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single plant CFL bathtub grow


Active member
This is my first grow attempt in over 20 years and back then I killed (through too much kindness) 4 three foot ladies from a friends greenhouse overflow. From that point on I became the Black Thumb Bandit. No one shared overflow with me since :wallbash:until now. With that in mind I figured some heavy reading would be in order and this site has both the experts and info.

We started this grow with a clone grow overflow from a friend. He told me she is Purple Violet?? I took her home and put her in a 5 gal bucket w/ loads O holes in the bottom and 1" of gravel and the rest (up to 2 inches from the top), miracle grow (I know but I’m Poor) potting mix (21-7-1). I crafted a Mylar tent from wood & wire to reflect light back in to her. I know it's a bit mickey mouse but it's working so far.:yes:
She lives in the spare bathtub with 900 watts of CFL (2x 200W 2700K, 3x 100W 3100K 2x 100W 5000K)(all for an actual watt draw of 215) and a Mylar tent with a small fan blowing up her skirt. Bulbs are 4-6 inches from her tops & only a few tips have been toasted.
She is in her third week of 12/12, she is a little over 2 feet tall with over 20 main branches and buds are popping up everywhere.
I am currently adding “Grow More” grow bloom 0-50-30 1 t/spoon gallon.
I turn her 2-3 times a day and I have a CO2 setup where I fill a large trash bag filled like a balloon with CO2 and put a pinhole in it. Close the bathroom door and leave the exhaust fan (with a carbon filter) turned on and leave the CO2 balloon sitting on the floor near the circulation fan to slowly release its contents. I refill the balloon 2 or 3 times a day.
I water when the top 3-4 inches are dry and the rest reads a low moist. I use tap water in jugs (sitting open) for days to dechlorinate and allow the ph to settle if adjustment is needed.When I water/feed I take a bubble air stone and injected O2 (from my oxy welder) directly into the bloom/water mix for 5 min prior to watering as to super oxygenate the roots (figured it couldn’t hurt). Can it?

My concern is that I only have until the end of October till I have to harvest to allow time to dry & cure (4 weeks) before I must close up for a move. Does anyone know how I might speed up the blooming cycle more to meet my deadline. I would hate to have to harvest immature buds so any help would be greatly appreciated. Hows it looking so far ppl?


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Man thats actually going pretty well ain it? I mean thats a big bushy girl you got right there :)

as per your time concerns, I'd say you can dry in 1 week and once the buds are moved to jars to "cure" you can move them easily enough. If you're still concerned you might also consider a finishing product like GHE's "Ripen".

Best of luck mate
j :)


Active member
Thank you.
I'm headin out to my local hydro shop in the am to see what I can get.

Here are some pics from today
Man, she looks awesome!
I'm also a CFL grower, and also try to push all possibilities out of them
Just so nice to see such healthy and great-structured plant grown under these lamps)
Definitely a K+
Keep up the great work! ;)


That was like a guest appearance on Jay Leno plugging a movie.
Try more light more ventilation to the roomhave a fan blowing out.
If you have to move before your dry enough for jars put them in moving boxes, some people dry in boxes as their usual routine before bottle cure.


Active member
I found a cool mini dryer build w/ a rubbermaid container, a fan, an activated carbon filter, and interior racks. :kitty:
They claim a 4 day dry :drum:with this setup and it looks like it will work.
:abduct:I'm thinking on some modifications to their design and I will get pics as it goes together.
Already got the container & fan and stuff to put it together,,,:YaRight:,, soon.
All is going well so far. More pics by Friday.


I found a cool mini dryer build w/ a rubbermaid container, a fan, an activated carbon filter, and interior racks. :kitty:
They claim a 4 day dry :drum:with this setup and it looks like it will work.
:abduct:I'm thinking on some modifications to their design and I will get pics as it goes together.
Already got the container & fan and stuff to put it together,,,:YaRight:,, soon.
All is going well so far. More pics by Friday.

You realy don't want it to dry too fast


Active member
You realy don't want it to dry too fast
So how fast is too fast
I am in a bit of a time crunch here and I don't want to harvest too early but I must be in jars curing for a move about Dec 1. :dueling: lots of not great choices here and I hope to make the least harmful :wallbash: decision to have the best crop I can ..


The usual method is have a fan circulating the air in the room but not blowing right on the bud. The first few days it is a good idea to have an exhaust too, or a fan blowing out of the room. The idea is to get a cure and not a dehydration. It is like putting a hard peach in a paper bag and letting it ripen. So what you are doing is a balance between drying it out real fast and letting it dry slow. Too slow you could get mildew too fast dry harsh smoke. Do a search I remember a good site a while back devoted too curing.


Active member
The usual method is have a fan circulating the air in the room but not blowing right on the bud. The first few days it is a good idea to have an exhaust too, or a fan blowing out of the room. The idea is to get a cure and not a dehydration. It is like putting a hard peach in a paper bag and letting it ripen. So what you are doing is a balance between drying it out real fast and letting it dry slow. Too slow you could get mildew too fast dry harsh smoke. Do a search I remember a good site a while back devoted too curing.

I'll do that :smoke:

Thanks for the input..


Active member
week 4 of flowering

week 4 of flowering

Judy is looking good. She is loosing more leaves (they turn yellow and start to dry) but her buds do not seem to be swelling up or getting much taller.

The ph is in the mid 6's and I flushed her with 4 gallons of O2 enriched water a few days ago. this is what she looks like as a whole. and her light setup (with the tent raised for pics.

I cannot believe just how fragrant she is but her buds are nice and solid but when I check her I am forced to lick my fingers due to the sticky and boy it's tasty...
Any thoughts on growing bigger buds on a budget?


Active member
Well Judy is in the middle of her 4th week of flower :canabis: and she seems to be doing fine. I just got a macro lens extension ring for my DSLR and so here are some pics.

The hairs are going amber but the TC's are still clear.
When do I harvest??