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Side by side comparison


yeah man quite a few im a obsessive experimenter,the increase in yield depends on so many factors, ie time of removal strain, ammount of leaf removed,im just trying to help. i can tell im treading on your toes bro ill get out your thread, good day to you kind sir. sorry.


Active member
This shit is hilarious, I'm glad I didn't have to beg to see these pictures.

I'm stoked I just read 15 pages and learned absolutely nothing.


Active member
Not really, Maybe I'm just being to hard on him.

There are alot of ways to defoliate...

AND... there are some strains that love it... some that don't.

I found his final weight interesting...

Either way, the study really just proved that there needs to be a better one done, with more plants and Possibly starting Defoliation at different times.

Sorry If I pissed anyone off, this was just so funny to see a side by side thread started with private pictures.... and it wasn't even the best comparison.

If he had never fucked with us on the pictures, I probably wouldn't have been looking at this whole thread through jaded lenses.


TB Gardens

Active member
man theres a whole mess of hate going on in here! good thing the pics worked for me without asking ;-)


New member
Wow a bit cocky arnt ya incog? Dont get too pissed when ur growin plants as big as waterbottles. Lets do a side by side, If i have twins and cut the legs and arms off one, lets see witch one weighs less. Great thread

Just wanted to make sure you knew that this was a complete waste for myself and any one who read this.(in case you missed my last post in the ripping you were getting) I'm sure theres some kind of way to take more than avarage leaves then you would normally but ALL the leaves is just common sense bro. gggggrrrrEAT THREAD!!:spanky:


LOL, if you don't like the comparison, I'm glad you don't. Take the time out to do your own.

Nuff said!

It was pointed out early that this comparison was done because I wanted to, and simply because I had teh room, and ALSO, at the START of flower, not after stretch..

If you folks who have multiple accounts to flame someone else works, get your head outta your asses, and read ALL the info before you decide to spew your profound knowledge in someone else's thread.

If you did manage to see the outcome (probably the ones who didn't post) I'm glad you did. Mission accomplished. :)

I may do this side by side again with equal cuts again, and after the stretch... if you don't like it..fuck ya. :tiphat:


Wow a bit cocky arnt ya incog? Dont get too pissed when ur growin plants as big as waterbottles. Lets do a side by side, If i have twins and cut the legs and arms off one, lets see witch one weighs less. Great thread

WOW, I'm impressed by that profound statement.

I can't stop laughing at you:wave: Statements like that is why people need multiple accounts to be on IC:comfort: LOL


man theres a whole mess of hate going on in here! good thing the pics worked for me without asking ;-)

LOL that's all it is TB ...that's all it is... folks who are all to eager to criticize someone else's works, but far too lazy, too chicken shit, or not bright enough to do there own.... rather watch someone do something, talk shit, and then when it works, they suddenly jump on the bandwagon...lol

Sooo many of them on the boards, quite a few posted in this thread! haha:laughing::wave:

I'm gonna unsubscribe to this thread, before I started getting "smarter" listening to some of the genius's who posted in this thread...lmao...too rich for me...lmao!


Crotchety Cabaholic
That's just it Ingognegro.
Too many haters here on IC who cant or wont, but are very vocal about those who do.
Hypocracy is the greatest luxury.


New member
This Has been done, its common sense that if you chop ALL the fan leaves off a plant theres gonna be less bud. I dont do a side by side cuz I'd rather get the most bang for my buck and go on proven max yeild techniques. Me (like most) arnt rich and we grow to support the habit/medicate and from the looks of those pictures hes not. If your growin for fun thats a pretty poor excuse for me. but its your life so have at it.

WOW, I'm impressed by that profound statement.

I can't stop laughing at you:wave: Statements like that is why people need multiple accounts to be on IC:comfort: LOL

I also have to add that when you type all educated and sound stuck up that you look like a Doooooosh Bag. You dont have to act like your a genius on here cuz guess what? You will not meet 99% of the people on here. so try n chill and take the sweatervest off, drop the wine glass and grab a beer. Ohhh yeah this is my only account I only post when I feel I have to and this thread was a complete waste of my life so I had to let you know. im done


Active member
i know i am year late. but i been up on the defol. thread since it started.

to this day, all the "here's you proof shot's" go like this.

one poster who is not convinced of this technique (any poster not specific) wants to see a finished bud shot of a defoliated plant.

the defoliater guy says "wait till i find the cam" or something to that effect, but they build up the ensuing post like "wait till you see this"

it gets posted.

it looks like shit, more flarfy that ever, or at very best the same or worse

then this happens "well i let these one get away from me" or "they yielded the same" or "my temps" or "something happened out of my control"

so every proof shot has an excuse attached, and we should take this excuse and see past the fuckery and except it as a good yield tech. because all the other times you grew like this were great, but defoliar's failed to capture the result that they liked on cam. but the only result they have is one they make excuses for.

sounds like some straight ol' sucker shit.

pruning lower leaves off and lower budsites, isnt that something called "pruning for single stem plants" like something that has been done since SoG grow methods have been around?

i mean lollipopping, or pruning? wtf, to call it a new method, bananas

what it comes down to is pruning for yield, something all gardeners of all plants have been doing since plants and people intermingled.

grow em short, keep em full, grow em high, keep them tidy, nothing new here.

i mean every grow book tells you plants have a threshold for bud production, if you focus the plants energy to the main lighted areas the resulting bud will be tighter and denser, but this is just plucking off lower branches budsites

pluck off the lower budsites and leave the leafs, thats way more surface area of leaf gets more lumens/micro moles whatever, and they in turn make more food and sugar for the plant. again nothing new here.

no way any one who been around this plant a long time will take defoliation seriously after this. and when i say defoliation, im not talking about the decades old pruning tech. i described above, when i say defoliate, i mean the absolute raping of a plants energy factories, no leaves but bud leaves.

streme defoliation = diminished plant health and yields

there i summed it up for the original posters of both threads

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