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Single 8 Miles High on 1x45W CFL - AutoSCROG


Weed Cannasaur
I know it works for spidermites, but I don't think the tobacco aphids will give a shit about it.


hmmm... what about a good dusting with diatomaceous earth? Pretty much anything with an exoskeleton hates that stuff.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
im in!

fonzee i like this idea, although i do think that if you are running the 80cfm fan etc then a few more watts or a bigger bulb might help. ill be interested to see how the bit of the plant that is above the light reacts in flower. i should watch out for condensation and dampness/mold where the plant is touching glass too - might be worth just trying to keep them a tiny bit away from the glass when they start budding up.

have you thought about using a few t5 tubes and having your autoscrog so that they grow up to a horizontal glass divider? (with the tubes and extraction above the glass)

is it still stretching ?



Weed Cannasaur
https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=1289505 is a great source of info.

I'd say check around at local feed stores and such, you might be able to find it at your local megamart or hardware store but just make sure that it's not the pool stuff, that's supposed to be pretty nasty.
I've read about it but didn't recognize it.
I'll check around, thanks.

im in!

fonzee i like this idea, although i do think that if you are running the 80cfm fan etc then a few more watts or a bigger bulb might help. ill be interested to see how the bit of the plant that is above the light reacts in flower. i should watch out for condensation and dampness/mold where the plant is touching glass too - might be worth just trying to keep them a tiny bit away from the glass when they start budding up.

have you thought about using a few t5 tubes and having your autoscrog so that they grow up to a horizontal glass divider? (with the tubes and extraction above the glass)

is it still stretching ?

1. It will get too hot to have any heat from the lights. The CFL fits just right in the space and I like it that way. I mainly want to see the results while the yield doesn't concern me too much.
I also like the idea of a single tube of light that the plant can crawl upon to use pretty much ALL the light.
2. the 80cfm is pretty low for my needs. I will have a carbon scrubber soon and with all the tubing it would decrease its speed.
It also acts as an air circulator in the closet to move the leaves around.
When it will start packing weight (in 8 weeks or so) I'll either put some PC fans around to prevent mold or replace my 80cfm vent with a 430 cfm vent I have. Depends on how hot it would get.
3. It have at least 20 more days to stretch as I see it. Thats why I topped it.

After this run I'll be back with way more light and gear, don't worry :D

Thank a lot for dropping in. I love your grows and method of growing and am sure I have a lot to learn from you :D

By the way, should I replant it to a bigger pot and pop a few red earthworms (the kind sold for composting) in the medium?
It should make the soil food web a bit easier to go, won't it?

I would also like to add a bit of drainage as my mix is REALLY heavy with all that compost. More compost wouldn't hurt as well I believe.


Weed Cannasaur
No pictures this time, sorry.

I got sick and tired of all those deficiencies so I pulled the plant out of the pot to see whats wrong.
1. The top layer of worm humus didn't allow air in. No roots there as well. It have been moved to the bottom and mixed with some soil.
2. Overwatering. The roots were growing mainly on the bottom of the pot. I'll water way less from now on.
3. Root Rot. It smelt like poo. Not that bad but bad enough. The aeration should help and I flushed the medium with 4 gallons of dechlorinated water.

Now the mix breath properly :)

I've plucked a few dead leaves too.

I hope that will fix most of the ill effects the plant is having.


Weed Cannasaur
Day 18 of 12\12.

Well, since the last update I haven't watered so I haven't updated. Thats 6 days already.
I guess I'll water her in 2 days or so, but might be longer. She simply doesn't need it.

She's starting to finish stretching and buds are growing.

The N deficiency is still there but much less. Everything seems real fine to me.

The temps have been pretty high the last two weeks - up to 42.7°C (and down to 20.3°C) but yet my cabin stays up to 30.2°C and down to 20°C.
I didn't expect it to work so great temperature-wise.

It should only get a few deg. higher (up to 48°C usually) during this summer so I guess I'll be safe from excessive heat problems.

Also seems like a bigger pot wouldn't be necessary if when its 32-42°C outside I don't need to water for a week.


Weed Cannasaur
watered yesterday.
Flowering is going :D

I think I got it dialed up pretty nicely. Far from perfect but nothing major pops out every second day.


