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Side by side grow. 630 CMH vs 1000HPS


Active member
Stripped branches and ran first nets today. The CMH branches are more stiff and rigid than the hps. The hps has bigger leaves and wider structure. Slightly though. I can tell the CMH is going to produce like the 1000 just by how strong and stiff the plants are. This is cool.

I'm leaving the lights on both sides all the way up the whole grow.

The next time I strip branches will be 2 weeks after flower. I'll dig in there and spend hours. Tables are on casters so I can work all angles.





Well-known member
Good job shavin their legs bro.....you know the drill.....

I was talkin more about not strippin leaves yet so we`re on the same page , and yeah I understand not movin the lights to keep the footprint where it is so all plants get good coverage....I was taught to light the room with proper watts per sq ft and the plants would respond but I ran bare bulbs my whole career......anyways.....

I`ll be over here on my bucket watchin....

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Yo bro.!!!

Okay so multi feed. We are in coco, two gal Smart pots. I use a 265 gph pump. And that runs this whole grow. 48 plants. My magic tried and true feed time is 1 minute 15 seconds. I use a DNE timer. When I first plant in the room, I manually turn my feed on.. I do this by feel for a few days . Probably 4 days. Then once they are growing and taking root, I then put it on the timer. I will feed every 5 to 6 hours at this point for 1 minute 15 or so seconds. ( you have to find your sweet spot with the size pots and all for yourself) then as I see they are getting dry fast and drinking more, I then go to 4 hours. Then 3, then eventually 2. Keep in mind this is all with run off. I like run off. Not major, but slight run off. You can't over water coco, so water away.. flood those girls. They love it. They explode once I'm at every 3 hours. You're feeding them fresh cold oxygenated nutrients every few hours. that's the key. Even with the timer for 1 minute I still have to push the button on the timer for a second feed right away when lights first come on. (This is after three weeks of growth) They are thirsty at first feed. Dehumidifier pulling water in the dark cycle. Sometimes it takes 4 minutes to get run off from the first watering. Omce they are saturated then, the timer does all the rest perfectly throughout the day cycle.

Basically keep the coco wet. And work up to where your plants and drinking and utilizing all you're feed every 2 hours to 1 hour and and a half. you work your way up to that point.

Hope that helps man..

Thanks for the thorough reply!
I’m gonna get my manifold finished and everything set up tomorrow so I’ll start testing things out.
I’m probably gonna switch to coco next run too


Active member
Okay so 21 days veg. I flipped 12/12 yesterday. So let the wild stretch begin. It's been explosive growth since the last 7 days I posted.

The HPS side is taller. The branches are still not as stiff still as the CMH side.. also the fan leaves on the HPS side are very big and they jet out pretty far. The CMH side, those branches are very strong and stiff, and also the stalks on the CMH side at the very base are noticeably thicker than the HPS side..

This is the best growth, and vigor, and healthiest run I've had in this room so far. All 48 plants are flourishing. I'm feeding every 3 hours ATM.






Well-known member
My compliments on the very healthy looking ladies and on your level of skill. Nice thread and an even nicer grow.


Well-known member
Awesome job Bro..... Environmental control speaks for itself , but the only thing that matters between 1 K side and the other is internode spacing and budsites on each dominant lateral.....but.....

It`s obvious the HPS side is growing more foliage and faster vertical stretch , but does that translate to more dominant laterals and budsites ?.....time will tell , and your leaf stripping when you see fit will tell what`s going on before stretch and budsite building is over and the plants go into full swellage mode.....and....

Stretch has been scientifically determined to be 40% of the flower cycle , and most elite strains end up finishing 10 weeks +/- , so a solid 28 days of stretch and budsite building is available till flowering hormones completely set in and begin swellage at nite/lights out , but the formula works across the board with early finishers as well.........aight.....

Here`s hopin for a bumper crop ......Pullin fer yas my buddy.....



Active member
Thanks for the informative thread. It's always nice to have threads that compare different gear.

Now if we could have more grow reports showing more phenos before the seeds are out of stock forever.


Active member
You sir have a nice clean flower room. I've been waiting to see a true side by side light test, with everything else being exactly the same. Going to pull up a chair for this 1.


Active member
Okay weekly update. 8 days flower. We have green lush healthy plants. Not one blemish or yellow leaf on these girls. They are happy and thriving.! I'm watering every 2 hours now. They are drinking 25 gallons a day on their 12 hour cycle.. ppm is at 850 900. That's where it will stay as well..
CMH side is still a little shorter but not by much. Both are looking great..







Active member
Next weekend I will dig in there and start stripping branches and defoliating all the lower stuff. That will be the last time I prune till harvest.


Active member
looking great brother, the only thing I see different is the CMH leaves seem to be canoeing a lil more. Full spectrum might be a tad more intense.