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single clone lost in mail



Prob the best place for them to grab a print would off the tape sticky side. I think its the last place u would think of. Not that they care anyway. Shits legal medically. Gov is about to make a killin in canada at least. No idea whats going on in the states...



Wondering, a fresh cut done this way for shipping? Or rooting? Sounds remarkably easy.


Active member
thereis no way in hell they gonna take prints off that pack. disposed of when found. if a local pig was going to even attempt to go anywhere with this theyd try a controlled delivery or attempt to get a warrant. probably no luck with warrant unless they could prove that anyone tangible had anything to do with it. if asked smile and ask them to meet up with a lawyer. answer no questions. but that is as likely as getting busted for taking the tags off your mattress. no way that went anywhere but the garbage. indiana cops dont have jurisdiction and federal cops couldnt give two fucks to pursue a 1 plant bust in the mail between two people who didnt get caught with it in their possession or even have a lead as to who sent it. maybe in 1987 this would have been an event but this shit is not a proecutable case nor is it even ever pursued. just reship it.


Active member
:biggrin:well shit.try to send one to me and ill let you know what you should do different in regards to the package. make sure you do it with the corey so i can gauge the what the exact volume of smell will be when you do it again. ;)

Mr Roboto

USPS is government owned and does a lot more searches with dogs than a private company like ups or fedex. If your sending just cuts the 99¢ store is a good place to find shipping gear and grab the cheap holiday decorations and trinkets for example around easter time just buy a bag of cheap plastic easter eggs that you can put cuts in then put them back in the manufactures bag stapled and add a few more light weight 99¢ items on top and ship to your destination. cheap and easy


Active member
lol. im just picturing this.. something that looks like a PIPE BOMB. with a cut in it lol.

funny. stuff... and always vacuum seal.. a few bags if u are going to use the FED GOV as a distributor lol and wear GLOVES.. leaving fingerprints on the box.. bubble wrap the pipe.. all is enough evidence to charge you with a felony.. if it was just the PIPE.. that's one thing u could of said I touched that pipe at home depot... but with prints everywere they can and will charge u if they want you...

good luck tho


Active member
lol. im just picturing this.. something that looks like a PIPE BOMB. with a cut in it lol.

funny. stuff... and always vacuum seal.. a few bags if u are going to use the FED GOV as a distributor lol and wear GLOVES.. leaving fingerprints on the box.. bubble wrap the pipe.. all is enough evidence to charge you with a felony.. if it was just the PIPE.. that's one thing u could of said I touched that pipe at home depot... but with prints everywere they can and will charge u if they want you...

good luck tho

yeah except fortunately itslikely to just get tossed in the garbage bim and zero federal dollars get spent on this dead end type investigation over what would amount to a crime of a few grams of weed sent by mail.


the pipe was likely not the best thing to use. I would not worry about getting in trouble for shipping one clone as they likely will not even give it any attention anyways but to be on the safe side you may want to scale back your grow room immediately just incase they come a knocking


Active member
i like to send my clones inside a a truck full of bananas it takes them so long to search every box in a freight truck. meanwhile its just one single unrooted cut so theyll likely not find it. even if they do its just a single little tiny branch.