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Weed Cannasaur
27 days of flowering

27 days of flowering

Things are going slowly.
Some N. def but less of an issue.

Besides the slowness its pretty solid for getting only tap water for a month.


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Weed Cannasaur
Pictures of the plant from yesterday. Not a quick plant at all.

I got a pack of fish bait red worms. Used most of the pack in my compost bin to finish it up, a few in other plants and kept a pretty big (but far from the biggest) one for my 8MH.
I hope it would eat the dead roots and all that stuff it supposed to do.

The temps have been surprisingly very very comfortable until now. At no point past the 31°C mark. This last 2 weeks the top temp was 29.8°C and the lowest at around 24°C.
Considering the heat of hell outside it means my venting is VERY good :)
I doubt the need to add another fan or change to the bigger vent.

If it can keep at more than 10°C below ambient it probably does its thing well enough.


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Weed Cannasaur
38 (?) days of flowering.
Things are budding, no deficiency is showing which is delightful.
Temps are under control and doesn't pass the 30°C mark.
Humidity is a bit high but I don't plan to do anything on that issue.

I have some fungus gnats around and quite a few light burns from misting.
Overall, its pretty healthy considering the very low light.

It is starting to smell, I should DIY a carbon scrubber soon to get that issue done with.
It smells pretty lemony, which is my favorite weed smell :D

Stretching have finished and leaves are starting to die off. I was planning on that because of the insufficient light.

I found a lot of dead worms in my other pots and composter, I guess all (or the vast majority) died.

Tried a black background picture with a flash and one with no flash and no background.


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Weed Cannasaur
Started experimenting with AACT (compost tea) making. Gave the 8MH the first try and it seems fine.
Should help replenish the microherd a bit.

I'm getting it dialed in much better so next watering should be much more effective.

I don't have a picture as nothing changed much.
Buds are starting to thicken a bit to form a bud rather than a few hairs on a stem but nothing worth picturing.

On the same line of the grow all the parts for the AACT brewer were around the house and didn't required spending a dime.
Power consumption of the pump is 5.6W so its cheap to run as well.

I need to rig a few lines with weights to LST the branches to lie flat on the glass rather than going up a bit while growing.

I might remove a portion of the leaves in a few weeks to let the more "important" parts get more light.

Temps are great (28-30°C), humidity is a bit high (50-60%) but I don't worry much about it.
Watering comes around once every 5-7 days, which is perfect.

I have a fungus gnats issue but nothing that makes me worry too much, they are at bay.


Weed Cannasaur
Day 39 of flowering

Day 39 of flowering



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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Cool grow. I assume you turn the plant at different times so it gets equal light coverage?

I am thinking of doing a clamp reflector with 2 26 watt bulbs grow. I think I could pull an oz. if the strain has good yield.


Weed Cannasaur
I don't move it - it find its way around the glass. Whatever doesn't get enough light will probably die and fall of.

I got some buds closer to the glass with a thread but thats all the manipulation I do.

You would be better off using a bigger light than 2x26W. Less management, more intensity.
a 45W is low as well.

After this plant I'll be back to my 400W with an addition of a 600W. The HID is hundredfold better, except for the heating issues.


Weed Cannasaur
43 days of flowering

43 days of flowering

Gave it another AACT shot today. I like it.
I needed it for other reasons as well so I was brewing it anyway.

The buds are starting to fill up and the plant starts to smell. Nothing major yet but I should find some time soon to get a carbon scrubber done.

I found a way to remove the orange tinge from the pictures.

I need to water on something like a weekly basis. Which is sweet.
Today was the limit before underwatering symptoms were a problem. Just when the leaves STARTED to droop out.

I gave it 1L of AACT which should do for around 5 days.


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Weed Cannasaur
49 Days of flowering

49 Days of flowering

Things are moving nicely.
Some more white flies appeared. I might spray 'em with some garlic spray before their dawn to get them under control.

By Subcools method my plant is ready for harvest - the trichomes have formed a complete mushroom shape.
I don't like this method at all. In my Indica's I look for 40% amber and in my Sativa's at least 15% amber.
And I harvest only when the pods are finished swelling.

So far my current mix and setup are pretty much what I was looking for.
I plan on building a new closet next week for a serious grow and I'll be using this cab for males. Probably.


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