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Single leaf growth?


New member
I have a clone growing with weird fan leaf patterns. There are a few with a single leaf, a few with 3 leaves, and then some typical. Is this a sign of anything I should worry about? Thanks in advance.


That's a sign of plant maturation and absolutely nothing to worry about.
i have one that i started as a seed and it is about 2.5 weeks into flower .. growing nothing but single leafs it looks real bushy but staying tight to the main cola ... other than that it looks real healthy
It means your plant is reverting from flower back to veg. The clone was probably cut from a flowering plant. It's fine, I do it all the time.


I have two strains right now that are real prone to this behavior. Chocolope and Elephant. When it happens on mature plants I usually assume they got stressed or are fighting something off. However, with some plants I think it's just their genetic expression. They are SO BUSHY and have so many nodes and so many branches, maybe the plant just can't physically make/support more leaf material so it just throws out what it can, sometimes normal leaves but more often singles.

Interesting trait, but unless the smoke is equally unique I'll be moving on to more traditional growing strains. I probably gave these a bit too much TLC because I thought they were sick the first month, much harder to read than my other plants.