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I have a jug of Ag-Sil 16H - it calls for .7g per gallon. Does anyone have a more convenient measurement? Google suggests that's .147 teaspoons. I have some notes from someone here suggesting 2g/gal to fight powdery mildew.
You could weigh enough to make a concentrated liquid solution and then measure out the liquid. Measuring small volumes of solids is tricky.

I use powder nutrients and I find that weighing them isn't that bad at all. I just use some old digi scales.

Hash Man

Agsil 16h for the win. $200 usd for 50 lbs. im not even close to done with the bag. 2 years ago i bought pallats of dynagrow protekt for thousands of dollars and it didnt go close to asfar. Any liquid silica will not be as strong as agsil16h. Order it from customhydronutrients.

I use it as ph up every week. If you are constantly using silica as ph up, your dosage is not as important.... Your plants will be getting what they need. Learn to play the high ph of silica off of your low ph nutrients. Dont forget to add it to you reservoir before anything else. Silica needs to bond with water before u put other stuff in there or it will precipitate out and give you a false reading and wont be 100% soluble anymore.


Agzhar...sorry if i mis spelled, where do you buy DE? I have been wanting it, for mite problems for a while, but only kroger has it, very highly priced.
I did not know it had silica in it, thats a double bonus


Active member
Rice hulls - An excellent drainage/texture amendment with high levels of silica.

I also use pro-tekt for a supplemental source.


I use potassium silicate at the rate of .2 grams per gallon. I have also used sns soil which has silicate amended into it. Mixing it into water and using it as a root drench works much better than having silicate as a soil amendment. I noticed that HP Promix soil which does not have silicate amended into it works better than sns; however, this may be because of the mycho


im interested in your results as im tempted to buy this in 1 gallon .i have ffof (the blue fish bag)
would this work during veg for me? because someone said ffof is mineral and botanicare is not so that would be a problem quote someone

I use Silica blast from Botanicare from beginning to end . Seems to work . GH has a new silica product out also .


yes u will be fine using silica wiht ffof... thats what i do... just got half dosage of silica for a while... also use the silca frist when u mix your nuits.. then add everything eles


Active member
To measure tiny amounts, use a std. plastic pipette. See how many drops it takes to make a ml. Go from there. Good luck. -granger