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Single stalk Blueberry??


I have a pheno of blueberry that grows straight up and down. And it's BiG. She is in the 4th week of flowering, but is this a common way for BB to grow? Most I see are trees with many branches. I flowered mine from clone at 10days veg and now they are 3ft tall single stalk maybe a few branches down low but I supercropped most of them. Looks to potentially be a huge yeilder. Beans are from JW.


i have a blueberry from original blueberry... it grows like u describe. You got any color on your stalk?


somthing about blueberry threads without pics that just makes them kinda boring! :wave:

let's see your girls!

TT :ying:


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
yep perfectly normal.. if flowered soon, and didn't let it get time to branch out before flowering

what you see mostly is people with long veg time / training time. usually the way to go to get any decent yield

but there is always variation in any strain


Active member
sounds like what i got when i made some clones and didn't let them veg

a pic sure would be helpful...


I also have a few other strains going as well. Chemdog, satori, c99 .......all of these have way more branches....I do have a chem pheno that is single stalk. But back to the bb, no my stalks have no color just bright green. But the smell so far is very blueberry muffinish. Well see how she turns out. I nee to know the best way to post pics tho.


Active member
What is the best way to post pics...?

easiest would probably be to start an album, and upload the pics into the album, then you can embed the images into the thread

some folks like to upload to an image hosting service, then embed the images from the image hosting links


ICMag Donor
i have a blueberry x blueberry (blueberry x (blueberry x grapefruit)) that grows the same way.


I have a fuck load of BB F2's I got from a friend and when I grew out a few I got 2 types of plants, more sativa like plants with lots of branching, and the other group was single stalked, wide leafed, indica type plants with not much branching and had blueish hughes even in veg.

Im not sure which Bluebberry was used, all I know is it was DJ short.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
yep perfectly normal.. if flowered soon, and didn't let it get time to branch out before flowering

what you see mostly is people with long veg time / training time. usually the way to go to get any decent yield

but there is always variation in any strain

habeeb's right. Blueberry and really about any strain flowered early before it has time to branch will end up single cola.

Ive grown BB for some time - always outdoors and none of the phenos single cola. In fact they jump to 10 feet tall in a heartbeat -bb is one great big strong bitch outdoors. It isnt a little single cola plant. Thats an artificial outcome produced in an indoor enviroment.


Active member

this is sagmartha's blueberry from early 2000. no matter how long u veged them they still grew single colas no branching and they took for ever to root when cloned. lost this jem when i had to have back surgery along with all my other moms:cry:

stay safe and free,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dwtc

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