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Silver Haze vs Super Silver Haze


sensi´silver haze 9#for example is more on the mango fruitier skunky creamy ,more original hazy pine side and the ssh from ghs is more nl citric kushje ,less original piney haze more beefy litle icenced haze also a bit like the g13 haze from barneys.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
I wound up with a frosty pheno of the SSH F2's that were around a few years ago ...DocLeaf has some really great pics of it in the SSH F2 freebie thread .

but heres mine 2 weeks before harvest (which was sweet by the way :) 4 z's per plant of some of the tastiest lemon spice i've ever had .


be prepared

be prepared

if you have every grown Super lemon haze then super silver isnt much different besides the smell and taste of lemon. if you dont train them it will grow crazy. if hights an issue SCROG! just tying it down and training it realy good wont help. try to bonsi the mom that your going to take the clones from, this will help with the shape the plants take during veg. so if the moms short and bushy, it'll be easier to train the plants to be short and bushy. good luck any im lookin forword to seein reasaults