course of action & puts to bed any fear of locking stuff up in your medium. id have to agree with SmokeyMcP on this one!