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Simple Scrubber

Right on. I was worried about the size of a scrubber to DIY so it would fit in my flower or utility room. Now I see the 1. Looks like it will fit in my utility room, and will be filtering all the air from my mother and flower and utility rooms.


New member
Great design! I have to try this on a smaller scale.
You're not using the pellet type carbon, Haps? Isn't the pellet carbon
better for airflow (not a problem for you with your monster fan though)?


stone fool
Hey G4, I use the AC from wallyworld, fish dept, comes in liter jars for 5 bucks, takes three for my unit. This design works fine small, made one for tobacco smoke removal for my old man out of a 4 inch fan, the idea is balance. You need air flow through the carbon, that is the key, too much carbon, or pack too tight, it doesn't work, too little will not function long. In this design, one inch of carbon lasts for a year, that works for me, especially at twenty bucks a year cost, and about two hours to do the rebuild and reinstall each year. Have fun with it.


stone fool
Bump - Reminder, it is August now, and local stores will take fans off the shelves soon to make way for fall merchandise. Time to stock up on fans for the year.


How does one calculate the amount of carbon needed for a particular size room? e.g. 8x8ftx8ft area with air cooled hoods.

Also, how would I know how big to make the filter to couple with a fan? E.g. A Can 6" HO.


stone fool
The important factor is the size of your fan, matching that to the thickness of carbon. In mine here, it is a 750 cfm fan, and it cleans the air from a 10 x 12 x 7 room 24/7 for a year before it starts to loose effectiveness. I learned from trial and error, this was not the first model I designed. I can pull through an inch to an inch and a half with my rig. Smaller fan, less carbon. I build small ones with a half inch using off the shelf house fans for smaller rooms and smoking rooms.
Heres my DIY setup. Only have 2 plants in a closet. Easy to make. Drilled holes in the bottom. Have it sitting on a sink saver from the 99 cent store. Raises it up to breath. Odorless cat ctystals from Petmart. About 10lbs for about 15 bucks High volosity fan inside. 4in blade. 6in flange w/4in reducer.
The important factor is the size of your fan, matching that to the thickness of carbon. In mine here, it is a 750 cfm fan, and it cleans the air from a 10 x 12 x 7 room 24/7 for a year before it starts to loose effectiveness. I learned from trial and error, this was not the first model I designed. I can pull through an inch to an inch and a half with my rig. Smaller fan, less carbon. I build small ones with a half inch using off the shelf house fans for smaller rooms and smoking rooms.
hey Haps!!!....i luv your D.I.Y filter!!! quesition for you,you said you have a 750 cfm "SHOP" fan,are you talking a squiral fan?,inline fan?,or a diy stanly/lasko fan???....also where can i find that damn 10inch square netting pot!!!(can't find one anywhere) lol


stone fool
T420. my shop fan is a workshop blower from menards, 100 bucks, heavy duty, been running most of five years now. Noisy as fuck, but cheap, and I can replace it locally. My small rig has a bathroom fan blowing into the big room, this rig cleans the air in both. I can tell it is loosing effectiveness when I can actually smell the flowers I am standing by, most of the year I stand there and can not smell them unless I stick my nose in.

The baskets are pond baskets from wallyworld, they have similar ones at other places. These fit right into 4gal cat liter buckets if anyone is looking for the simplest dwc diy.


Thanks for this, brother! I had built a DIY Can style filter that worked pretty well, but used TONS of carbon and was very difficult to work with.

I was at the shop today pricing pro can filters...I can't justify paying $100+ for this heavy ass thing that will last a year then i have to THROW THE WHOLE THING OUT !?!?! how wasteful...

I'm so very glad i found this thread of yours.

well done my friend.


I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
Brilliantly simple!
I love simple, cheap and effective ideas and this "Simple Scrubber" certainly qualifies.
One can concentrate on spending their odor control Dinero on a quality stealth worthy blower fan instead of breaking the bank on some fancy schmancy complete carbon filter setup.

Pontiac stated earlier here that it reminded him of the " clothing hamper filter " design back @ the ol' overgrow.
I have never seen the write-up on that design, I assume it's conceptually the same, just ready for Big Dog Duty.
If anybody out there is using a Laundry basket type carbon filter setup (or has in the past) perhaps they could comment here in the interest of kickin' this simple odor control discussion up a notch or two.

Thank You haps, this simple design should help quite a few folks realistically deal with their odor control issues.
Many people will tell you in the interest of personal security to:
"Don't tell, Don't smell"...
with this setup, all ones got left to do... security wise...
is to learn to keep your yapper from yapping. :) :)

IMB :)


stone fool
I did look at that design when I was figuring this out, also a bucket unit with big holes, both on OG and CW. Then I looked at commercial designs for different types of air cleaners. The suprise for me was how long this works, I never figured it would last a whole year, but it is still working at a year. The smaller units I built for friends and family have both worked for over a year. If we balance out the build, the carbon is amazingly effective.



New member
Just wanted to pop in and thank you, I reinvented your wheel in my own form factor, so far so good using a plastic bin from Wal-mart, and a ventilator from Harbor Freight, built mine quite a bit larger than yours, hope it won't be an issue, around five weeks to go in heavy flower, will update on effectiveness then.
looks good but instead of that normal ductape id use silicone(aquarium silicone as it bonds the strongest) and the aluminum kind of duct tape holds wayyyyyyy better and dont dry out over time...just my.02 and yeah good job!


stone fool
I did use aluminum tape the first couple years, but it is a pain to take off, and the duct tape is easy and works like a charm. Glue is a no go, you want easy rebuild each year. I take this down, tear it down. clean components, rebuild and reinstall in two hours.

Glad the concept worked for you SL.


stone fool
I want to thank folks for telling us about their own implementation of this simple concept, which I got from others too. I get a big kick of folks who make it work with completely different components, very cool. And that was my hope with my thread, to teach the thinking, not a rigid final form. Have fun with it.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
T420. my shop fan is a workshop blower from menards, 100 bucks, heavy duty, been running most of five years now. Noisy as fuck, but cheap, and I can replace it locally. My small rig has a bathroom fan blowing into the big room, this rig cleans the air in both. I can tell it is loosing effectiveness when I can actually smell the flowers I am standing by, most of the year I stand there and can not smell them unless I stick my nose in.

The baskets are pond baskets from wallyworld, they have similar ones at other places. These fit right into 4gal cat liter buckets if anyone is looking for the simplest dwc diy.


cool dinosaur!

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